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Reflective Appraisal

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When considering the labeling perspective and collateral consequences of criminal behavior, one must consider identity theory and reflected appraisal as intertwined with labeling and a single factor in recidivism. The weakening of social bonds occurs in multi-step process for a criminal and thus must be looked at accessed and reversed in the same manner as it is a huge part of effective rehabilitation. Consider the initial label of criminal that is placed upon the individual by the court most often due to the individuals own actions, that becomes the societal label and the label most often initially presented in background checks and job, housing and education applications. Once the individual is convicted and incarcerated he/she faces the identity theory; this is when the criminal essentially “labels” themselves and internalizes this identity. A large portion of the identity theory is that of reflected appraisal or “feedback and labeling from peers”, incarcerated inmates often are seen as an extension of their crime from other inmates and that can create an internal struggle or in-balance for a criminal who wants to grow beyond his/her label, due to the very thing they are …show more content…
In discussing successful re-entry program criteria one of the concerns brought up was the length of time one’s left on public record, thus can be accessed in all employment background checks and credit reports (Pager, pg.507). We must also consider that we are in a day and age of private companies who run background and credit checks and thus they would have to figure out a way to comply with expungement processes as often they produce a negative report which requires the individual to send legal documents proving the expungement to have the negative report removed, at this point the job has already been lost or the financial necessity

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