...About four years ago, I had the opportunity to experience a Hawaiian wedding on the beach. The ceremony was simple, yet elegant. As the guests arrived, we were all greeted with a lei around necks our prior to being seated. Hawaiian music was played by a two-person band. One person played a slack key guitar while the other played a ukulele. Both the bride and groom wore white. The bride wore a long, white dress called a muumuu-ish. Her dress flowed and had such a unique elegance. She also wore a haku lei, (a ring of fragrant Hawaiian flowers) around her head. The groom’s attire was less formal, consisting of a pair of linen slacks, a white dress top, with a red sash. Unlike an American wedding, the Officiant walks the groom to the front of the ceremony as Hawaiian music continues to play in the background. The music then changes to the playing of a large conch shell (pu) as the bride walks down the aisle. She is announced by the blowing pu to call the earth, sea, air and fire as witnesses. The wedding started with the exchanging of their leis. The groom and bride were wearing each other’s leis but exchanged them. The Officiant then bound their hands together with a lei as the romantic symbol of their one-ness and eternal love. The bride, who is wearing a flowing white gown and a crown of flowers known as a haku, begins her walk down the aisle as her groom turns toward her. The bride and groom exchange leis, his is more masculine with green leaves and hers had white flowers...
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...When the movie started, I expected them to be from a different planet and living in colonies to survive. I was wrong. The movie was about something else, something, which shows more than just entertainment. This movie must be an eye opener to some people because it shows euthanasia, organ transplant/donation, surrogating, etc. It shows some social issues that are way too taboo to be talked about sometimes, but this movie shows it all. I learned that people will do anything to survive, and that’s the truth of it. From the theory of Charles Darwin, it is the survival of the fittest. People lose their sense of humanity and turn into animals when there is a way to survive, or get the advantage for their own sake. There was a line in the movie that had the idea of “to pay a small amount of money to cheat death”, which meant the rich people have the upper hand at living because money is needed for health care and in the movie, the “insurance policies” which cost millions of dollars. A character that I find very interesting is Dr. Merrick because he was the starter of the insurance group. To Jean Paul Sartre, “Existence precedes essence”, and to me, that is the whole objective of Dr. Merrick and that is to try to give essence to the life of each “product”, but in the wrong way. He plays God in the movie and gives life, gives death and prolongs lives of other people who have the money to pay, of course. Clones are started off as full grown adults who have an actual mental age...
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...MODULE 1: CASE ANALYSIS – CPOE at EMORY HEALTHCARE ID: 59255426 The differences between the types of physicians Compared with the full-time and directly employed physicians in other settings at Emory, most physicians at EUHM were not directly employed. The positions in EUHM were more like “part-time contractors”. In addition to work for EUHM, these physicians also took jobs from other area hospitals. Many of them were already familiar with CPOE from other places but the CPOE systems they had used were quite different with the one Emory implemented. Those physicians were very likely to react positively at the beginning because CPOE was not a new word to them, but would suffer from switching multiple CPOE system later when they realize the systems were totally not the same although they were all called the CPOE. However, Emory was not able to provide the customized education based on each individual. So these physicians had to adjust to that without the help. Indeed, I believe all the CPOE systems would be similar in general and might differ just about 20%. It seemed not a big problem to these physicians because the fact that they at least better than people don’t know CPOE at all before. However, the paper emphasized the challenge because of this situation. Why? This made me think about the find faults game. In the game, it would be harder and harder to find the faults when two pictures are getting more and more similar. It would be further harder for the ...
