...Topic: Socio-Cultural impacts of tourism Tourism considered as global phenomenon which is carried out by persons itself. This naturally results in meeting of different culture, economy, progress, status, etc. round the globe. Human being considered as social animal cause’s significant social culture impact by tourism. According to Teo (1994) impacts are defined as “change in value system, moral, conduct, individual behaviour, relationship, lifestyle, expression, tradition”. Social culture impact of tourism discussed below is categorised broadly as positive and negative impact of tourism, factors responsible and impact management utilising various supportive journals articles. Interaction between host and tourist at particular destination leads to social culture impacts. This could have immediate social impact like change in quality of life, adjustment to tourist industry and long term culture impact like change in standards, social relationship defined as “conducting elements of behaviour and product of that behaviour” (Weidenfeld, 2012). Broadly literatures revels positive impacts like urban relocation by creating jobs, infrastructure, security, foster pride in culture, etc. certain negative impacts like increase in crime, environmental detonation, increase traffic, alcoholism, drugs, prostitution etc. However, the impacts are considered ambiguous broadly varies country to country and hosts perceptions. Various pre studied articles are taken into consideration to have detailed...
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...bodies and international agencies on the travel and tourism sector 2 Role of the Government in Tourism 2 Role of the government bodies 4 Roles of International Agencies 5 United Nations (UN) 6 United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) 6 World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) 6 Driving the Agenda - raising awareness of travel and tourism industry as a revenue generator. 7 The Facilitator: educating industry participants. 7 The Networking Forum 7 Q 2.2 Illustrate how local and national economic policy has an effect on the success of the travel and tourism sector 8 GOVERNMENT ECONOMIC POLICY AND TOURISM 8 • Direct Influence 8 Taxation (remove money) 8 Infrastructure investment and maintenance (inject money) Government spending on tourism 8 Tourism development 9 • Indirect Influence 9 Q 2.3 Analyse the implications of political change on the travel and tourism sector in various countries 10 Impact of political change on the travel and tourism industry 10 IRAN 10 CHINA 11 Reference and Bibliography 12 Q 2.1 Explain the role of government, government sponsored bodies and international agencies on the travel and tourism sector Role of the Government in Tourism The role of the government, according to traditional political theory, is concerned with maintaining law and order, defence, internal communication and transport infrastructure, and economic redistribution. All of these affect tourism. There are two levels in the role of government in...
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...Strengths: 1. Location between the Middle East and Central Asia, with access to the Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea 2. Iran is the eighteenth largest country in the world 3. The economy of Iran is the twenty-fifth largest in the world by GDP (nominal) and the eighteenth largest economy in the world by purchasing power parity (PPP) 4. world’s second largest proven oil reserves, after Saudi Arabia, 5. world’s second largest proven gas reserves after Russia 6. It is OPEC's (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) 2nd largest oil exporter and is an energy superpower. 7. Subsidy reform has cut domestic consumption of oil and gas and provides more for export 8. Oil and gas aside, Iran is rich in other resources and has a strong agricultural sector 9. Easy Access to markets of neighboring countries 10. Iran has one of the highest urban growth rates in the world. From 1950 to 2002, the urban proportion of the population increased from 27% to 60% 11. TSE (Tehran Stock Exchange) has been one of the world's best performing stock exchanges in recent years. 12. The Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Act (FIPPA) gives some protection to foreign investors and relatively good terms for the repatriation of profits 13. Although stifled in the years since the revolution, Iranians are known for their entrepreneurial skills, which is potentially a strong pull for foreign investors. 14. excellent reverse engineering capabilities...
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...SHARJAH HIGHER COLLEGES OF TECHNOLOGY PROJECT COVER SHEET- (ASSESSMENT 2) [20%] Course Name | ECON N400 | Faculty Name | Angelo Olo | Project Title | Outlook of the UAE Economy | Due Date | Nov. 4, 2012 | Section | | Date Submitted | 3-11-2012 | Student Name | --- | Student ID | --- | This assessment will assess the following Learning outcomes: This assessment will assess the following learning outcomes: * LO 2: Analyze patterns of economic activity in the UAE from an oil-based economy to development of the non-oil sector. * LO 3: Evaluate the role of the non-oil sectors on the UAE economy. Declaration; Individual: * No part of this assignment has been copied from another source, (not from another group or student, an internet source or a book). * When another person’s words are used, this is shown in the text with “…” and referenced. * No part of this assignment has been written for me by any other person. * I have a copy of this assignment that I can produce if the first copy is lost or damaged.Name ………………………………………………… Signature …………………………………………….Declaration; Group: * No part of this assignment has been copied from another source, (not from another group or student, an internet source or a book). * When another person’s words are used, this is shown in the text with “…” and referenced. * No part of this assignment has been written by anyone other than the members of the group named below. * We have a copy of this assignment that...
