...Recruitment Strategy and Job Offer Process HRM/548; Recruitment and Retention Practices Recruitment Strategy and Job Offer Process Organizations such as education, business, and engineering use diverse recruitment techniques to transform operations and the demand for employees vary depending on direction of company. This paper addresses how business establishments use recruitment strategy to fill job vacancies. In addition, in the paper is a suggestion that would be the best recruitment strategy to achieve the goal of drawing qualified personnel from within this industry. Finally, a detail approach to offering a position to an applicant Recruitment Strategies Recruitment is deciding on the need for personnel in one or more job openings. It is essential for a company to recognize whether an open or targeted recruitment strategy is effective, and to understand which one will succeed in meeting the company’s requirements. For instance, if a company has to fill more than 35 vacancies, the only true option for it is to choose an open recruitment policy. The open recruitment policy helps in attracting a number of applicants, including an assorted group of people (Heinemann & Judge, 2009). In this way, a pool of employees with differing standards of knowledge, skills, aptitudes, and other characteristics (KSAOs) from which they can select to fill vacancies. Hiring via newspaper, television, job fairs, radio, and media channels will attract numerous candidates to fill...
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...font size is 12. Let us assume you have just been appointed as a manager of an overseas recruitment office for skilled workers in Southeast Asian countries and that you has two (2) major deliverables: 1. A proposed manual on the recruitment system and procedures for approval of your foreign investor (financier). Please prepare a 5-page concept paper with an indicative outline of your proposal. Take into account, as inputs to your proposal, the characteristics of a well-designed system and work flow process chart cited in the reading materials distributed in class. 2. A proposed office accommodation and layout for with 25 personnel of which you are the manager. Prepare a 5-page concept paper with the proposed office layout. Attach as annex the table of organization (personnel structure) of your office. Assume that budget is not a problem, but remember that your foreign investor will subject your proposal to his review and approval. Please take into consideration the checklist for accommodation requirements and principles of layout enumerated in the reading materials distributed in class. Thank you and good luck! 1. Recruitment and Selection Procedure Description of our System The recruitment process of our firm is done manually. We are very hands on in selecting the qualified person to be hired in our firm. This procedure may be time consuming but through this process our firm can be able to select the right applicant that is suitable to the need of our firm...
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...Methods of recruitment and selection and its impact on corporate culture and processes. Human resources are like natural resources; they’re often buried deep. You have to go looking for them; they are not just lying around on the surface. -Ken Robinson “…while extraordinary products and unique services still afford a competitive advantage, the one advantage that stand the test of time… is people.” -Mark Salsbury, Human Capital Management: Leveraging your Workforce for competitive advantage. Creating and sustaining a corporate culture that truly emphasizes people starts with hiring a particular kind of person. Locating, attracting, and hiring people that thrive within an organization is always a challenge, regardless of size of the company, industry, or state of the economy. “Having right people at right time at right place” is the key to the success of every organization. Therefore, recruitment and selection is considered to be the central function of Human Resources Management. Today more than ever, organizations, given the latest technology and physical assets, cannot compete without having its qualified, rare, and unique talent supply. Acquiring and optimizing a talented workforce is a strategic process that begins with planning and continues throughout the recruitment process. “Recruitment is a process of identifying and attracting a group of potential candidates from within and outside the organization to evaluate for employment.” It entails...
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...Cornell University ILR School DigitalCommons@ILR CAHRS Working Paper Series Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (CAHRS) 5-1-1989 Applicant Attraction Strategies: An Organizational Perspective Sara L. Rynes Cornell University Alison E. Barber University of Wisconsin Rynes, Sara L. and Barber, Alison E. , "Applicant Attraction Strategies: An Organizational Perspective" (1989). CAHRS Working Paper Series. Paper 412. http://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/cahrswp/412 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (CAHRS) at DigitalCommons@ILR. It has been accepted for inclusion in CAHRS Working Paper Series by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@ILR. For more information, please contact jdd10@cornell.edu. Please take our short DigitalCommons@ILR user survey. APPLICANT ATIRACTION STRATEGIES: AN ORGANIZATIONAL PERSPECTIVE Sara L. Rynes Cornell University Alison E. Barber University of Wisconsin Working Paper #89-14 May 1989 Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies New York State School of Industrial & Labor Relations Cornell University Ithaca, N.Y. 14851-0952 (607) 255-2740 DRAFf: NOT TO BE DUPLICATED OR CITED WITHOUT AUTHORS' PERMISSION This paper has not undergone formal review or approval of the faculty of the ILR School. It is intended to make the results of Center research, conferences, and projects available to others interested in human resource...
