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Refugee Camps In Australia Essay

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Lebanon & The Refugees Art Project in Australia
After reading the article about the status of refugees around world, I wondered how the life would be in refugee camps. The first impression of refugee camps was an isolation housing, which is used to separate infected person from non- infected people in order to prevent diseases from spreading. But when I actually saw the pictures of the refugee camp, I was really surprised. Refugee camps varied depend on where it is located. United Nations said “Not all refugee camps are the same. The experiences of some 60 million people — ‘one in every 122 humans’, cannot be generalized”
The most impressive refugee camp was in Lebanon. Houses in Lebanon refugee camps were not tents but building made out of …show more content…
This is also the reason why they leave their home and become asylum seeker and refugee. By and large they suffer from post stress traumatic disorder which makes them captured in the relentless shock, fears of what they have experienced. It leads to anxiety, depression, self- harm and even suicide. Small refugee camps which are insalubrious worsen their psychological difficulties. So it’s important to get appropriate treatments. Nowadays many organizations offer refugees psychological treatments. For example, ‘The Refugee Art Project’ is on the process in Australia. They conduct regular art workshop where both refugees and Australian. In the workshop refugees draw what they have experienced and how they felt and how they feel now. They can express these things in their own works which might be difficult for them to put into words. It also gives them relaxation which makes them feel much more comfortable than before and overcome with their traumas. Besides Australians and visitors can know their stories and share their feelings. It can raise public awareness toward refugee, which makes them to think about the treatments or the way they can help refugees in need. The proceeds from the exhibition is used for refugees, and for their families left

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