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Reinhard Heydrich Research Paper

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Reinhard Heydrich was the Nazi paramilitary corps leader. He was one of two men who came up with the “Final Solution” of Germany’s decisions during World War II on how to deal with the Jews. Adolf Eichmann was the other man who co-planned the “Final Solution.” Eichmann was chief of Jewish affairs for the Reich Central Security Office. The event where Nazi leaders gathered to discuss a solution was called the Wannsee Conference. It was a conference held in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee. Their first idea of ending the Jews was to send them to an island called Madagascar. Madagascar is a small island off of the East coast of Africa. The Jews would be deported to the island and would be left abandoned. The Germans hoped that abandoning the Jews would result in the extinction of the Jewish race in Europe. The newly planned solution was to round up all of the Jews in Europe and insert them into labour gangs. The Germans would transfer the Jews east and the working conditions would be sufficiently hard. There would be large numbers of Jews that died in the camps, but those who survived were treated accordingly. Towards the end of the Wannsee Conference they decided that “evacuating” the Jews to the east was too easy on them. Heydrich and Eichmann finally decided that they should put the …show more content…
In the article it will have underlined or highlighted phrases which will take you to individual links to study on one small thing towards the solution. It also had definitions for words that people may or may not know. The definitions definitely helped me understand the article a lot better. The article also showed where they came up with the final solution and who all contributed to it. There were short biographies about Heydrich and Eichmann so there was more to know about

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