...|[pic] |Syllabus | | |College of Humanities | | |PHL/458 Version 2 | | |Creative Minds and Critical Thinking | Copyright © 2009, 2005 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description In this course, students will analyze the thinking process from a critical and creative perspective. The lives of prominent creative thinkers will be examined to identify the social, historical, psychological, and cultural elements that influenced their development. The salient aspects of creativity will be assessed along with the relationship between creativity and critical thinking. Students will apply critical thinking skills to contemporary creative and scientific thought. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course...
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...Syllabus College of Humanities PHL/458 Version 2 Creative Minds and Critical Thinking Copyright © 2009, 2005 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description In this course, students will analyze the thinking process from a critical and creative perspective. The lives of prominent creative thinkers will be examined to identify the social, historical, psychological, and cultural elements that influenced their development. The salient aspects of creativity will be assessed along with the relationship between creativity and critical thinking. Students will apply critical thinking skills to contemporary creative and scientific thought. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Ruggiero, V. R. (2009). The art of thinking: A guide to critical and creative thought (9th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Longman. All electronic materials are available on the student...
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...matter of life. We are thankful to our respected Principal, Dr. Dean and our Head of the Department, Dr. Shahnaz Choudhry, who permitted us to avail the opportunity of working in such a helpful and cooperative environment. We greatly wish to acknowledge Dr. Amir Saeed, the Manager of R & D for allowing us to work in Packages Limited, Pakistan and Mr. Ishtiaq ur Rehman, the Senior Research Chemist (R&D) for providing us the opportunity of this work and encouraging & appreciating us at every step. He not only permitted us to undertake this important part of internship work but also helped us a lot in conducting this study as a Supervisor. We felt motivated and encouraged every time we attended his meeting, Mr. Imran Khan, the incharge of Paper and Pulp Laboratory, Mr. Zafar Hussain (working staff) and the members of Physical Laboratory in Packages Limited, Pakistan who helped us throughout the work & shared their experiences & knowledge with us. The success of this project depends largely on the encouragement and guidelines of many others, apart from our efforts. We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this project. Thanks to our parents whose prayers are always with us to achieve our goals in our whole life. Also, we would like to extend masses of gratitude to R & D Department for facilitating us with their leadership. Anam Nawazish Mahrukh Saleem Khan Sadaf Sherwani ...
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...Refining Solutions Paper PHL/458 May 6, 2013 Dr. David Jung Refining Solutions Paper The original issue of my paper stems from all the turmoil the world has witnessed over the past few years. Public shootings and bombings have intensified the support of more stringent gun laws. The support of gun control is the problem I have chosen to rectify. Stringent gun laws and the public backing of gun control are a rising social problem in America. This is a problematic issue because the fundamental perception of the world each individual has affects the way he or she takes in empirical information. This is a sensitive issue with dire implications and the controversy is and always has been immense. My first solution to this problem was to have some sort of declaration to never be able to change the Second Amendment. A Gallup poll survey confirms that 73% of Americans believe the Second Amendment “guarantees” the right to keep guns and only a mere 20% believe it exists to enable state militias. If the First Amendment fails, the Second Amendment becomes a necessity. The Founding Fathers were clear when they declared, “a well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” If the Second Amendment is ever repealed it would be considered unconstitutional, taken away by a tyrannical government without the will of the people, there would be a revolution. The second solution...
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...the argument surrounding that topic. o Animal experimentation o Outsourcing o Media violence • Answer the following questions in paragraphs of approximately 100 words demonstrating your critical and creative thinking skills. 1. Identify if the topic you chose, as presented by both articles, is a problem or an issue and explain what makes it a problem or an issue. If you believe the articles present both problems and issues, identify and explain what the problems are and what the issues are. The problem is, in order to have medication which is safe for human consumption, it needs to be tested. When the testing needed is based on the use of animals, it becomes an issue because many individuals believe that the research is implacable, barbarous, expensive, and erroneous. It is also argued that it is not necessary and that more emphasis should be put on medical prevention. Supporters of animal research believe that we would not have the medical advances in treatment and medication that we do, were it not for the experiments done on animals and that it is key to preventing disease, . 2. Were the problems or issues expressed effectively? Describe how the problems or issues were or were not best expressed. I believe that both articles effectively expressed the reasons for and against animal experiments for medical purposes. Animal Experimentation Is Vital for Medical Research explains the role which animal research plays in the medical field and focuses on the counterargument...
