...Another man’s trash is another man’s treasure. This is exactly what goes down at the Long Beach Outdoor Antique and Collectable Market at Veterans Stadium. I had the pleasure of visiting this event last week. Let me tell you, this experience was one for the books. Being a rookie towards the flea market/ swap meet experience I had no idea what to expect. Doing a little research, I stumbled upon a definition that gave me a little foundation of what I was getting myself into. By definition, flea markets are "regularly recurring event involving the participation of several vendors of used merchandise, collectibles, discounted new merchandise--but not exclusively new merchandise at list price" (Werner 1996). This event is a multicultural leisure context. It’s filled with people of all races, heritages and religions. They are either setting up a booth to make some sort of income, came to spend some money on an awesome toy, or just came to enjoy the scenery and absorb some this splendid environment. It has got everything from vintage clothing to furniture. There are vendors selling jewelry, boots, sunglasses, art, hats and more! From the Mexican vendors, to trendy young-adults trying to launch their brand, the trading post fell nothing short of diverse. Languages such as Spanish, Chinese and other Chinese dialects could be heard throughout the tents as vendors communicated with each other and any passersby of their post. There were booths upon tents upon people, and truthfully...
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...Community and Recreation: Community Recreation Community The Merriam- Webster (2012) defines community as a unified body of individuals with common interests living in a particular area. A community is also a local grouping within which people carry out a full round of life activities. Although families or other groups can sometimes be relatively self-sufficient, most of them do not live in isolation. For many reasons, ranging from economic interdependence to shared cultural values, families and other groups normally join together to form communities. The community, rather than the family, becomes the social setting for most everyday economic, political, religious, educational, recreational and similar activities. As communities become larger and more complex, other types of organizations are often established within the community to perform these various functions. Thus, a community is a type of social organization that is territorially located and provides the setting for dealing with most of the needs and problems of daily living. Communities vary widely in size and complexity. Recreation McLean and Hurd., (2011) defines recreation as a network of public agencies that provide such facilities as parks, playgrounds, aquatic centers, sports fields, and community centers in thousand of cities, towns, and countries. Recreation is also defined as any activity performed during one’s leisure or free time. Recreation is very essential element of human biology...
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...Recreation and work-life balance: the benefits of leisure and pleasure for busy people Presented by Sue Read Psychologist Life Unlimited 2008 Recreation Summit What is Work-life balance? Many things to many people… 1 How do we know we are out of balance? Most of us are trying to juggle a range of activities: work and career family responsibilities self development and learning social and sporting activities community involvement… Some get more attention than others, some we let slip, often regretfully What are the warning signs? Physiological (physical) Heart pounding, muscle tension, shortness of breath Dry mouth, high blood pressure Fatigue, insomnia Weakness, dizziness Headaches, stomach distress 2 Warning signs Psychological (emotional) Depressed, helpless, anxious Nervous, confused, worried Bored, negative attitude/thoughts Unable to concentrate, suspicious, lethargic Warning Signs Behavioural (action or inaction) Cigarette smoking, use of medications, drug/alcohol abuse Over/under eating, impulsive behaviour Fault finding, blaming, overly argumentative Inflexible, cynical, quickly angered, decline in work effectiveness 3 What can happen to us when we are out of balance? Saliva Blood leaves Skin Pain Reaction Mind Alert Senses Breathing Rate Heart Rate ( BP) Digestive System Blood Clotting Ability Muscles Tense Sweating Immune Responses Do you recognise any of these stress symptoms in yourself or others in your life...
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...When I found this Therapeutic Recreation program was offered at the University of Lethbridge, I was excited to receive the degree I have wanted for 22 years. I planned to use the education to make a stronger proposal to change my Child Life Activity Convenor position to a Therapeutic position on the Paediatric Unit in Medicine Hat. Smaller populations often struggle due to limited resources, but the level of needs for the individuals in the community remains the same. Most paediatric patients seen in the Medicine Hat Regional Hospital have short stays with rounds of IV therapy or surgical care which could benefit from Child Life Therapy, but some patients demand higher care with holistic needs during and after discharge. In recent years the unit in Medicine Hat has had an increase in...
