...20 Self-Reflection As they are intervening in complex human systems, capacity-development practitioners need to be flexible, adaptable and willing to learn from what they do. An important source of learning in real time is the processes and results of monitoring and evaluation (M&E). Bruce Britton explains M&E activities as they are commonly pursued and explores creative ways in which practitioners can use them for personal learning and selfreflection. He also provides suggestions on how this can be done under non-conducive organizational conditions. Monitoring and Evaluation for Personal Learning Bruce Britton By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. (Confucius) Introduction Capacity development practitioners collaborate in efforts to improve the capabilities of complex human systems that operate and connect at different levels. First and foremost, capacity development is a process based on the assumption that better understanding and knowledge will bring about change. Also, the planning for capacity development interventions typically rely on variations of the Logical Framework Approach (LFA), which encourage careful thinking about expected outcomes and impacts. By its very nature LFA assumes that intended results of an initiative can be established in advance because the path that a capacity development process will take can be adequately...
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...Critically discuss the importance of reflection in the practice of management Student ID:20583416 Course: The reflective manager (MD4046) Lecturer: Dr. Elias Hadjielias Fall 2012 Assignment no. 1 Table of Contents Introduction Page 1.1 General Introduction to Reflection 3 1.2 Objectives and Purpose of the essay 3 Main Body 1.3-1.6 Review of Literature 3-4 1.7 Personal opinion of the writer 4 1.8 A practical example of Reflection in a certain case 4 1.9 Recommendations from the writer 5 Conclusion 2.0 Summary pg.3 5 2.1 References ...
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...TOPIC: Reflective essay on the teaching session and facilitating workplace learning module. INTRODUCTION As a requirement for the pre-registration program in Nilai University, I have to take Facilitating Workplace learning module. The aim of this module is to enable me to become a better facilitator in the future. Having experiences from my previous clinical posting, I realized that nursing profession is not only about patient’s bedside care, but also workplace improvement by facilitating others for example students, colleagues and patient health teaching. Gopee (2011) defined facilitating learning is that the learner becomes aware that they should be the originator of their thinking, meaning to say the learner should take more control of their learning instead of passively receive information from the teacher. In addition, facilitating learning is usually form part of healthcare’s professional code, as mentioned in code of practice by Nursing Midwifery Council (2008) that registered nurse must be willing to share their experiences and skills for the good of their colleagues and must facilitate student and others to develop their competent. In order to fulfill this subject, I have two main parts to complete. First, a plan for facilitating a learning session applied all the relevant theories that have been lecturing, and the second part, I am going to write here is a reflective essay using Gibb’s (1988) reflective cycle on what I have learn from this module and my learning...
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...Reflective essay: Liu Wei Shien Before doing this report, it is harder to relate the concepts of economics to real life. After completing and doing this report, I realize that economic theories and the decision of firms in reality are connected. Besides, I learnt the importance of teamwork. It also deepen my knowledge of Mobile Network Operators in Malaysia and the oligopolistic market. Firstly, I am very grateful to my team members who cooperate and work together with me to complete this report. Now, we bonded more closely and learn about the market together. In my opinion, I am very lucky to have them working together with me. They are very hardworking and knowledgeable. Secondly, by doing this report, I know more on what market structure is and difference in efficiency between perfectly competitive market and oligopoly market. Other than that, it also help me understand about the degree of competition and market power in this industry. It made me realize that we need to analyze and predict the reactions of consumer and competitors if we were to sell our products successfully. I also realize that things are not always what they seem. In an oligopolistic market, they look like they are competing against each other. However, they also often cooperate and work together to increase profit. I also learn to edit and connect works of different group members together. In conclusion, after doing this report I learnt many things. I am grateful to Ms. Pratiba for giving me this...