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...English 1101 9 October 2013 Midterm Reflection I have done a variety of different assignments throughout my English 1101 class this semester. The assignments that have had the most influence on me include select chapters from J.M. Bohannon’s I Hate Writing, Anne Lamott’s “Shitty First Drafts”, Stephen King’s On Writing, and my practice with rhetorical analysis. Each of these assignments have significantly impacted me and caused me to view my own writing differently. They have helped me grow as a writer as well as come closer to finding my own writer’s “voice”. I have really enjoyed and learned from the chapters that I have read so far in I Hate Writing. My favorite chapter is chapter seven because Bohannon discusses many different ways to introduce a paper. I found her methods very helpful because I have a tendency to struggle when writing my introductions; I simply have no idea where to begin. Bohannon suggestions in chapter seven include telling a story, using a quotation, defining an unfamiliar term, directly stating an argument, writing in the reader, and being creative. After trying each of the options presented by Bohannon in this particular chapter, I found that using a quotation is my favorite technique. I feel it is the easiest way to start a paper off since I have something to base my paper off of. I also feel it is a good way to draw the reader in since a quote is simple, yet sets the theme and mood of a paper. I also appreciated the advice Bohannon gave in...
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...Hamlet is a play that reflects its time. Discuss with reference to the ideas explored in the play. Although there are elements of the Elizabethan context, many of the ideas explored have universal appeal, allowing Hamlet to remain timeless. The themes of the nature of humanity, meaning of existence and fear have known to exist, but not be questioned in Shakespeare’s time. In contrast, the exploration of the Chain of Being, divine right of Kings and patriarchal dominance is reflective of the context. Therefore, by combining aspects associated with its time, and some beyond – Hamlet continues to cross boundless eras. Hamlet explores ideas of chaos creating tragedy creating confusion, and obscuring reality. This disorder stems from a Renaissance Humanist perspective due to a break in the Chain of Being. In disturbing this natural order, chaos is manifested in the lives of all characters, with particular effect on the internal workings of Hamlet. His inaction in avenging the King’s “most foul and unnatural murder” is justified by the disarray present in the metaphorical “ear of Denmark”. Although I excuse Hamlet’s “pigeon-livered” actions, his inability to restore the Chain of Being fosters the chaos, perpetuating a vicious cycle. Such notions are reflective of Hamlet’s time. Furthermore, close investigation of Hamlet’s frame of mind suggests good reasons for his procrastination. During the third soliloquy, Hamlet uses tangible imagery to personify murder in “murder, though...
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...Running Head: THE FIRST AMENDMENT [pic] Reflections on the First Amendment NAME University of Phoenix Online United States Constitution – HIS301 Reflections on the First Amendment Judged by the sheer number of cases brought to the Supreme Court for debate, the First Amendment can be considered one of the most controversial amendments in the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment was written to address three fundamental liberties all citizens have: religion, speech and peaceful assembly. On closer inspection, there are six very different ideals melded together into one defining statement. When the U.S. Constitution was signed on Sept. 17, 1787, it did not contain important freedoms that are now outlined in the Bill of Rights, because many of the Framers viewed some of the freedoms as unnecessary. However, after vigorous debate, the Bill of Rights was adopted. The first freedoms guaranteed in this historic document were expressed in 45 words written by James Madison that we have come to know as the First Amendment. The First Amendment states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Freedom of expression, artistic or otherwise in the United States is governed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution...
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...Verain Vasudeva PHIL17545G March 30, 2014 Professor Mark Reitsma Should Laws Reflect Indirect Harm? Laws reflect the moral code of the majority within a society. Therefore, the majority within a society depict if a law should be reflective of an indirect harm. Indirect harm is “an action which itself did not harm, but may promote or eventually lead to harm”(Reitsma, Liberty and its Limits: Extent of Freedom), it may have no correlation to leading towards harm. John E. Mills indicated “the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others” (Heydt), but lawmakers perceive it justifiable to create laws that are reflective of indirect harm. Laws against Prostitution and drug’s are reflective of indirect harm. If ones using drugs or is a prostitute is not directly harming others in society. Even though laws that reflect indirect harm are to prevent harm from happing, indirect harm should not be considered whilst making laws because they tend to restrict one's freedoms & liberties and there is no substantial evidence that indirect harm leads to harm. Laws tend to create restrictions upon individuals of the society. People are overwhelmed by the pressures of these restrictions and cannot express their freedoms & liberates. Firstly, if one is a distinguish as a criminal under indirect harm laws they will be condemned by society when they have not harmed any individual in...