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...In Kathy Peiss’s novel, Cheap Amusements: Working Women and Leisure in Turn-of-the-Century New York, she examines the women-driven movement that revolutionized American culture in New York City during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Peiss focused her attention on young, single women from working-class immigrant families, and how they were able to transform both society’s idea of commercialized leisure and the relations that existed between genders. As the size of the young, female working-class grew, women began seeking the same recreations that working-class men enjoyed. This initiated the shift in social engagements from homosocial, as they were in the Victorian Era, to heterosocial, with men and women interacting together. The ideas of dating, romance and marriage were being transformed due...
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...LeisureCARD Wellington City Council’s Leisure Card allows people on low incomes and people who meet other criteria discounted entry into a range of recreation and leisure services. Fold in half, seal and return You qualify for the card if you are a Wellington City resident and: • a Community Services Card holder or • on the Invalid’s or Sickness benefit or • a recent migrant within the last six months of entry stamp in passport with a Resident Visa or • on the Green Prescription (GRx) scheme or • a Wellington City Council city housing tenant or CSWCC97914 Freepost 2199 Parks, Sport and Recreation (SECC01) Wellington City Council PO Box 2199 Wellington 6140 • a SuperGold Card holder. If you are not eligible please pass this on to someone who is. Wellington.govt.nz WHAT YOU NEED TO INCLUDE WITH YOUR LEISURE CARD ENROLMENT FORM 1. ONE of the following: a photocopy of both sides of your Community Services (CSC) or SuperGold card (SGC) OR OR OR Green prescription referral form a recent letter from WINZ, that shows your name, address and client number photocopy of entry date stamp in Passport and Resident Visa. Photocopy or tear the top off a bill showing your name and address. ENROLMENT FORM First name Surname Address Suburb Phone number Mobile Email address Date of birth Tear here, fold in half, seal and return Postcode Ethnicity 2. Proof that you live in Wellington 3. Photo Gender M F (please circle one) Please read and sign the following: ...
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...REFERENCES Bajekal, M. (2004). Ethnic differences in influences on quality of life at older ages. Cambridge University Press, doi: 10.1017/S0144686X04002533 Beard, J. G., & Ragheb, M. G. (1983). Measuring leisure motivation. Journal of Leisure Research, 75(3), 219-228. Beerli, A., & Martin, J. D. (2004). Tourists' characteristics and the perceived image of tourist destinations: A quantitative analysis-A case study of Lanzarote, Spain Tourism Management, 25(5), 623-636. doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2003.06.004 Cain, S. (2005). Disney effect. Orange County Business Journal, 25(13), 1, 61-62. Hsu, Che Wei (2011). Motivation of people who visit disneyland, Master’s Thesis of behavioral sciences, recreation and tourism, California State University, Long beach Crandall, R. (1980). Motivations for leisure. Journal of Leisure Research, 12(1), 45-54. Crompton, J. L. (1979). Motivations for pleasure vacation. Annals of Tourism Research,6(4), 408-424. doi: 10.1016/0160-7383(79)90004-5 Crompton, J. L., & Mac Kay, S. L. (1997). Motives of visitors attending festival events. Annals of Tourism Research, 24(2), 425-439. doi:10.1016/S0160- 7383(97) 80010-2. Dann, G. M. S. (1977). Anomie, ego-enhancement and tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 4(4), 184-194. doi: 10.1016/0160-7383(77)90037-8 Dann, G M. S. (1981). Tourism motivation: an appraisal...
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...Recreation Definition: Recreation ➢ Refreshment by means of some pastime, agreeable exercise, or the like. Macquarie Dictionary ➢ Any form of play, amusement, etc. used for refreshment of body or mind. Collins Australian Pocket English Dictionary ➢ Simply defined, recreation refers to experiences and activities chosen and pursued by the individual in his/her free time; the basis being that the experience sought and activities pursued, in the real sense of the word, 're-creates' the individual so that he/she may be refreshed to enable him/her to resume daily obligations, whatever those may be. John Ap (1986) Recreation trends and implications for government. In R. Castle, D. Lewis & J. Mangan (eds) Work, Leisure and Technology. Melbourne, Longman Cheshire,167-83 ( p. 167). ➢ Recreation consists of an activity or experience, usually chosen voluntarily by the participant, either because of the immediate satisfaction to be derived from it, or because he perceives some personal or social values to be achieved by it. It is carried on in leisure time, and has no work connotations, such as study for promotion in a job. It is usually enjoyable and when it is carried on as part of organized or community services, it is designed to meet constructive and socially worthwhile goals of the individual participant, the group and society at large. Richard Kraus (1966) Recreation Today: Program Planning and Leadership. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall...