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...Pricing Dilemma: Why is diesel more expensive than gasoline? Problem Definition In this research we will be looking to find out why is diesel fuel more expensive than gasoline despite historically being cheaper to produce. This paradox did not exist prior to 2004 but after that year diesel retail prices became consistently higher than those of gasoline,. As we look at different aspects of this situation we will uncover that there are several main reasons for that: 1. Transition to cleaner diesel fuels made the production more expensive. 2. Global demand for diesel fuel is very high and the refining capacity is tight. 3. There is a difference in terms of on-highway fuel tax between diesel and gasoline. 4. Variability in terms of raw material prices. Another important part of this paper will be the analysis of the competitive landscape in this industry. We will discuss how the competition might be affecting the prices of both types of fuels. The role of costs (supply) Upstream Petroleum industry can be divided in two major segments: upstream and downstream. The value chain for petroleum products consists of the following stages: 1. Prospecting and Extraction 2. Downstream Refining or Importing of Road Fuel 3. Wholesale Transportation and Bulk sales of refined products 4. Retailing The main determinants for prices are cost of crude oil, refining, taxation and profit margin. While different sources report different percentage contributions...
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...Refining Solutions Paper Rosalyn Darisse McGee PHL/458 August 5, 2013 David McCarthy Refining Solutions Paper According to Vincent R. Ruggiero” Refining your solutions means making good ideas even better-that is, making the results of your creative thinking more effective, more workable, more attractive” (Ruggiero, 2009 P. 189). The three steps to follow in refining your solutions are to working out the detail, finding imperfections and complications and making problems. Original Problem The original issue that I had a problem with was the ability to learn the new 787 Dreamliner in order to complete my statement of work in an efficient amount of time. The initial solution was to pair up with someone that was more knowledgeable in that particular area or system and learn it that way. Several reasons that I was not able to learn this airplane with the time frame given were not enough time, systems were more complex than what I was used to, and also there were too many mechanics that were picked over me to get that job to actually learn it. After looking at the solution that I had decided based upon my time frame, and talking it over with some co-workers I had to rethink my solutions to the problem. Initial Solutions Initial solutions that I seem fit that will benefit my time schedule would be to learn the airplane on my spare time. Playing with the airplane while no one was working was also an option, that way I can see which systems affects each other, and also how...
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...to family everyone has busy schedules but personal commitments are put on the plate as well. For myself I am a working mom that trying to accommodate everything and everyone’s needs in one day. My main goal is to schedule everything I need to accomplish throughout the week but as well balance my daily schedule evenly. Now that I have established the main problem and gave the initial solution it is time to refine and give the final solution to managing my time evenly. This paper will look at the procedure in refining the problem to the main issue of poor management. As established in chapter 10 and 11 in, The art of thinking : A guide to critical and creative thought textbook, there are three solutions that were discussed in solving the issue of not managing time effectively. The first solution was creating a schedule using your phone such as a note pad or calendar to put all the events, assignments and responsibilities that need to be accomplished for the month. The second initial solution was to put together a plan to establish certain time needed to finish these tasks in the schedule. “The third and final step in refining the solution is to make improvements that will eliminate imperfections”(Ruggiero, 2009). This initial solution comes into play when you push yourself to actually accomplish your to do list. Now that the solutions to solve the issue have been established it is now time to look deeper and clarify what the best conclusion will be. As states above the critical...
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...mF OXFORD INSTITUTE O R I ENERGY STUDIES The Effects of Vertical Integration on Oil Company Performance Fernando Barrera-Rey Oxford Institute for Energy Studies WPM 21 October 1995 The contents of this paper are the author's sole responsibility. They do not necessarily represent the views of the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies or any of its Members. Copyright 0 1995 Oxford Institute for Energy Studies All rights reserved. No palt of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any fomi or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior pemiission of the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. This publication is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise. be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any fonii of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without D similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. ISBN 0 948061 90 1 ABSTRACT When asked to rank industries by their degree of vertical integration, most people would agree that the oil industry should come top of the list. Underlying this belief is the fact that integration and size tend to be closely associated. As the oil industry is so large and oil companies so visible and perceived as so profitable, the common belief is a correlation between vertical...
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...WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES AND FUTURE PROSPECTS OF INDIA’S PETROLEUM PRODUCTS REFINERIES? Ruqayah Olowonirejuaro* ABSTRACT: The petroleum refining industry is a vital link in the energy chain in many developing and industrialised countries as it plays a key role in providing energy for all sectors of any economy. The structure, economic conditions, and developments in the industry are therefore important matters of national interest. In recent times, significant changes have taken place in India’s refining industry with resultant challenges. This paper seeks to evaluate the challenges faced by India’s petroleum refining industry in view of its recent performance and discuss the industry’s future outlook. Pricing is identified as a most important challenge which if addressed and combined with other complementary remedies could help maximize the industry’s potentials. * The author is currently an MSc candidate in Energy Studies specialising in Oil and Gas Economics at the CEPMLP, University of Dundee, UK. She has a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc Hons) Degree in Accounting from Igbinedion University, Nigeria. She is a student member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), and the Energy Institute (EI). Email: oruqayah@yahoo.com TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS............................................................................................................iii LIST OF FIGURES..................................................................
