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Submitted By gjlabus
Words 2011
Pages 9
Stakeholders Analysis 2
Customers 2
Competitors 2
Company 2
Red Bull's key internal stakeholders 2
Red Bull's Strengths and Weaknesses 3
Red Bull's brand appearance, personality and reputation 3
Community 3
Marketing Mix 3
Product 4
Price 4
Place 4
Promotion 4
Positioning 5
Bibliography 6
Reference Material 6
Internet Resources 6
Appendix 7

Stakeholders Analysis


Athletes – Red Bull is targeted at athletes serious about their sport and personal performance. Red Bull increases athletes performance, concentration and reaction speed. A good example of Red Bulls support of athletes can be seen with the many extreme and high adrenaline events they are sponsoring, such as the F1 Grand Prix, Moto GP, NASCAR, and FIS Ski Championships.

Red Bulls support of athletes shows in their slogan of when to drink Red Bull. “Sport is Red Bull’s natural grazing ground. Whenever athletes are in need of wings you can find Red Bull” (Red Bull, 2011)

Students – Red Bull is targeted at students looking to gain that additional performance during challenging days in the auditorium. Red Bull increases students’ concentration, improves vigilance, and stimulates metabolism. Students find these qualities appealing and useful when studying hard or playing harder with fellow students and friends.


Red Bull’s main competitors are Monster and Rockstar. All three are market leaders in the energy drinks market, differentiating themselves with taste or by adding ingredients the others do not have.

|Monster |Coca Cola Rockstar |
|Strengths |Strengths |
|Highest share of teen market. |Rockstar has a

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