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Reflection On The Wire The Wise Program

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At the Wire the Wise program, I taught senior adults one-on-one how to use modern technology, such as organizing photo albums and managing emails using cell-phones and portable tablets. Interacting with adults of different generations, I also gained knowledge and got inspired by sharing thoughts and having conversations on various topics and current

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Impotent Music

...INFORMATION RESOURCE GUIDE Computer, Internet and Network Systems Security An Introduction to Security i Security Manual Compiled By: S.K.PARMAR, Cst N.Cowichan Duncan RCMP Det 6060 Canada Ave., Duncan, BC 250-748-5522 This publication is for informational purposes only. In no way should this publication by interpreted as offering legal or accounting advice. If legal or other professional advice is needed it is encouraged that you seek it from the appropriate source. All product & company names mentioned in this manual are the [registered] trademarks of their respective owners. The mention of a product or company does not in itself constitute an endorsement. The articles, documents, publications, presentations, and white papers referenced and used to compile this manual are copyright protected by the original authors. Please give credit where it is due and obtain permission to use these. All material contained has been used with permission from the original author(s) or representing agent/organization. ii T eofContent abl 1.0 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 BASIC INTERNET TECHNICAL DETAILS ........................................................................................................................ 2 1.1.1 TCP/IP : Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol .........................................

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...This document is exclusive property of Cisco Systems, Inc. Permission is granted to print and copy this document for non-commercial distribution and exclusive use by instructors in the CCNA Exploration: Network Fundamentals course as part of an official Cisco Networking Academy Program. Activity 1.1.1: Using Google Earth™ to View the World Learning Objectives Upon completion of this activity, you will be able to: • • • • • Explain the purpose of Google Earth. Explain the different versions of Google Earth. Explain the hardware and software requirements needed to use Google Earth (free edition). Experiment with Google Earth features such as Help | Tutorial. Experiment with Google Earth to explore continents, countries, and places of interest. Background Google Earth is a popular application that executes on the desktop of most operating systems. It requires a broadband connection to the Internet and displays Earth as a manipulated 2D, or 3D image. The popular world news channel, CNN, regularly uses Google Earth to emphasize where a news story has occurred. At the time of writing this activity, there are three versions of Google Earth. The version that fits most needs is Google's free version, Google Earth. A Google Earth Plus version includes GPS support, a spreadsheet importer, and other support features. The Google Earth Pro version is for professional and commercial use. The URL contains a description of the versions...

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