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...You are the Lifeguard Coordinator at the Swimplex, a local indoor public pool located within the Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex in Waterloo. The Swimplex includes an eight-lane swimming pool, with a competitive area and spectator seating that accommodates up to 300 people. There is a concession area, as well as a male, female and alternate-need change room. The pool has a three-storey waterslide, springboards, a five-metre tower, and a separate shallow play area for young kids. Additionally, the heated swirlpool spa is a popular place to relax. The Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex is owned and operated by the City of Waterloo. The City of Waterloo’s community vision statement is: In 2029, the City of Waterloo has enhanced its friendly feel, welcoming and accommodating a diversity of people. Waterloo is a caring community where people support each other; a green city with healthy greenspaces, land, water and clean air; an economic leader with a strong diverse economy; a community of vibrant neighbourhoods; a learning community with strong ties to its schools, universities and college; an exciting city with abundant recreation, leisure, arts and cultural opportunities; and a city that is accessible to all. Waterloo is a better place to live, work and play than ever. Recently, you have been receiving reports that the pool patrons, staff, and programs are not meeting the needs of some women and girls in the community. Namely, two issues have...
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...TOURISM AND RECREATION 1 Cycling beside the Solent Facts and Figures Introduction The growth of tourism Tourism and recreation are a growing part of the local economy. In fact the New Forest has more visitors per square kilometre than any other national park (7.5 visits/km2). Leisure and tourism is the world’s second largest industry in terms of income generated. In recent years there has been an explosion of tourism in the UK. This is due to: • Increase in personal incomes • Increase in leisure time • Paid holidays as part of employment contracts • Shorter working week • Earlier retirement • Increased mobility • Improved availability of information (especially through the internet) This fact sheet looks at the number of people who visit the New Forest and how they spend their time when they get here. For further information on how the New Forest National Park Authority aims to identify and manage both the positive and negative effects of the number of visitors and the level of recreation within the Park see the Tourism and Recreation: Managing the Impacts fact sheet. The following facts and figures come from a result of a number of surveys carried out by Tourism South East Research Services, September 2005. Volume and Value estimates The total visitor volumes using the New Forest Park is estimated at 13,555,400 visitor days (excluding business tourists and personal and social visits to friends and relatives)...
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... Introduction Recreation is an important human activity which benefits a person not only the physical but also a person’s well being. The “need to do something for recreation” seems to be an essential element of human biology and psychology. Recreational activities are often done for enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and are considered to be “fun” the term “recreation” implies participation to have a healthy and refreshing mind and body. It is also very entertaining. Active and healthy recreation is already practice before. One example is the era of Romans. The Romans had the coliseum, where they watched chariot races and other entertainment. The Greeks had amphitheaters where they viewed drama and comedy. Others invented the Olympics, one of the greatest entertainment sport spectacles in the world. Even the bible discusses singing, dancing, music, and other forms of acceptable recreation, so even the most ancient civilizations enjoyed entertainment and recreation of some sort. Aristotle said that happiness result from being the best we can be. The sort of happiness that Aristotle was thinking should not be equated with simple pleasure. Amusing ourselves can be pleasant, but he says it is childish. Amusement for sheer pleasure degrades rather than improves us. Aristotle admits that amusement is helpful because it refreshes us from work. But amusement is never as good as true leisure, which provides a life of deep fulfillment...
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...Qualitative Study of Reasons for (Non) Participation in Physical Recreation Griffith University Gold Coast Campus Introduction The objective of this qualitative study is to investigate and compare the responses of both single men and women who do not participate in physical recreation. The first part of this report will primarily focus on a brief review of research material gathered in relation to the objective of this study. Secondly this report will give a short description of the research method used to gather the data for the quantitative research and thirdly it will discuss and describe the major reason for the non-participation in physical recreation of single men and women. There will also be a focus on the on the issue and the comparison between the genders with the hope to find the reasoning between the two genders, as well as to determine if possible that one gender exercises more than the other and thirdly the report will discuss and describe the major reason for the non-participation in physical recreation of single men and women. This research will also centre on three (3) primary questions in order to determine the difference between single men and women and how physical and recreational activities impact or do not impact on their everyday work and lifestyles. The questions will also be used within the interview process between the two genders, to again determine the findings and come to a conclusion. Findings will come from: Is motivation or...
