...Learning through reflection 2 Reflection is an active process whereby the professional can gain an understanding of how historical, social, cultural and personal experiences have contributed to professional knowledge and practice (Wilkinson, 1996). Duffy (2007) believes that reflective practice is an active deliberate process of critically examining practice where an individual is challenged and enabled to undertake the process of self-enquiry to empower the practitioner to realize desirable and effective practice within a reflexive spiral of personal transformation. Learning is derived from experience but it doesn’t just happen. For it to take place you not only need to engage in reflection you must also record it. By thinking about what you are doing and why you are doing it is what turns your experiences into meaningful learning. If you are to become a reflective practitioner you have to use that learning to increase your professional knowledge and skills to the benefit of not only yourself but also to your patients / clients. Why Reflect Reflection is really a process that begins with looking back on a situation, pondering over it, learning from it and then using the new knowledge to help you in future similar situations. Reflection, which is learning through experience, is not a new concept. As humans, we naturally reflect on our surroundings and experiences. However, the conscious, deliberate and ordered process of using reflection as a learning tool...
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...Examples of Reflective Writing Example 1 I arrived on the ward at 7:30 ready to begin a 12-hour shift. After receiving handover, my mentor assigned me the job of bathing Mr B with the help of a healthcare assistant. Mr B has Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), a progressive disease of the nervous system with rapid deterioration due to spongiform encephalopathy. He is not expected to live to Christmas, even though he is only 19 years old. He is mentally aware of what is going on but is physically unable to demonstrate activities of daily living, including eating and drinking, has limited communication skills and is doubly incontinent. He is unsafe on his feet so mobilises with a wheelchair. I approached Mr B’s bed and asked his consent to take him for a bath. While the bath was running we began helping him to undress. He looked rather nervous. At the thought of myself being in his position, being the same age as him, I began to feel embarrassed too. I thought that I could not possibly be a professional individual if I let my embarrassment and sympathy get in the way of my nursing care. We assisted Mr B into the bath and started his wash. I knew he was uncomfortable and wanted to be able to wash himself, but was unable to do so. I was finding it difficult to look him in the eye, especially when it came to washing his genitalia. I tried to ease this by making conversation, but in a way this made matters worse. After the bath we dried Mr B, dressed him and returned him...
Words: 1848 - Pages: 8
...Reflective Essay The aim of this essay is to reflect on an incident, which took place in a hospital setting during the first month of my Foundation Degree Assistant Practitioner course. It will explore the importance of communication amongst the health care professionals and how a good nursing documentation is an integral part of nursing. It will also demonstrate how reflection enabled me to make sense of and learn from this experience, as well as identify any further learning developments needed to improve my practice and achieve the level of competency needed for when I qualify as an assistant practitioner. While discussing the knowledge underpinning practice, evidence based literature will be reviewed to support my discussion and for the purpose of reflection the essay will be written in the first person. Spouse, J, et al (2008). Jonhs, C (2009) defined reflection as learning through our every day experiences, towards realising one’s vision of desirable practice as a lived reality. He also added that it is a critical and a flexible process of self inquiry and transformation of being and becoming the practitioner you desire to be. However, Ghaye, T et al. (2000) stated that for the health care professionals to develop a more reflective posture, they must fully embrace both the principles and the practices of reflection. It is about becoming more aware of how we learn and how this affects what we think, feel and do. There are different models for reflection; some are more...
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...The concept of reflection is fairly simple; it is simply “the change in direction of a wave, such as a light wave, away from a boundary the wave encounters” (dictionary.com). However, in literature, waves can represent so much more. The reflection of ones self can be a representation of not only their physical appearance, but their spiritual appearance, emotional appearance, and interior appearance as well. Although some reflections show distortion, many reflections actually display a brutally honest picture. Through the repetition of various types of reflection, Oates is able to paint a vivid image of the innermost being of her characters, as well as offering insight on the reality of society during the 1960s and even the reality of our...
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...Reflective practice is an approach widely adopted by professionals in evaluating their practice, particularly in nursing and health care (Kenworthy et al 2002). Reflection is a necessary process in order to comply with Post-registration education and practice (PREP), continuing professional development standard, as required by the NMC (2006). Reflection can therefore be regarded as a fundamental process for all professionals registered within the NMC. This essay specifically focuses upon reflection in relation to the student Specialist community public health nurse (SCPHN). Reflective practice in nursing can be guided by models of reflection. Using a model or framework can be beneficial in aiding practioners and students of nursing and health care to, reflect upon incidents, and critically analyse those incidents, therefore helping the practioner to learn and move on (Ashby 2006). This essay aims to explore the concept of reflection. It will discuss and critically analyse Gibbs (1998) theoretical model of reflection whilst also considering other models and their use in relation to the role of a student SCPHN working within a children and family community setting. Reflective practice is not a new concept. It originated in the 1930's from work carried out by American educationalist John Dewey. Dewey (1933) developed the idea of reflection as a way of learning in education. This idea has since been drawn upon in the works of many others; Schon (1983) similarly highlights the...