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...Transformation, the inevitable progress of society, whether it be positive or negative, reflects clearly through many means. Towering Renaissance architecture and Victorian Palaces, different political systems and rulers, food and language and literature, each period consists its own uniqueness. Clothing is no exception. From the toga of the Romans to the gown of Elizabethans, clothing reflects on the taste and style of the people in that particular era. It is of relatively absolute truth to acknowledge that dress is more than an object of concealment. The physical body when dressed gave intimation about the personality of its wearer and the surrounding society as well. For example, Romans royals wore purple while its citizens garb in simple garments like tunic. In Renaissance era, men and women of noble births would wear satin, velvet decorative dresses, while the peasants would only drape in cheap clothes. The disparity in apparel between noble people and poor people is a quintessence of reflection on social orders. During these periods that segregate people according to their ranks, clothing is affected by the segregation as well. However, as we move into Colonial Period, the idea of ranks begin to dissolve. Instead, clothing is more synonymous with a person’s occupation and religious affiliation. Now in our contemporary society, a society of complete freedom and equality, clothing plays more a key role in expressing personality. From the roaring twenties with flapper’s...
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...“Surnames Reflect Changing Face of America” The main claim in the article is that in America the Latin culture is being seen more and Americans are being overwhelmed with the number of Hispanics in the country. Even though a Latin last name is seen, it does not define who the Latin person is as an American. You can still identify with your culture as Latin (Mexican, Spanish, etc.) but they are still Americans. Points to support this I found are in (Rodriguez, 2008 para 2) “We Hispanics have become a people whose presence gets told by such numbers”. Anytime there is a discussion about Hispanics both legal and illegal, what do the news talk about, the numbers of Hispanics in the country, or the number of jobs that are being lost due to Hispanics working. Some are legal and some are illegal, but there is always a number associated to it. In paragraph 6 Rodriguez gives two examples of the surname being shortened to appeal to all people to be accepted in America, not just Latins. He uses the baseball player Alex Rodriguez who is known all over the world. The new media shortened his name to A-Rod. The unspoken assumptions in this article are how Latin people’s presences are told by numbers and not by whom they are or their professions such as doctors, lawyers, members of the church, etc. Americans do not understand the tradition of Spanish surnames and would rather shorten the last name(s) to appeal to those of no Latin descent. The qualifiers I found are in paragraph 2 where Rodriguez...
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...Pirates of the Silicon Valley is an incredible documentary film which is about the dual between Steve Jobs the Apple Company and Bill Gates of Microsoft. This movie draws out the evolution of the computers and how they advanced technology with the new creation of Apple computers in that era. Talking directly about Steve Job, Firth of all is to express his positive values which had been admired and having people compassionated on what are companionship of all the main characters, Steve Jobs, Steve Wazniac and with Bill Gates and Paul. Steve Jobs has a very high persistent to be a successful businessman even after he got fire from Apple company, he started his new companies named NeXT and Pixar in after 5 years to proof his absence was worse. Furthermore, this movies shows the struggling lives in college and ton of passions for what he was interesting in and with just a little investment to achieve his goal and somedays he will be a successful one and he did it, especially to show that failure is success which worth learning from your mistakes. However, despite his positive points there are many consequences to concern such as basically Apple copied idea from Xerox, a company which invited Steve Jobs to see the development of graphical interface and though with the silly idea to agree to let Apple looked at everything they had and Apple as it naturally stole everything it could. Thing had been gone more complicated when Microsoft as having Bill Gates is the owner tricked Steve...
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...Trusting the People's Voice In the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence, it reads, "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." In the course of deciding how the government receives its powers from the governed the choice is given, let the people legislate, or let the government legislate with permission from the people. The reasonable choice would be to let the one's versed in law, being the government, make the decisions. In his response titled "Brexit Vote Showed How a Referendum Can Reflect a Nation’s True Feelings," Richard Ekins discusses the referendum that lead to the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, or as the media called it, the Brexit. To represent his general...
