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Reflective Essay #1


Submitted By toddc555
Words 376
Pages 2
To describe my leadership manifesto I will answer the following questions within the body of this my reflective thinking essay number one. The first question is what type of leader am I? This is a tough question to answer and probably could best be answered by the subordinates who work underneath my leadership style. However if I am forced to answer this question I would describe the type of leader I am as someone who takes into account all information, from leaders and subordinates alike, before making a final decision. I believe I do this because without all of the information how can I be sure I am making the right move. The second question I was asked to answer is what type of leadership style do I use? As described above I prefer to get all the information possible before making a decision. I usually do this by asking everybody impacted by the decision what they think we should do, or what should be done. By doing this I get all of the prospectives of a particular decision to ensure I see all sides of it. Don’t get me wrong even though I do this I still expect my decision to be followed even though not all of the people impacted agree with the decision. This course of leadership style I believe makes me a democratic/participative leader. The third question I was asked to answer to better describe my leadership manifesto is what type of Noncommissioned Officer am I? I believe as a Noncommissioned Officer I can be the go to guy for my supervisors as well as the airmen underneath me. I hope my supervisors can assign me tasks and not worry about whether they will be accomplished right. I also hope my subordinates feel free to approach me with any issues they may be having. The fourth question I was asked is what are my strengths? I believe my strengths are that people are able to come to me in order to get things accomplished. I also believe that my most

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