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Rebecca In Genesis Research Paper

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In the Genesis, most stories revolve around relationships between men, while female

characters seem to have less important roles in these stories. However, Rebecca plays a key role

in many of the stories in the Genesis. Rebecca is a very integral character in the Book of Genesis.

Her portrayal affects the story and relationship of Jacob and Esau and the future Israel. Her role

as the mother of Jacob and Esau, and also as the wife of Isaac, has helped in the development of

the story of Israel. In addition, the way she is depicted in terms of kin relationship is very

different and quite unique compared to the ways in which the male kin relationships are articulated.

The woman has been portrayed as an integral figure in promoting kin relationships and

impacting on the role …show more content…
“Now Rebekah was listening when Isaac spoke to Esau his son. And Esau went to the

field to hunt game and to bring it. So Rebekah spoke to Jacob her son, saying, “Indeed I

heard your father speak to Esau your brother, saying, Bring me game and make savory

food for me, that I may eat it and bless you in the presence of the Lord before my death.’

Now therefore, my son, obey my voice according to what I command you. Go now to the

flock and bring me from there two choice kids of the goats, and I will make savory food

from them for your father, such as he loves. Then you shall take it to your father, that he

may eat it, and that he may bless you before his death.” (Genesis 27, 5-10)

Because Esau skin was hairy while Jacob had a smooth skin, Rebecca advised her to

cover his smooth skin with the goatskins so that his blind father could not identify that he was

Jacob. Everything went as planned and Jacob was able to receive the blessings of Esau.

Because Esau was born first, it was only right for him to have inherited the role of the

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