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...Disney characters : the reflect of women's place in the society Walt Disney, under his real name Walt Elias Disney was born in 1901 in Chicago. He founded in 1923 the famous Walt Disney Company with his brother Roy as the Disney Brothers Studios. After three years, the studios take the name Walt Disney Company. Their first animated film came out in 1937 "Snow White" inspired by a famous children's story by the Brothers Grimm. Thereafter follow many animated films like Cinderella, Mulan, or Rebel. One of the most important question in recent years is : What image Disney returns with respect to the role of women and the role that women play in society in the twenty-first century? In fact, Disney is primarily a media and integrate media stereotypes and habits of society to which they belong in their history or animated movie. Disney is the reflects of the habit of society to which they belong in their history or their short films. Thus heroines like Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora are submitted to wish than others, especially men, have chosen for her. They are docile women who spend their time dreaming. They are always save by men from a evil spell and are submit to the will of men. Instead, the heroines of the late twentieth century are beginning to take their lives and rebel against the male authority . In the twenty-first century heroines are increasingly rebelling and advocate of feminist principles : women are the equals of men. This analysis allows us to see a marked increase...
Words: 3196 - Pages: 13
...An environmental theories that reflect my personal ethnic is Deontology. Deontology states people are morally good by following a set of rules. When I was born, my mother gave me rules that I should follow. The first rule is I should always be independent and not depend on others. The second rule is I need to be good and love everyone in order to receive back the same love and goodness from the others. The third rule is I should not do any bad things that can harm other people. Lastly, the fourth rule is to be honest and not lie. Every day my mother reminded me to do well in school so I can get a good career later on. She believes I should focus on my college and career life. The rules I follow according to my family reflects my personality...
Words: 273 - Pages: 2
...McDonald's Marketing Strategy McDonald’s is the world’s largest fast-food restaurant chain. It has more than 30,000 restaurants in over 100 countries. Over one billion more customers were served in 2007 than in 2006. Although net income was down by $1.1 billion in 2007, McDonald’s sales were up 6.8%, and revenue was a record high of $23 billion. “The unique business relationship among the company, its franchisees and suppliers (collectively referred to as the System) has been key to McDonald’s success over the years. The business model enables McDonald’s to play an integral role in the communities we serve and consistently deliver relevant restaurant experiences to customers.” (McDonald's, 2008, 25). McDonald’s overall strategic plan is called Plan to Win. Their focus is not so much on being the biggest fast-food restaurant chain, rather it is more focused on being the best fast-food restaurant chain. McDonald’s “strategic alignment behind this plan has created better McDonald’s experiences through the execution of multiple initiatives surrounding the five factors of exceptional customer experiences – people, products, place, price and promotion” (McDonald's, 2008, 25). McDonald’s also incorporates geographical strategic plans. In the U.S., McDonald’s strategic plan continues to focus on breakfast, chicken, beverages and convenience. These are the core areas in the United States. McDonald’s has launched the Southern Style Chicken Biscuit for breakfast and the Southern Style...
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...With time goes by, we have almost finish this semester. After a semester, I must admit that I have learned many useful things form CS class. It will help me to study and work in the future. My some strengths/weaknesses change. My strengths improve and I corrected some weaknesses. All changes happened after I learned CS class. I learn many useful things and help me to know my strengths and weaknesses clearly, then I can improve or correct it. I think I have many skills improved in the CS class. Firstly, manage time, it is a very important skill. Before I learn it, I always keep the works on deadline. Sometimes I must finish the works quickly, I can not finish it well and feel satisfied. But now, I learned how to manage time, I try my best to manage my time, I can do all the works before deadline and try my best to do it well. I also learned some new skills. For example, group work, we do not have many group works in high school, so I never learned it before. After my first group presentation, I know how to do a effective group member. I know the importance of team work, I want to learn more form each group works. I will keep do time management and improve it constantly, I learned that make plan before I do it. when I make a progress on the skill I feel so proud. I enjoy that feeling, so I will study hard to improve my skills. Even though, I still have some shortcomings should be change. I should be organized. It is help me save time and good for my life. I have...
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