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...This paper will explore the importance of personal reflection in nursing practice and how it is a fundamental skill in the field. It also looks into how personal reflection moulds a nurse though reflection on experience and development in the preforming of tasks and skills that provide the best possible patient care. The next section analyses and explains the skill of taking a blood glucose level reading; known as a BGL that was preformed during an intensive workshop. It further looks into a personal reflection of how I felt I preformed the skill. The following paragraph identifies how I know that I preformed the skill well during the intensive workshop with rationales to support my performance. The paper then goes to conclude how I know that...
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...Critically discuss the importance of reflection in the practice of management Student ID:20583416 Course: The reflective manager (MD4046) Lecturer: Dr. Elias Hadjielias Fall 2012 Assignment no. 1 Table of Contents Introduction Page 1.1 General Introduction to Reflection 3 1.2 Objectives and Purpose of the essay 3 Main Body 1.3-1.6 Review of Literature 3-4 1.7 Personal opinion of the writer 4 1.8 A practical example of Reflection in a certain case 4 1.9 Recommendations from the writer 5 Conclusion 2.0 Summary pg.3 5 2.1 References ...
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...20 Self-Reflection As they are intervening in complex human systems, capacity-development practitioners need to be flexible, adaptable and willing to learn from what they do. An important source of learning in real time is the processes and results of monitoring and evaluation (M&E). Bruce Britton explains M&E activities as they are commonly pursued and explores creative ways in which practitioners can use them for personal learning and selfreflection. He also provides suggestions on how this can be done under non-conducive organizational conditions. Monitoring and Evaluation for Personal Learning Bruce Britton By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. (Confucius) Introduction Capacity development practitioners collaborate in efforts to improve the capabilities of complex human systems that operate and connect at different levels. First and foremost, capacity development is a process based on the assumption that better understanding and knowledge will bring about change. Also, the planning for capacity development interventions typically rely on variations of the Logical Framework Approach (LFA), which encourage careful thinking about expected outcomes and impacts. By its very nature LFA assumes that intended results of an initiative can be established in advance because the path that a capacity development process will take can be adequately...
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...Definition of Reflective Practice Reflective practice is a way of studying your own experiences to improve the way you work (Deakin, 2010) Reflective practice highlights the importance of learning from experiences after thinking about it and relates the practical experiences to the theoretical learning approaches (Oxbridgewriters, 2011). Definition Cont’d It is a process by which practitioners focus on how they interact with their colleagues and environment in order to obtain a clearer picture of their own behaviour, thus building on existing strengths. Reflective Practitioner is usually engaged in some kind of activity (often professional) which they can use to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses and areas for development (Somerville & Keeling, 2004) Definition Cont’d Critical reflection includes questioning routines, habitual practice, challenging “conventional wisdom”, being able to ask others and ourselves “why-type” questions . Such as: 1What is my nursing care like? 2 Why is it like this? 3 How has it come to be this way? 4 What aspect of it would I like to improve? 5 Whose interest are being served (or denied) by my job? (Scribid, 2010) Benefits of Reflective Practice Increases confidence and allows one to become a more proactive professional; Improves the quality of care given and close the gap between...
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...Contents Internship Reflective Log 1 Executive Summary 2 Introduction 2 Reflections at work place 6 Conclusion 7 Bibliogrpahy 8 Executive Summary This review is mainly involved with the ideal promotion for Leading wholesalers, the retail sequence business. In this review I have mentioned that on what reasons the Leading wholesalers has separated its industry into different sections, how they existing the item in the brain of the customers. I have interviewed the industry and recognize the aspects which are impacting the outcome of the Organization. And after this procedure we choose the suppliers as customers of leading wholesalers. Introduction The Reflective Log helps in evaluating the learning experience that took place during the internship period. It presents critical insights on the entire learning experience and presents clear reflection. It helps in analyzing how far the individual has achieved, progressed, developed new skill, or the internship experience has change the learning style and enhanced skills for future growth and professional development. It is strictly about skill evaluation and critical study of skill improvement achieved through work experience (Bridges, 1999). In this assignment the reflective log is specifically included to help in systematic thinking and gap identification which is essential for career growth by improving positive thinking. In this analysis Gibbs Reflective Cycle may be referred...
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...[pic] Reflective Practice EDU 2071-N Critically Evaluating Reflective Practice. Leigh William Adams. M1106275 D.O.S: 10/12/2015 Word count: 2000 Introduction. This essay will look at the use of reflective practice in a vocational construction setting, it will look at various practitioners’ theories and how they may be implemented into the current strategy. Reflective practice can be an essential tool in vocational based professional learning settings where people learn from their own experiences, rather than from formal learning or knowledge transfer. It may be the most important source of personal professional development and improvement. It is also an important way to bring together theory and practice; through reflection a person is able to see and label forms of thought and theory within the milieu of their work. The essay will also look at the use of reflective practice with learners at a behavioural school. Each section will cover different topics, section one will cover the understanding of critical reflection, section two will show how critical reflection is used for behaviour, section three shows its use in the construction industry and section four will briefly cover other authors and their respective models. Section 1. In order to be effective teachers must be reflective; they must continuously review their practice, discuss it with their colleagues, consider their learners’ responses and seek to develop...
