Premium Essay

Relationship Between Mordred And Sir Agravain

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Words 249
Pages 1
One way that I think character to improve on society is when Mordred and Sir Agravain try to catch Lancelot and Guinevere in the act of their love affair. I would like to think that they’re doing this for the sake of their king and not for themselves.
I also think Guinevere tries to find a better way through becoming a nun. After cheating on her husband with Lancelot; Lancelot offers to run away with her, but she decides to stay and face her punishment. After the king is betrayed by Morderd she repents and joins a convent, changing her way and living for others.
Another way is how Merlin takes care of King Arthur throughout his life, he tells him what he has done when he has a child with his sister and warns him about his death. And even

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