Words: 9967 - Pages: 40
...employment cycle consists of “identifying staffing needs, job analysis, recruitment, selection, employment arrangements and remuneration”. Considering that I have been given the task for conducting the recruitment and selection process; I would begin by determining what the company’s staffing needs are. Forecasting Labor Supply and Demand. Gomez-Mejia et.al (2016) discusses the human resources labor supply and demand. Labor supply is defined as “the availability of workers with the required skills to meet the firm’s labor demand. In other words the labor supply consists of the employees that already work for the company who have the capability to perform the job as outlined in the job description. Labor demand is defined as the amount of workers the company will need in the future to meet the needs of the company (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, & Cardy, 2016, p. 155) .According to Lunenburg ( 2012) the planning function of the human resource management process consist of “defining an organization’s goals, establishing a strategy for achieving those goals, and developing a comprehensive set of plans to integrate and coordinate activities” (Lunenburg, 2012) .Once I identify my staffing needs, the next steps would be to conduct a job analysis, develop a recruitment plan, make a selection and establish employment type and pay. Job Analysis. This involves the identification of the job description and the job specification. The job description outlines the duties and responsibilities...
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...RECRUITMENT STRATEGIES MANAGING/EFFECTING THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS By Margaret A. Richardson ABSTRACT Recruitment, as a human resource management function, is one of the activities that impact most critically on the performance of an organisation. While it is understood and accepted that poor recruitment decisions continue to affect organisational performance and limit goal achievement, it is taking a long time for public service agencies in many jurisdictions to identify and implement new, effective hiring strategies. In some areas, existing laws inhibit change; in others, the inhibiting factor is managerial inertia. This paper discusses some of the strategies that organisations can and do employ to ensure the existence of the best possible pool of qualified applicants from which they can fill vacancies as and when required. It will identify the advantages of each of the strategies, highlight the drawbacks of its use and offer suggestions for ensuring its utility. 2 INTRODUCTION Acquiring and retaining high-quality talent is critical to an organisation’s success. As the job market becomes increasingly competitive and the available skills grow more diverse, recruiters need to be more selective in their choices, since poor recruiting decisions can produce long-term negative effects, among them high training and development costs to minimise the incidence of poor performance and high turnover which, in turn, impact staff morale, the production of high quality goods and services...
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...OVERVIEW ON THE THEORY OF RECRUITMENT PROCESS AND THE USE OF SELECTION TOOLS November 2015 PETER HORVATH CASS BUSINESS SCHOOL – MEMBASTUDENT NUMBER: 150000247 | Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 The Focus of this Paper 3 Recruitment Process 3 Selection Tools 6 Recommendations for My Firm 7 References 8 Executive Summary Human capital is a potential source of firms’ competitive advantage. To capitalize on this, firms must understand the structure and the different aspects of the recruitment process and selection, and put in place a recruitment strategy, which sets out objectives, specifies recruitment activities, and takes into consideration intervening variables to accomplish the desired recruitment outcomes. In this process, firms are strongly advised to apply an individually tailored combination of selection tools with the highest overall validity. Based upon the findings of this paper, to improve my firm’s HR practice I recommend to (1) plan the recruitment and selection process and form a strategy, (2) combine various selection tools, (3) keep accurate records and (4) avoid all forms of discrimination. The Focus of this Paper In my firm, decision makers neither understand the strategic significance of recruitment and selection nor use any academic findings and best practices to overcome stuffing challenges. Despite the facts that (i) recruiting is of utmost importance not only for achieving competitive advantage...
