Premium Essay

Relationships: the Importance and Influence in Adulthood


Submitted By joyhonour1993
Words 3171
Pages 13

Tebogo Joyhonour Malatjie 20110716

Tebogo Joyhonour Malatjie 20110716
Adult Development and Training. Due date: 13 May 2014
Adult Development and Training. Due date: 13 May 2014

Table of Content

* Cover Page

* Introduction

* 1. Friendships * Theoretical Perspectives of adult friendships * Importance of friendship in adulthood * Cross-sex friendships * Male vs Female Friendships * Loss and friendship in adulthood

* 2. Love relationship * Love * Importance of love relationships * Marriage

* Conclusion

* Reference List

* Introduction

The Best Man Holiday is an intriguing piece of art which explores the complexities of various forms of relationships within adulthood. It looks at how friendships can be broken and repaired, aspects of marriage, love and trust. It looks at the tight ropes that get walked within cross-sex friendships and many more aspects of the functioning and importance of relationships in adulthood and ageing.

The movie is a sequel to The Best Man and is set within the Christmas season. At this stage many relationships are strained between the individuals who have been the closest of friends since their college days, the strain being a result of events that happened a few years prior. The friends get together at the home of their football star friend, Lance Armstrong, mainly due to the common love and respect they have for his wife Mia; as she is the anchor that keeps them all together.

As the movie unfolds, many elements of relationships and their importance are explored, in turn, as I touch on the different themes going forward in this

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