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Submitted By runleak
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Pages 2
Tourism is big bucks! Developing countries are turning to tourism as a means of survival as well as development. Developing countries are shifting from an agrarian based economy towards a more lucrative tourism based economy. When a developing country shifts their economy to tourism based it can have its benefits as well as challenges that it must face in order succeed. There are some viable options that any developing countries can choose in order to minimize the disadvantage…. This essay will demonstrate the benefits and challenges …..

Developing countries are characterized by lower standard of living, less GNP/head, a poorer urban infrastructure and a higher percentage of people engaged in agriculture or manufacturing compared with more developed countries (citation Tourism, Leisure and recreation book). The people living in developed countries have a higher income to spend on recreational activities. Tourists from developed countries are attracted to developing countries such as Zimbabwe, Kenya, Majorca, Santa Lucia and the Caribbean Countries for various reasons such as: rich wildlife, world famous game reserves (NEED PICTURE), tropical climates (which are very attractive to tourists living in Europe as well as North America, especially in the winter months), glorious beaches, relatively low cost of living (compared to developed countries) and natural attractions (such as exotic animals, scuba diving sites such coral reefs, rain forests, etc…) (citation Tourism, Leisure and recreation book) . With these reasons developing countries are more inclined to turn to tourism as a major source of income not only is it lucrative but it is also growing.

Tourism is a resilient industry.

Majorca a small island in the Mediterranean was once one of the most impoverish place in Europe but thanks to their

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