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...Azerbaijan, officially the Republic of Azerbaijan is the largest country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. Located at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe, it is bounded by the Caspian Sea to the east, Russia to the north, Georgia to the northwest, Armenia to the west, and Iran to the south. The exclave of Nakhchivan is bounded by Armenia to the north and east, Iran to the south and west, while having a short borderline with Turkey to the northwest. Azerbaijan has an ancient and historic cultural heritage. The country was among the birthplaces of mankind and is located at the heart of ancient civilizations. Furthermore the country is known to be among the most progressive and secular Islamic societies. Aside from having been the first Muslim country to have operas, theater plays, and a democratic republic, Azerbaijan today is among the Muslim countries where support for secularism and tolerance is the highest. The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, the first democratic and secular republic in the Muslim world, was established in 1918, but was incorporated into the Soviet Union in 1920. Azerbaijan regained independence in 1991. The Constitution of Azerbaijan does not declare an official religion but the majority of people adhere to the Shia branch of Islam, although Muslim identity tends to be based more on culture and ethnicity rather than religion and Azerbaijan remains as one of the most liberal majority-Muslim nations. The pre-Turkic Azerbaijani population spoke...
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...Political Unrest & its Impact on the Tourism Sector in Turkey By: Yasemin K Napoleon Bonaparte was once quoted as saying “if the earth was a single state, Istanbul would be its capital.” Istanbul, and Turkey as a nation in general has long been regarded as a vibrant and culturally rich nation, straddling two continents as well as being home to several ethnic groups and regions. This could be possibly why, in recent decades Istanbul has turned into a touristic melting pot welcoming millions of tourists yearly from all over the globe. With it’s vastly diverse offerings the historic nation attracts both leisure and business tourists for a multitude of purposes. In recent periods however, political turmoil has been inflicted due to actions by the ruling government causing an array of tense protests and political unrest. As tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets fly around several major cities invoking chaos, and criticism from international government’s escalate, one is left to ask: Do the Turkish government’s actions on harsh policies and human rights violations have a major negative impact on the tourism sector in Turkey? The Turkish government denies any impact on the tourism sector, as police action is restricted to small areas. However, due to the extensive media coverage and heavy criticism from foreign government’s this paper argues that the recent events in Turkey have had a negative impact on its tourism sector. One of the biggest political scandals that...
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...* CASE STUDY ANALYSIS: CASE STUDY 25 – DUBAI THE JEWEL IN THE DESERT MING CHANG FEI FANG EMMA HAN ALIREZA PAYKAZADI EMILEE RICE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA CASE STUDY ANALYSIS: CASE STUDY 25 – DUBAI THE JEWEL IN THE DESERT MING CHANG FEI FANG EMMA HAN ALIREZA PAYKAZADI EMILEE RICE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Table of Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Key Issues 4 3 General Environmental Analysis 5 3.1 Tourism 6 3.2 Business in Dubai 8 4 SWOT Analysis 10 4.1 Strengths 10 4.2 Weakness 12 4.3 Opportunity 13 4.4 Threat 14 5 TOWS Analysis 14 7 Recommendation 17 8 Conclusion 18 9 Update to Present 18 * * Introduction Dubai is a small nation that “thinks big and sells dreams”. As an emirate that is known very little for the oil that it produces, it has made a name for itself by providing the best tourist location for anyone looking for the perfect weather, extravagant amenities, jaw dropping architecture, high-end fashion and entertainment unlike any other place in the world. Dubai’s leaders, the Maktoum family, knew oil was a temporary resource that would eventually run out. The family wanted other revenue sources to be made from other places and the prince had a vision that has made Dubai the Jewel in the Desert (Temporal, 2006). Dubai joined six other states to form what is known as the Federation of the United Arab Emirates in 1971. Many have wondered, the likelihood for such a small nation to grow so quickly...