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...Reflective I always new I would have a bright future in front of me. How it worked out in the end is a surprise to me and my family. In this paper, I will reflect on my life experience that has turned me into the woman I am today. I will use the adult development theories I have learned about in this class to show how my up bringing has changed the out come in my life. I am from Hammond, Louisiana. I lived there when I was an infant to two years of age. We lived in a nice two bedroom house with a white picket fence around it. I had lots of fun playing in the dirt and grass when my mother would dress me up in pretty cloths. She would get mad at me for getting dirty, but she would just clean me up again and make me stay in the house. We would go to my grandfather’s house and run threw the fields. He had ten acres of land that we would just run and play on. We moved to the city (New Orleans, Louisiana) when I was two and a half years old. The city was nice it had pretty lights and pretty houses; we lived in a two-story house that had a big fence around it was a nice neighborhood. At the age of four my mother decided to leave my father and she moved us to Houston, Texas. My sister and I went to daycare and my oldest sister went to school while my mother put herself through nursing school and made a life for us. After a few years my father gave my mother a divorce. One of my favorite memories was when my grandmother took us to Alabama; we stayed with relatives that we did not...
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...Jazmine Menees ENGL 110 1/21/2014 My first 5k Shoes hitting the pavement, crowd cheering. Those were the sounds I remember the most while running my last mile. The sounds of other runners panting, and faint music playing from another iPod. In that moment, I knew that I had made a life changing decision. It was a new year, and like most I had a few new years resolutions for 2013. At that time, I'm not sure the word “run” was even in my dictionary. Honestly, the thought of running for longer than 5 minutes made me slightly nervous. Since it was a new year though, I figured I'd give it a shot and sign up for one of the biggest races in Peoria. The steamboat days race. This race will be held in June, just five months from now. Don't get me wrong getting on the computer that day and telling myself I could run that far wasn't easy. I knew it would take everything I had to start every single day by getting up and going for a run. It was winter, snow on the ground, and freezing. Who would want to get up early every morning in the cold for that? I did. I needed to change my clothes, put on my shoes, and just go. While my first days on the treadmill were hard, I had to keep telling myself that I was doing this for the right reasons. I made sure I got up every single day to run at least one mile, and that's when running started to change my life. I started to see changes in my weight, and my clothes fitting loosely on my body. I started to have more energy throughout the...
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...Three weeks after I started the final year of my degree I had to report on my progress in the project on which I am working. I am developing a new database for the management information system of a small company. I was immediately worried about not saying the right things and not being able to answer questions properly. I did a presentation in the second year and felt the same about it initially, but I was thinking then, like on this occasion, that I could use my acting skills. I decided to use Power Point even though I was not very easy about its use because I have seen it go wrong so often. However, I have not seen anyone else give a presentation here without using it - and learning to use Power Point would be valuable. I was not sure, when it came to the session, whether I really knew enough about running Power Point. (How do you know when you know enough about something? – dummy runs, I suppose, but I couldn’t get the laptop when I wanted it). When it came to the presentation, I really wanted to do it well – as well as the student presentations were done the week before which were interesting, informative and clear and I thought the handouts from them were good (I noticed that the best gave enough but not too much information). In the event, the session was a disaster and has left me feeling uncomfortable at college and I even worry about it at home. I need to think about why a simple presentation could have such an effect on me. The Power Point went wrong...
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...SPE-226 Educating the Exceptional Learner Benchmark Assignment: Teaching for Exceptionalities Braydon Smith Grand Canyon University: SPE226 15 November 2013 Abstract This paper reflects on the teacher candidate’s observations of the student “Junior” and the various accommodations that were made for him in various classroom settings. It also discusses different accommodations that could be made in general education classes and special education classes. The paper discusses the need for high school students to be self-advocating or self-determining and learning to make decisions on his or her own. SPE-226 Educating the Exceptional Learner Benchmark Assignment: Teaching for Exceptionalities Students with exceptionalities are a breed all their own. Each student has individual strengths, weaknesses, and individualized education programs/plans (IEPs) tailored to those needs. There are many resources, accommodations, and settings for these students to help ensure their academic success. One particular student, herein called “Junior,” is a mixed bag of interesting. Junior’s cognitive abilities are on par with his classmates. However, he needs help with reading, writing, and other social and behavioral skills. He likes to engage in discussion, enjoys music, and is diligent in his work. Observing him, his teachers, and other various special education classrooms has given valuable information to increase my teaching strategies. Inclusive Math Class Junior’s first period class...
