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Recreational Drones Safety

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Harmful eyes can be watching without even knowing they are there. Recreational drones have become one of the top public safety and security concerns of this day in age. Recreational drones are a harmful pest to the general public and could watch, or harm someone even if it is just and accident. Drones are not safe and can be used against their users and the innocent bystanders near the drone, as well as risk their security, in this case they should have their use restricted to a specific point. Recreational drones can incite large amounts of panic in a public area if given the chance, or if something was to malfunction in the drone itself. All drones that are active are connected to either a smartphone, other smart device, or a controller. …show more content…
There have been many accidents in the past years that raised a lot of concern about how easy it is for drones to access area that they are not supposed to that might accidentally cause a major accident that could lead to harm or a fatal accident in the public. Some of these dangerous accidents have severely injured or caused mass hysteria in many people all at once, like when a drone struck a passenger jet as it was taking off or drones causing accident in public event where they were told not to fly near. The truth behind the hysteria that the drone problem has caused is true in the event of an airport in Europe having to divert flight because a recreational drone was spotted near the airport, and the fear that it could crash a plane is true in the past were a passenger jet crashed after a drone stuck it. A website called EasyJet reported that four of its flights were diverted because of this drone flying near the airport (Sussex). This accident was just this year as well, therefore there needs to be a better system of how these drones are monitored since the fact that they only seem to be spotted by direct vision of a human or employee of a said installation for the public or government. Drones are not completely bad to have around given the fact that their cameras can be

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