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...products (such as Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Kuwait), others have a highly diverse economic base (such as Cyprus, Israel, Turkey and Egypt). Industries of the Middle Eastern region include oil and oil-related products, agriculture, cotton, cattle, dairy, textiles, leather products, surgical instruments, defense equipment (guns, ammunition, tanks, submarines, fighter jets, UAVs, and missiles). Banking is also an important sector of the economies, especially in the case of UAE and Bahrain. Main economic sectors & main actors Middle Eastern Oil-Exporting Countries The oil exporters comprise 12 countries: the six countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC—Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates) and Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, and Yemen. Together, they account for 65 percent of global oil reserves and 45 percent of natural gas reserves. The countries are mainly exporters of oil, gas, and refined products, with oil and gas contributing about 50 percent to GDP and80 percent to revenue. They are diverse and differ substantially in terms of per capita GDP, which in 2008 ranged from $1,200 in Yemen to over $70,000 in Qatar. The GCC subgroup is relatively homogenous, however, with similar economic and political institutions and relatively less diverse per capita incomes. To be given the comprehensive economic background of Oil-Exporting Countries, Bahrain is one of the most diversified economies in the Persian Gulf. Highly developed...
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...The GCC in 2020 Outlook for the Gulf and the Global Economy A report from the Economist Intelligence Unit Sponsored by the Qatar Financial Centre Authority The GCC in 2020: Outlook for the Gulf and the Global Economy About this research T he GCC in 2020: Outlook for the Gulf and the Global Economy is a white paper written by the Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) Authority. The findings and views expressed in this briefing paper do not necessarily reflect the views of the QFC Authority, which has sponsored this publication in the interest of promoting informed debate. The Economist Intelligence Unit bears sole responsibility for the content of the report. The author was Jane Kinninmont and the editor was Rob Mitchell. The findings are based on two main strands of research: l A programme of in-depth analysis, conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, which drew on its own long-term forecasts and projections for the six GCC economies, along with other published sources of information. l A series of interviews in which economists, academics, and leading experts in the development of the GCC were invited to give their views. In some cases, interviewees have chosen to remain anonymous. Our sincere thanks go to all the interviewees for sharing their insights on this topic. March 2009 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2009 The GCC in 2020: Outlook for the Gulf and the Global Economy Executive summary ...
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...culturally and religiously sensitive region. The Middle East expected economic growth rate is at about 4.1% for 2010 and 5.1% in 2011. [pic] 2. Religions The Middle East is very diverse when it’s come to religions, many of which is originated there. Islam is the largest religion. Besides, Judaism and Christianity are also important there. There are still many branches in each religion. 1.3 Languages Three top languages based on numbers of speaker: ▪ Arabic: Arabic is the most widely spoken language in the Middle East, the influence of Arabic has been most important in Islam countries such as: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, Bahrain, UAE, Palestine… ▪ Persian: is the second most popular spoken in Iran, Iraq, … ▪ Turkish: is the third – most widely spoken language, spoken in Turkey, Cyprus… ▪ English is also widely spoken as well as French in Lebanon and approximately 30 other languages are also spoken. 1.4 Economy - Middle Eastern economies range from being very poor...
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...........................................................................5! Appendix........................................................................................................................................8!! ! 2! ! WILL&SYRIA&BE&THE&NEXT&IRAQ?& Introduction& What!began!as!a!relatively!minor!civil!uprising!in!Damascus,!Syria!in!March!2011!as!an!influence!of!Arab& Spring!(wave!of!demonstrations!and!protests!in!the!Arab!world)!has!now!escalated!to!a!full>blown!civil! war,!with!an!alarming!number!of!deaths,!and!the!news!of!chemical!weapons.!The!war!initially!began!as!a! protest!from!the!masses!against!the!allegedly>corrupt!regime,!led!by!Bashar!Al>Assad,!whose!main! demand!was!that!he!step!down!from!his!post;!however,!recent!tolls!have!estimated!that!over!100,000! people!have!been!killed!over!the!course!of!the!past!two!years.(AFP,!2013).!In!addition,!over!2!million! refugees!have!fled!the!country,!with!another!4!million!who!have!been!displaced!–!simply!because!they! are!caught!in!the!crossfire!of!the!existing!regime,!and!the!various!rebel!groups!who!are!trying!to!oust!it! (Al!Jazeera,!2013).!...