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...Our story is about friendship. We use ‘photos’ to develop the plot. Bess and Gigi is the best friend from secondary school to university. However, they separate to different colleges. Thus, they could not always being together. Bess busies with the assignment, most of time she is being with her group mate. Then, Gigi is sad and angry with Bess’s neglect of her. She starts to tracking and videotaping Bess. The misunderstanding makes Gigi hates Bess so much. She does not want to chat with Bess. The friendship is broken finally. At the end, Bess leaves Hong Kong. When Gigi read the letter and she discover that everything just a misunderstanding. Bess still wants to be her best friend. Gigi is extremely regretful and she loses her best friend. We cooperated to create this story. So, I think we are both the scriptwriter in this video. Personally, I am the actress. The main character which is called Gigi was acted by me. When I was acting, the director would tell me how to act. After shooting, we would look at the playback. If the director or others want to have a better shot, I need to acte again. My role is to act the best shoot for the director. The challenge of me is that I had never acted a main character in the previous time. This is a little bit crazy character. I need to act an abnormal girl. The facial expressions are difficult for me to act boldly. So, the acting skill of me is poor. I always laughed when we were shooting. For group, we encountered the challenge of props...
Words: 551 - Pages: 3
...When I think of myself and my leadership styles the words that come to mind are” leads by example.” There may be many different perspectives when it comes to describing my leadership depending on whom you ask however being “the example” is what I pride myself on. Reflecting on what we have learned in class so far; I have begun to evaluate my leadership style with a new set of eyes. Knowing my color temperament (orange) has helped me realize why I see things a certain way and has clarified some of the perspectives of other temperaments I have worked with. My troops would probably describe me as an assertive NCO, someone who leads by example, loyal, holds high standards, technical expert, role model, caring and very detailed. My followership is an easy topic to cover. I like to get the job done regardless how much work or time the task requires. My supervisor gives minimal to no feedback (mainly positive) so I evaluate my followership as competent, creative, supportive, forward thinking, multi-tasked, and diligent. When I think about our lessons and my everyday leadership, I now know I use the Direction, Discipline, and Recognition (DDR). I am very direct with my troops when it comes to feedback. They are always aware of what I expect from them, what they can expect from me, and what goals will help them succeed. I discipline substandard behavior when required and love to reward and recognize outstanding performers. I think my leadership style is very effective...
Words: 378 - Pages: 2
...Show how the reforms to the NHS that were introduced in April 2013 are changing service .Review the main reasons for the introduction of these NHS reforms. The National Health Service has been providing health care in England since 1948. The costs of the service have been increased since than because of the changes made in the origination and structure service. The government aims to improve the service and these have brought advantages and disadvantages. (Clayton, J.1998). National Health Service is a factor of welfare given to the people of England, we need to look at the early year’s welfare laws acts that have been passed down through the centuries and this will lead us to the creation of the nhs.The first welfare reforms were know as the poor law, which had their start in the Elizabethan ara. In 1601 the first poor law was approved and this put parishes in charge of doing out relief to the parish poor. This new law should have been enough for the people at the time but doing practise these laws were not being monitored or regulated and this meant if someone was about to move from their country they would not be entitled to any relief in their new parish . These laws did not get changed until the new poor law amendments acts of the 1834 this was brought in after campaigns were made around the land. This new law allowed someone to accept a place in the working house even though the poor’s were given shelters and foods in return of a day work but the work condition...