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...1. In your answer, identify the main lines of argument and differences in points of view between the commentators and the author. Justify your own point of view regarding the importance of reflection to individual and organisational performance. In his article, “I Don't Have Time to Think!, Versus the Art of Reflective Practice”, Joseph Raelin defined the importance of reflective practice, laid down organizational strategies that encourage reflection, and called for developing the skills of reflection. Two commentators, namely Phillip DiChiara and Philip McArthur, presented contra-arguments as to the standpoint of the author on reflective practices. DiChiara's main argument evolves around the creation of a “safe space” to make reflection viable, whereas McArthur reckons the key barrier to reflection-in-action is not necessarily time but skill. Besides, he disagrees with the author on how to apply certain skills of reflection at the individual or collective levels. Philip DiChiara opines that the concept of reflective practise is essentially unknown to many practitioners. His main argument is that reflective practice can never flourish if the organization or managers do not set the stage and create an environment for reflection. He argues that managers have to facilitate the correct balance between “getting down to business” and nurturing a conducive environment for refection in order to engage their peers. In his belief, this is essentially due to the differences from group...
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...Johns Model of reflection Johns model is based on five cue questions which enable you to break down your experience and reflect on the process and outcomes. John (1995) used seminal work by Carper (1978) as the basis for his model exploring aesthetics, personal knowing, ethics and empirics and then encouraging the reflective practitioner to explore how this has changed and improved their practice. Carper B (1978) Fundamental patterns of knowing in nursing. Advances in Nursing Science. 1, 1, 13-23. Greater Manchester AHP/HCS Life Long Learning Project Team. Hand out 3 Models of reflection. Available URL %2520Reflection.doc+Johns+Model+of+Structure+Reflection&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=4&gl=uk th Accessed 11 January 2008 Hilliard C (2006) Using structured reflection on a critical incident to develop a professional portfolio. Nursing standard 21 (2) 35-40 Johns C (1995) Framing learning through reflection within Carper’s fundamental ways of knowing in nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 22, 2, 226-234 Johns Model of reflection Johns Model of Reflection Description of the experience Describe the experience and what were the significant factors? Refection What was I trying to achieve and what are the consequences? Influencing factors What things like internal/external/knowledge affected my decision making? Could I have dealt with it better What other choices did I have...
Words: 292 - Pages: 2
...Examples of Reflective Writing Example 1 I arrived on the ward at 7:30 ready to begin a 12-hour shift. After receiving handover, my mentor assigned me the job of bathing Mr B with the help of a healthcare assistant. Mr B has Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), a progressive disease of the nervous system with rapid deterioration due to spongiform encephalopathy. He is not expected to live to Christmas, even though he is only 19 years old. He is mentally aware of what is going on but is physically unable to demonstrate activities of daily living, including eating and drinking, has limited communication skills and is doubly incontinent. He is unsafe on his feet so mobilises with a wheelchair. I approached Mr B’s bed and asked his consent to take him for a bath. While the bath was running we began helping him to undress. He looked rather nervous. At the thought of myself being in his position, being the same age as him, I began to feel embarrassed too. I thought that I could not possibly be a professional individual if I let my embarrassment and sympathy get in the way of my nursing care. We assisted Mr B into the bath and started his wash. I knew he was uncomfortable and wanted to be able to wash himself, but was unable to do so. I was finding it difficult to look him in the eye, especially when it came to washing his genitalia. I tried to ease this by making conversation, but in a way this made matters worse. After the bath we dried Mr B, dressed him and returned him...
Words: 1844 - Pages: 8
...Reflection Exercise: Chapter 10 Information Technology Goal: To expand your understanding of worldview and goals, from Chapter 10 of Breaking Ground: Keys for Successful Online Learning, by conducting a series of personal reflective exercises. Steps: 1. Complete 2 reflection exercises: Complete 2 of the 3 reflective exercises for this chapter. a. 2. Upon completion of the appropriate exercises, save a copy of your answers to your computer, by clicking the Export as PDF button at the bottom of the page. 3. In Blackboard, access the submission link for the Chapter Reflection Activity 3. a. Upload your files. b. Submit your assignment. Your Name: Course Title: Chapter 10 Reflection 1 1a Where are you at present in your career? Just beginning, midcareer, career-changer, or nearing the end of employment? 1b What do you want from your next job? 1c What work opportunities spark your interest? 1d What values do you want to express through your work? 1e What strengths or skills do you bring to your career? 1f What work goals do you wish to accomplish? 1g Thinking about work settings, do you prefer to work alone or as part of a group? 1h Do you prefer to work independently (for yourself), for a small company, or for a large corporation? 1i What sort of compromises are you willing to make for work? (Think about relocation, hours/days of work, and obligations to family and other demands.) Reflection 2 ...
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