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Relational Cultural Theory


Submitted By NCalvin82
Words 1945
Pages 8
Relational Cultural Theory: What is it?
Relational cultural theory derives from an area of psychology that focuses on individuals interacting with others through relationships. Relational cultural theory shows how relationships have power and can change individuals. Relational cultural theory was derived from the work of Jean Baker Miller. RCT challenges the traditional psychology conceptions of self, autonomy, independence, individuation and competition (Miller). “The central tenet of RCT is that people develop through and toward relationship, which occurs within and is influenced by a cultural context. Above all, RCT asserts that people need to be in connection in order to change, to open up, to shift, to transform, to heal, and to grow” (Jordan 3). It is disconnection that causes psychological problems.
Core Values of RCT
Some of the core relational cultural theory and assumptions of growth dealing with psychological and relational development include the idea that: * People grow through and toward relationship throughout the lifespan * Movement towards mutuality rather than movement towards separation characterizes mature functioning * Relationship differentiation and elaboration characterize growth * Mutual empathy and mutual empowerment are the core of growth-fostering relationships * In growth-fostering relationships, all people contribute and grow or benefit; development is not a one-way street * Mutual empathy is the vehicle for change in therapy * Real engagement and therapeutic authenticity are necessary for the development of mutual empathy (Jordan)

Throughout the years, it has been apparent that there is a difference between women and men. One difference is the way they develop psychologically. Jean Baker Miller questioned this difference in her book Towards a New Psychology of Women. Before 1970 the traditional

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