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...1. How my subordinates describe me as a leader has been a major source of contention between my supervisor and me over the past few months. While I do my best to put my Airmen first and put their needs ahead of my own (more often than not to my own detriment), I know based on feedback from my supervisor that they do not see things this way. They see me as a glory hound, pretentious, self-centered, and selfish. Being one of the best in my career field, it’s hard to fight this perception without completely sacrificing my own reputation, professional development, and motivation. 2. My supervisor has mixed things to say about my followership as well. While I’m quick to help with audio and visual information tasks, my attention to administrative tasks and time management are lacking. He also doesn’t think I have good control over my Airmen, nor that I know them well enough to effectively lead them. Looking at the Team Building lesson, I am generally most effective as a refiner, modifying ideas to make them as effective as possible. My weakest area is execution, which probably best sums up my weakness as a follower. As NCOIC of Operations, my primary duties revolve around managing execution. 3. My leadership style varies depending on the situation. My default is probably to be overly people-oriented, the country club NCO. I do work to be more task-oriented, but the proverbial pendulum usually swings wide towards authoritarian. While I’d like to think that I spend more...
Words: 539 - Pages: 3
...University of Phoenix Material Foundations of Human Services Worksheet Answer, in a 50- to 100-word response, each of the following questions: Identify the four themes of human services. Answer: Problem in living: Human being are not always able to meet their own needs and human service has in the process developed a plan on ways in which they should response to to the persons needs. Most of the people have relied heavily om an individuals, groups, and community organizations to assist in living a stable life. The growing number of problems in the modern world: There has become a growing number of people in the world , that have felt estranged from their community or even lacking the support from friends and family, doing the good as well as the bad times. In terms of human services it has bloomed in the growth in problems that we face today in the modern world. Self-sufficiency- This theme of human services is able to empower clients to make decisions and being able to accept responsibility for their own success and actions. This theme allows this person have an self-esteem boost,and gives them the capability of making it on there own. Through human services it provides the opportunity to be self-sufficient. The goals of social care, social control, and rehabilitation: Social care is considered to be when a person can not care for themselves. Social control is considered to be when a person is able to in some ways care for themselves, but not all that well...
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...Access to higher education Psychology assignment (karon Chewter 7nd March 2016) Psychology applied to health Health psychology is the study of health, illnessillness, and health care practice. Health psychology as a unique area of psychology came to the forefront in the 1970s and has since grown. (Gross.R 2005) Health psychology is an exciting and relatively new field devoted to understanding psychological influences on how people stay healthy, why they become ill and how they respond when they do get ill? It focuses on health promotion and maintenance, prevention and treatment of illness and the understanding of the biopsychosocial aspects of physical and mental illness, improvement of the health care system and the formulation of health policy (S.E, Taylor, 1995). The main areas of health psychology are stress and coping, health behaviours and issues in health. Health psychologists study such issues and develop interventions to help people stay well or get over illness. For exampleexample, a health psychology researcher might be interested in why adolescents continue to binge drink even though they know that binge drinking increases their risk of cancer and heart disease. Understanding this poor health habit leads to interventions to help adolescents stop binge drinking. The waysways, in which health psychologists try to change the behaviours, the influence of behaviourist such as Skinner and Watson will...
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...Philosophy is the study of fundamental problems. Management philosophy is the beliefs and values of managers. Managers have an obligation to run their departments with ethics. Many managers have different views and beliefs than other managers and supervisors. An example is that some managers believe that they do not work on their employees but rather they work with them, motivating the employees to push harder. In return the employees will give one hundred percent of their time and work to make sure the job is done correctly and efficiently. On the other hand there are managers that do not share the same ideas and values as others and are often out for themselves. Employees do not react well with managers like this thus creating an unhealthy work environment for all those within an organization. In my opinion being a manager t is to provide guidance, direction, and leadership; to provide an environment that leads to productive employees, by giving encouragement and rewards to low performers as well as the strong performers. I have never being a manager but I had many types of managers and I learned a lot from observing their styles. I had a manger who was never there, nor didn't care about the employee, and another that had a phrase “I don’t care about the person, I care about the business”, so I asked myself how can she care about the business been successful if you don’t care about the employees. I have acquired many good traits from good managers such as working smart instead...
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