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...Why Gas Prices are higher in California than in other Parts of US English 123 James L Hicks Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Abstract The rising gasoline and oil prices have become a global concern since petroleum has many uses around the world and yet its prices have continued rising for the last sixty years. This paper sought to find out why gas prices are higher in California than in other parts of America. The literature reviewed showed that West gasoline market dominated by California is defined by tight balance between supply and demand. Other factors found to be contributing the escalating gas price in California include isolation of the state from other refining centers, market conditions including international demand, Wall Street speculation, poor policies leading to uncontrolled oil cartels, decline of oil production during technical failure, political interferences, and increasing prices of crude oil due to demand forces. Despite there being no quick solution to the challenge, temporary measures such as efficient use of the available resource while looking for alternative cheaper source of energy could alleviate the challenge. Why Gas Prices are Higher in California than in Other Parts of US The Rising gasoline and oil prices have today become a world concern (Garrington, 2012). More concerns are raised considering that petroleum is an important product whose price continues escalating for the last sixty...
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...Report on Pulp and Paper Industry Leif Duncan S. Urdaneta University of San Carlos Technological Center Cebu City, Philippines Abstract Information about the pulp and paper industry that focuses mainly on kraft pulping using wood as raw material for paper production is covered in this report. Content includes a brief account of the global paper production status, a general overview of the kraft paper making process that is presented with a model mill PFD (with materials balance) from ÅForsk Engineering (2011) as well as actual information from Danao Paper Mill, general waste management practices recommendations by authoritative figures, actual waste management of Danao Paper Mill, future trends and direction of the industry in general and that of Danao Paper Mill, and finally, author’s conclusion and closing remarks. Table of Contents Introduction | 4 | Existing Industries | 5 - 8 | Manufacturing | General Overview | | | Pulp production | 9-11 | | Chemical Recovery | 12-13 | | Paper Making | 13-14 | | Danao Paper Mill | 14-15 | | Stock Preparation | 15 | | Repulping | 15-18 | | The Paper Machine | 18-20 | | Mass Balances | 21 | | Process Flow Diagrams | 22-23 | Waste Management | Overview | 24-25 | | Danao Paper Mill | 25 | Future Trends and Direction | Philippines | 26 | | Danao Paper Mill | 26 | Conclusion | 27 | Recommendations | 27 | References | 28-30 | Introduction Starting at around 1965, paper industries around...
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...The implementation of Activity Based Costing (ABC) in Chinese refining manufacturers Table of contents 1. Introduction 2 1.1 Research background 2 1.2 domestic and foreign research status 4 1.2.1 Activity-based costing development process 4 1.2.2 Status quo of Activity-Based Costing Development and Application in China 6 1.3 research contents 8 2. Related theories 9 2.1concept of ABC 9 2.2 rationales 10 2.3 difference between ABC and traditional costing 12 2.3.1. Different calculating targets 12 2.3.2 Different calculation 12 2.3.3. Different Finished goods costs term 13 3. Research methodology 13 3.1 case study 13 3.2 The survey method 13 3.3 Literature 14 4. Research Results 14 4.1 problems of traditional costing method in oil refining enterprise 14 4.2suggestions for Chinese enterprises’ application ABC 15 Bibliography 15 1. Introduction 1.1 Research background With the rapid development of the national economy, enterprises’ competition is increasingly fierce; many companies are using advanced science and technology to achieve competitive advantage in the market. Market competition and technological progress are the two fundamental economic factors which generate activity-based costing. Since The beginning of 1980s of the 20th century, the activity based cost method is paid a wide range of attention; the developed countries gradually adopt it in a number of advanced enterprises...
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...Chapter 1 Working Smarter, Not Harder True-False Questions | |Experts agree that KM involves transferring and sharing knowledge throughout the organization. | | | | | |Answer: True Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 2-3 | | |Knowledge contained in documents and databases is called explicit knowledge. | | | | | |Answer: True Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 3 | | |KM is, by definition, synonymous with reengineering. | | | | | |Answer: False Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 7 | | |Technology has hindered knowledge sharing. ...
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...PHL 458 Week Three Refining Resolutions PHL/458 University of Phoenix Refining Solutions It is essential to refine ideas and solutions to find the highest quality solution to a problem. The creative thinking process is used to produce ideas but the critical thinking process is used to evaluate and refine ideas and solutions. Applying criticism to ideas and solutions reduces the risk for error and makes good ideas even better (Ruggiero, 2009). In this paper Arguments will be evaluated and revised resulting in a refined and final solution to the problem. Original Issue How do I find more personal time for myself without neglecting my friends and family? Or simply just taking a day to rest, relax or do something fun. Through close observation of my family, friends and myself, I discovered some unhidden feelings of frustration. These feelings originated because of the lack of communication from me to my friends and family. Everyone that I care about are unaware of their demands on my time or how they made me feel when I was deployed and was unable to be there for birthdays, holidays or special occasions. I would get emails and letters in the mail when I was deployed and it was depressing see how much everyone depended on me to keep the family together and plan all the functions. Initial Solutions With the importance of having free time and being able to balance my time with family and friends, I dove into my imagination and brainstormed for solutions. Initial...
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