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...Europe and Asia makes it a country of significant geostrategic importance. Turkey's largely freemarket economy is increasingly driven by its industry and service sectors, although it traditional agriculture sector still accounts for about 25% of employment. Oil began to flow through th BakuTbilisiCeyhan pipeline in May 2006, marking a major milestone that will bring up to 1 million barrels per day from the Caspian to market. Tourism in Turkey has experienced rapid growth in the last twenty years, an makes up an important part of the economy. 2. PESTE Factors 2.1 Political (P) Stability of Government Turkey’s current government (Justice and Development Party), Turkish Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AKP), als called AK Party or Turkish AK Parti, political party that came to power in Turkey in the general elections of 2002 Prime minister of the party is Recep Tayyip Erdoğan since 2002. In the most recent election, Turkey's 17th general election was held on 12 June 2011 to elect 550 new members of Grand National Assembly. Justice and Development Party garnered 21,399,082 votes, which was almost half of the total votes and won a total of 327 seats. During his first few years of being a prime minister, he reformed Turkey's dictatorial rules and regulations and worked hard to make Turkey a candidate country for the EU. Thus, making Turkey one of the safest country in th...
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...Expanding Horizons and Forging Cooperation in a Resurgent Asia SAARC 2015 The New Delhi Statement on SAARC 2015 and Asian Resurgence © Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, March 2007 Published by: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung India Office K-70B, Hauz Khas Enclave New Delhi Email: fes@fesindia.org Edited by: Kant K. Bhargava and Mahendra P. Lama Designed and printed by: New Concept Information Systems Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi ISBN 81-7440-065-6 Contents Foreword Preface Background Paper Inaugural Address by I.K. Gujral Group Reports New Delhi Statement Annexures: (i) Programme (ii) List of Participants & Special Invitees (iii) List of Written Papers and Presentations Related Publications iv vi 1 17 23 45 56 71 Foreword As part of its programme for the promotion of regional cooperation in South Asia, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung organised the Conference on SAARC 2015: Expanding Horizons and Forging Cooperation in a Resurgent Asia in February 2007 in New Delhi in collaboration with Ambassador Kant K. Bhargava, former Secretary-General of SAARC, and Prof. Mahendra Lama, Chairman, Centre for South, Central, South East Asian and South West Pacific Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. The main thrust of the Conference was that the SAARC as an entity and its member states must prepare themselves well for leveraging the opportunities arising from the current resurgence in Asia. The Background Paper for the Conference was prepared...
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...Emirates, the differences between the two nations, and the implications for doing business in the United Arab Emirates for businesses from the United States. Global Business Cultural Analysis: United Arab Emirates Conducting business internationally requires a certain understanding of cultures that may differ greatly from one’s own. Though the world is growing ever more interconnected through globalization, cultural differences still persist and must be recognized if one is to be successful in international business. From the perspective of a businessperson in the United States, the United Arab Emirates presents a unique opportunity to conduct business with a nation with great cultural differences, yet an increasingly open mind in relation to Western culture. While the United Arab Emirates appears at first glance to be highly westernized in its culture, one would be remiss in neglecting to learn the importance of cultural factors that make the United Arab Emirates a unique and potentially profitable location for international trade. The United Arab Emirates is a nation that is constantly growing in global economic importance. It has experience phenomenal growth in its short history. The population in 1971 was around 180,000 of which only 46 held a...
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...Blekinge Institute of Technology School of Management Master Thesis M.Sc. in Business Administration The Use of Promotional Activities in the Tourism Industry: The Case of Bangladesh [pic] By Md. Jakir Hossain Dr. Klaus Solberg Søilen ID # 670504-P777 Academic Supervisor E-mail: mjho05@student.bth.se hossainj67@yahoo.com Date: 07 June, 2006 Abstract This thesis is an attempt to investigate how the use of promotional activities can help to develop the tourism industry by giving a special concentration to the case of Bangladesh. The investigation was conducted from both a theoretical and an empirical point of view. The contribution of the same industry to the world economy is considerable. Many countries are now dependent on this sector for foreign currency earnings. Every destination country is trying to achieve more gain by developing this industry. The expansion of the tourism through out the world has increased competition among the tourist destinations, trying to attract more tourists by adopting appropriate marketing techniques and strategies. Failure of doing so by a particular marketer will lead to a less competitive in the world tourism market. As an important element of marketing mix, promotion plays the vital role in marketing any product and service. Tourism product/service is of no exception. Because of the tourists want to know in advance about the attractions and the facilities of a particular destination. The tourist...
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