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...Organisational success depends on having the right skill mix. This unit provides an introduction to resourcing and talent planning process. Studying this unit will enable learners to understand the factors which impact on an organisation’s resourcing and talent planning policy. They will learn about the relationship between recruitment and selection by identifying the key stages in each separate but related process. The benefits to the organisation of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce will be emphasised. They will be able to make a positive contribution to the recruitment and selection process by developing their knowledge and skills in defining and writing job descriptions, contributing to the job advertisement process, short listing, conducting face to face or telephone interviews and contributing to job offer and rejection letters. They will also learn about the key legislation pertaining to recruitment and selection. Finally, they will also learn more about good practice in employee induction and retention and the importance of collaborative working with other stakeholders. This unit is suitable for persons who: • are working in human resources who wish to further develop (or refresh) their current knowledge, skills and capabilities in resourcing and talent planning • have a responsibility for recruitment and selection in an organisation or recruitment agency • have recently embarked on a career in HR • are a line manager Learning outcomes On completion of this unit...
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...Report Body Objectives: Broad Objective: The main objective of the report is to know about the whole organization including its whole HR activities, its each and every part of HR planning, Job Analysis, Recruitment and Selection process and forecasting. Specific Objective: • To find how this company maintains its HR activities. • To know about the methods how this company collects the information for job analysis and what are the methods it follows for conducting job analysis. • To know what are the major elements of recruitment and selections process and how these processes are conducted. • To know how this company forecasts its employee needs. Scope: This report is about the whole HR activities of Robi Axiata Ltd. The mixture of practical and theoretical portions about the HR strategy, Job analysis, Recruitment and Selection process and demand supply forecasting are discussed here. This report gives a broad idea about the methods and techniques used in HR planning. Moreover how this company improves and cope up with the change of the external environment are also presented. Methodology: Primary Sources: The primary source of collecting data for making this report was taking a face to face interview of an HR official. We took a list of questions and got answers by asking him directly. Secondary Sources: The secondary sources of information collection were different websites, magazines, journals, books and other relevant sources...
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...Human Resource Planning Assignment 1 Human Resource Planning Assignment 1 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Company Overview 3 Part 1 - The Organization’s Internal Environment and Human Resource Function 4 Purpose 4 Values 5 Human Resource Practices 6 Hiring Cost 8 Part 2 – Evaluating the Cost/Benefit of the Organization’s Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and Selection Activities 9 Employee Feedback 9 Costs of Effecting Human Resource Planning 10 Benefits of Effective Human Resource Planning 10 Part 3: Scanning the Organization’s External Environment 11 PART IV: Employer of Choice: Attracting and Retaining Top Talent 12 References 15 Introduction The purpose of this report is to describe and develop a recruitment and selection plan for the Human Resource Department at Nexen. In this report we will examine the organization regarding their culture and the “Nexen way” to their operations and strategies. By doing this, we will be able to research the needs of recruitment and accurately write a job analysis and further a proper job description of a vacancy Staff Advisory- Compensation at Nexen. However, with doing this we will need to identify the costs for the company and understand all legal issues that may arise and follow all means of legislation. Company Overview Nexen is a globally known oil and gas company, based out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Nexen has production in “UK North Sea, the US Gulf of Mexico, western Canada (including...
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...the company 4. Presentation of The Human Resources Department 5. Recruitment and selection processes 6. Learning and development 7. Improving HR in Focus Group: 10 key elements 8. Conclusions 9. References 1. Abstract Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training (http://humanresources.about.com/od/glossaryh/f/hr_management.htm) 2. Introduction In our project we choose to study the human resources department in the company Focus Consult Group from Bucharest. We had as a main advantage the fact that one of us did an internship at this company last year and had the opportunity of observing how the HR department actually works within this firm. Moreover, another important reason was the fact that one of us assisted to a job interview. In this way it was easier for us to gather information about the recruitment and selection processes. The goal of this project is to find “What Is the Human Resource Department?” and how it actually performs its tasks. In order to answer this question we decided to study 3 main aspects regarding the HR department in the company: the recruitment and selection processes, the learning and development methods and ways of improving...
