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Reflective Journal


Submitted By penguin26
Words 583
Pages 3


Jollibee #ChickenSad
Last week, a system migration caused problems in inventory deliveries to Jollibee stores, and even outright shutdown of 72 stores. According to this article, Jollibee suffered a sales loss of 6% for at least the first seven days of August. Calculating using Jollibee's 2013 revenue, this loss amounts to at least a whopping Php 92 million! And considering that the project reportedly already costs Php 500 million, this whole debacle looks like it will cost Jollibee Php 600 million, not including the cost of all the man-days that Jollibee's management and staff are probably devoting to fixing this problem.
I asked some of my friends in the industry (who shall not be named) on their take on what happened. Below is the information I got so far, and I'll update this post as I get more information. I've also reached out to some friends in Jollibee hoping to get some inside information.

Please note that none of these are from official statements. If anyone wants to provide me with more accurate information on this, or better yet, official statements from the parties concerned, please send me a message and I will gladly incorporate it into the article. My objective here is to provide lessons to the IT and business community so that we can hopefully avoid the all-too-often costly mistakes of IT projects in the future.
The Issues
1. Rip and Replace
Jollibee had originally been using an Oracle product for managing its supply chain - including deliveries of supplies to stores. Because of a dispute with Oracle, Jollibee decided to move its entire supply chain over to Oracle’s rival in this space, SAP.

Now, supply chain software aren’t just out-of-the-box products that you can just install and run. These need to be customized heavily in order to fit a company’s business processes, which

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