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Registered Nurse Personal Statement

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My desire to become a nurse evolved from an experience at the VA Medical Center in Augusta, Maine. I was given the opportunity to do a practicum in the psychiatric, hospice, and inpatient care unit under an OTR/L (occupational therapist, registered/licensed). I walked into the building with the mindset of being an occupational therapist only to leave with the desire and urge of becoming a registered nurse. I was able to work hands on with war veterans, all while working along side registered nurses and nurse practitioners. Each day brought a whole new experience and adventure. The more I worked with the nurses, the more I was able to see that nursing is far more than just a profession of integrity and compassion. Touching the lives of others is a treasure far more than seen from the naked eye. To these nurses, each patient in the Medical Center is a precious gift of life, and for the first time I truly felt like I had touched and made an enormous impact. A strong feeling of accomplishment and self-worth spread promptly throughout my body and soul when I had the privileged to work with a patient in the hospice care unit. This specific gentleman was 95 years old; he was a WWII veteran who had stopped life-prolonging medical treatments. He had begun pain management and other comfort measures …show more content…
Why not stay with the mindset of being an occupational therapist? Volunteering at the VA Medical Center is what led me to the path of nursing. This experience has given me the opportunity to grow, improve myself and make a difference in the lives around me. Nurses have always drawn my admiration. In my career as a nurse, I want to continue to have these experiences. My strengths and personal qualities will contribute to my success. I am driven, hardworking, animated, compassionate and caring. I have the emotional strength and stability needed when it comes to difficulties. My experiences and personality is what would make me well suited for the nursing

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