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...Submitted By: Shriya Gera 120057 B. COM (H)-III B JESUS AND MARY COLLEGE Index Sr.no | Particulars | Page no. | 1 | Acknowledgement | 3 | 2 | Introduction | 4 | 3 | Recruitment Process Outsourcing: An Overview | 6-9 | 4 | Outsourcing Process Flowchart | 10 | 5 | Critical Requirement | 11 | 6 | Factors to be considered before selecting a Recruitment Consultant | 12 | 7 | Types of RPO | 13 | 8 | Benefits of RPO | 14-15 | 9 | Technique Use by RPO for Recruitment | 16 | 10 | Core and Non-Core Activities of Corporate HR | 17 | 11 | Choice of Outsourcing Model | 18 | 12 | Understanding Recruitment Process | 19 | 13 | Advantages of RPO | 20 | 14 | The ROI of RPO: Recruitment Expertise | 21-22 | 15 | RPO Process Model | 23 | 16 | The Big 3 Efficiency Metrics in Recruitment | 24-25 | 17 | Case Study | 26-29 | 18 | Conclusion | 30 | 19 | Bibliography | 31 | AKNOWLEDGEMENT I hereby thank Mrs. Renu Gupta (Mentor) for giving me an opportunity that led me to venture into an entirely new arena and discover the intricacies of recruitment process outsourcing world. It was during this project that I studied in greater details about the topic. During this journey I realized how different it is to practically implement the principals of management successfully. As I want to pursue a management degree in HR, this project was relevant to my future goals. Introduction Outsourcing the human resource (HR) processes is the latest practice being...
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...Meaning of recruitment: According to Edwin B. Flippo, “Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation”. Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job seekers. A few definitions of recruitment are: • A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applications from which new employees are selected. • It is the process to discover sources of manpower to meet the requirement of staffing schedule and to employ effective Measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create a pool of prospective employees for the organization so that the management can select the right candidate for the right job from this pool. The main objective of the recruitment process is to expedite the selection process. Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts to develop a pool of qualified applicants for the future human resources needs even though specific vacancies do not exist. Usually, the recruitment process starts when a manger initiates an employee requisition for a specific vacancy or an anticipated vacancy. Purpose & Importance of Recruitment: • Attract and encourage...
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...success depends on having the right skill mix. This unit provides an introduction to resourcing and talent planning process. Studying this unit will enable learners to understand the factors which impact on an organisation’s resourcing and talent planning policy. They will learn about the relationship between recruitment and selection by identifying the key stages in each separate but related process. The benefits to the organisation of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce will be emphasised. They will be able to make a positive contribution to the recruitment and selection process by developing their knowledge and skills in defining and writing job descriptions, contributing to the job advertisement process, short listing, conducting face to face or telephone interviews and contributing to job offer and rejection letters. They will also learn about the key legislation pertaining to recruitment and selection. Finally, they will also learn more about good practice in employee induction and retention and the importance of collaborative working with other stakeholders. This unit is suitable for persons who: * are working in human resources who wish to further develop (or refresh) their current knowledge, skills and capabilities in resourcing and talent planning * have a responsibility for recruitment and selection in an organisation or recruitment agency * have recently embarked on a career in HR * are a line manager Learning outcomes On completion...
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...Recruitment – Internal vs. External As the world today keeps changing and the economy struggles to maintain workforce; there needs to be a lot of things truly thought out before just posting a job and hiring a person. I know in the company that I work for in which I am the Director of HR/Payroll of a management group for eight places; one fireplace/landscape business, three donut shops, and.five assisted living facilities; we have general guidelines of posting jobs and process for recruiting but then there are many things that then must be specific to the industry of those business. I also did research and found that many have the same issues we do and what they feel is the key things to know for doing recruiting. In the management group we have developed a HR manual which has policy and procedures that must be followed for doing the steps for recruitment and the follow through to get the candidates hired. As I have attached a copy of the request for recruitment form, job requisition form and the job duties questionnaire and the job description form which are the tools we use to get positions approved and filled for the company in Appendix A. There is a step-by-step for doing the recruiting and where to post the jobs. We then follow this step up with the interview process and pre & post offer screening and then the orientation of new hire. The initial start of the process is what our philosophy is: (this is from our HR policy manual) Philosophy: ...
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