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Reimbursement System Case Study

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Given this scripture, what do you think have been the effects of the prospective payment system under DRGs? Fee-for Service?
According to Shi and Singh (2015) states that prospective payment system for acute care hospital inpatient reimbursement was enacted under the social security amendments of 1983. DRG sets the predetermined reimbursement amount they group together principal diagnoses that should have similar amounts in hospital resources in the care of delivery. The kind of cases DRG classifies is determined by the amount of reimbursements, there are other factors that can cause a change in reimbursements for the same DRG. It is also stated that DRG based rates are adjusted according to geographic differences such as wage levels …show more content…
Shi and Singh (2015) fee for service pays for unbundled services and is the oldest type of reimbursement that is still being used even though it is not being used a lot. It is also based on healthcare providing a set of identifiable and individually distinct units of services like x-rays, urinalysis, and a tetanus shot in the case of physician services. In the Center for American Progress Journal by Calsyn and Lee (2012) talks about how physicians are not actually compensated in the fee for service system for being proactive in the care of their patients in relation to time, resources used in assuring giving their patient quality care. Fee for service is known to drive up the cost of healthcare at the same time lower the value of care by encouraging wasteful usage such as higher cost items and services. They …show more content…
No matter what type of services that is provided to the patient an established fee is set in order to lower the prices. The prospective payment system under DRG and fee for service encouraged hospitals and providers to lower their prices for expensive hospital and patient care through the shifting of cost. In relation to the scripture Jesus in Matthew is warning us of a great danger of accumulating material wealth. Because often times it can consume our thoughts and our affections ultimately become our god. Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:21 “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” The wealth that we accumulate here on earth is worthless in heaven. DRG and fee for service would be considered as stated in Matthew being treasure here on earth. Healthcare is a commodity and is something that is very much needed by all. But it has become outrageously high in cost. Due to greed by the healthcare providers, healthcare facility and insurance companies quality care is being compromised. The bible speaks against this in Matthew it is God’s will that we as Christians would accumulate the treasures of heaven by giving service to Christ. By being obedient to His will, moral purity, faith, love and by giving our lives in helping

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