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...UNIT 33: THE SPORT AND LEISURE SECTOR Get assignment help for this unit at assignmenthelpuk@yahoo.com LO1 Understand the growth and influence of the sport and leisure sector Sport and leisure sector: facilities and activities; outdoor and indoor; minority sports; professional clubs; entertainment; hospitality and exhibitions; fashionable sports and leisure activities and trends in sport and leisure; commercial and private providers; professional sport; cinemas and theatres; exhibitions; health clubs and spas; sports merchandise; voluntary eg local sports clubs, drama groups; public eg local authority leisure centres, national stadia, venues, parks and events; schools and specialist sports/drama colleges, further education centres of excellence, government organisations; other agencies and providers Growth and expansion: related to age, gender, socio-economic group, lifestyle, geographical location, disability/health status, governmental imperatives; improved choice; health clubs, specialist activities, purpose-built facilities; educational eg new sports/drama colleges and centres of excellence; events management; recreation, arts and entertainment; outdoor activities; adventure tourism; special interest tourism; sports development policy and planning; consumption; lifestyle; national governing bodies; sector skills councils; sports councils to reflect national government policy on sport and associated areas eg fitness; elite training facilities and services eg growth of youth...
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...that any developing countries can choose in order to minimize the disadvantage…. This essay will demonstrate the benefits and challenges ….. Developing countries are characterized by lower standard of living, less GNP/head, a poorer urban infrastructure and a higher percentage of people engaged in agriculture or manufacturing compared with more developed countries (citation Tourism, Leisure and recreation book). The people living in developed countries have a higher income to spend on recreational activities. Tourists from developed countries are attracted to developing countries such as Zimbabwe, Kenya, Majorca, Santa Lucia and the Caribbean Countries for various reasons such as: rich wildlife, world famous game reserves (NEED PICTURE), tropical climates (which are very attractive to tourists living in Europe as well as North America, especially in the winter months), glorious beaches, relatively low cost of living (compared to developed countries) and natural attractions (such as exotic animals, scuba diving sites such coral reefs, rain forests, etc…) (citation Tourism, Leisure and recreation book) . With these reasons developing countries are more inclined to turn to tourism as a major source of income not only is it lucrative but it is also growing. Tourism is a resilient industry. Majorca a small island in the Mediterranean was once one of the most impoverish place in Europe but thanks to...
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...implementing, managing and consulting Recreation Programs within Long-Term Care, Sub-Acute Rehabilitation, Assisted Living, Psychiatric, and Adult Medical Day-Care facilities. Focused on positive team building, supervision and attaining results. Career History Rose Mountain Care Center., Assistant Manager (November 2013- For a 120 bed Long Term Care Chinese/American Long Term Care residents, assisted in the total coordination of the Recreation program, including Activity Calendar Creations, entertainment, documentation MDS, Progress Notes, implementation of programs. Professional Musician: Varies from Part-Full Time, currently employed Full Time Pianist, Vocalist and DJ, specializing in various events throughout the tri-state area. Active social and private events, 55+Senior Communities, LTC, AL/IL Manor Care New Providence, New Providence, New Jersey 2010 Director of Recreation/Volunteer Services Leisure Chateau Care & Rehabilitation Center, Lakewood, New Jersey 2008 Director of Recreation/Volunteer Services New Community Healthcare Inc., Newark, New Jersey 2006 Administrator Professional Musician: 2007 Franciscan Newport Nursing & Rehabilitation, Jersey City, New Jersey 2005-2007 Director of Recreation/R.S.V.P. Volunteer Program (NJ Seniors Program) Christ Hospital, Jersey City, New Jersey 2002-200 Recreation Consultant/Recreation Director Education/Certificates Professional Experience Recreation Director /Coordinator of Volunteer Department ...
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