...The reliability and authenticity of the Bible The Bible claims to be the inspired word of God (2 Tim. 3:16, TEV). Yet much controversy and criticism exists over this book. If we are to accept and base our lives on the Bible as the word of God, then we need to have confidence in the reliability and the authenticity of the Bible. That is, we need to have confidence that the Bible is dependable and trustworthy and that what was written did happen. This essay outlines some convincing evidence to prove that this is the case. I will summarize and discuss bibliographical, external and internal evidence which confirms the reliability and authenticity of the bible. One of the first pieces of evidence lies in the uniformity of the message of the Bible. It is a collection of sixty-six books written over a period of approximately fifteen hundred years in three languages on three continents by forty authors. Kings, peasants, educated men, a doctor, a prime minister, a tax collector a rabbi, a fisherman are among the authors (McDowell, 1973). While it discusses numerous issues, and each book has different purposes, the overall themes of creation, the fall of man and redemption are clear throughout (Williams, 2002). Military historian Chauncy Sanders mentions three criteria scholars use in historiography (Williams, 2002). When applied to test whether the scriptures we have are the same as the original documents, that is to test their accuracy, these are manuscript evidence (textual)...
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...Biblical theology is a Christian approach in which the theologian studies the Bible from the perspective of understanding the progressive history of God revealing Himself to humanity and following the fall and throughout the Old Testament and New Testament. Biblical theology is an attempt to articulate the theology that the Bible contains as its writers addressed their particular settings. It particularly focuses on the epochs of the Old Testament in order to understand how each part of it ultimately points forward to fulfillment in the life mission of Jesus Christ. Because scholars have tended to use the term in different ways, biblical theology has been notoriously difficult to define. Biblical theology is also study of the Bible that seeks to discover what the biblical writers, under divine guidance, believed, described, and taught in the context of their own times. Biblical theology is an attempt to understand God as He is revealed in the Bible. It seeks to discover what the biblical writers understand, believe and what they are taught. It’s based on the Bible first and then it takes scriptures from the word of God. Biblical theology pays attention to the soil of history. It studies revelation in the progressive sequence in which it was given. Also biblical theology finds its source in the Bible. Relation to Other Disciplines Biblical theology is related to but different from three other major branches of theological inquiry. Practical theology focuses on pastoral application...
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...convincing arguments for the reliability of Scriptures goes back to the qualifications of the historian. Historians who do not have a credible name, people will not take their writings seriously. In an interview regarding the “General Reliability of the Gospels”, Mark Strauss, asked the question of just how reliable the historians are that produced the documents. The people that read the documents felt like the documents that were hand copied were not the originals then they would not believe anything that they have read. A person might say that since the original copies are not present then how could the documents be real or reliable? In the video, “Reliability of the NT Manuscripts”, Mark Strauss, stated that there were over 5000 copies of the New Testament. Since over 5000 copies are present, that makes for a very reliable source for people to know that these documents are for real. It is hard evidence so therefore, highly reliable. To guarantee that the scriptures are of the Word of God, they share qualities of inspiration such as: guidance, personality, words, and results (Inspiration: Guaranteeing the Word of Scripture, pg., 59-72). In assuring the authenticity of the text, the lower criticism deals with text containing a view of determining the original manuscript. The higher criticism deals with the area of authorship, sources, dates, and historical matters (Preservation: Insuring: the Authenticity of the Text”, pg. 73-78) Arguments that the Bible is the Word of God” (pg...
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...down the Bible, there are sixty six books and two sections, the Old and New Testament. In these books it talks about the outlook of being a Christian in a sinful world. The most common belief is that we evolved from apes and came from a big bang. If people really believed in logic and sense, they would know that there had to be something outside of the cycle to start the cycle such as God. If you believe in logic and common sense, this should be simple. Atheists believe that we came from the big bang. If you believe that theory, then quantum physics comes into play. Think about a Newton’s cradle, the balls do not just move on their own. They need an outside source to start the cycle. Once again logic shows this that there can’t be an infinite amount of causes. There has to be one thing that caused the cycle outside of the cycle. The big bang theory then is proven wrong, because the matters and atoms were a part of the cycle therefore you would need some supernatural being outside the cycle to start it such as God. A settlement of this common argument is shown that science and logic prove creationism. My hypothesis on this subject is that not everyone will except that there is a God because it says so in the Bible. The Bible states in the end time’s people will still deny Christ until the very end. The bible says though when Jesus comes back every knee will bow and every tongue will confess He is God. My predication is based on the facts that the Bible gives me...
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...IS THE BIBLE REALLY FROM GOD? HOW CAN WE BE CERTAIN? We must first remember in discussing the claims of the Bible with anyone, that the Bible is not a single, autonomous work. Rather, it is a collection of 66 different books written over a vast time span in three languages on three continents with authors from every station in life. These ancient works cover every major topic dealing with the human condition including: love, hate, death, sin, marriage, civil laws, and relationships with each other as well as with God. Although these works were written independently, they show an amazing congruency and they never contradict each other! When Paul writes "All scriptures is inspired by God (II Tim 3:16)", his primary reference is the Old Testament, which was completed 400 years previously. This is not to say that the verse doesn't apply to the New Testament as well, but Paul's subject matter was the Scriptures Timothy was taught as a child. Paul believes the Scriptures are "God-breathed"; that is they hold the same authority as if God were to come down and speak to you directly. Every word recorded in the original documents is considered to be chosen by God. So, our first point is that the testimony of Paul establishes a point of view that holds the Scriptures very highly. We know that the early church believed the Scriptures were inspired, we must now find out how to demonstrate that fact. Before going too far, I would ask your friend what type of evidence...
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...the facts. The Bible is made up of sixty six book. There are 40 authors who have written down what they have seen and heard from eye witnesses. There are more than 5000 manuscripts that are written about the New Testament. These manuscripts go on far beyond any of the first Greek writings. They are some of the first historical documents ever created. These manuscripts make up the Bible. They come from over 2200 miles apart, between two continents, and spans over 1600 years. They all have the same common core. Unfortunately some of the first ones have turned to dust because of the materials used in that time. Others have taken what was written and continued the writings for generations to read. These contain eye witness statements. “When The Bible speaks, it speaks truly.”(ACE) The Bible is the truth. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. “(2 Timothy 3:16) The Scriptures are God’s word. God not only inspired the people who wrote the scriptures, but he inspires the people who read them. “Each author chose words and wrote sentences that expressed his thoughts, but every word and every thought written on the page was God’s word.” (Towns, 18) “Since God cannot tell alive or mislead people, the Bible will not lie to a person or a lead that individual astray.” (Towns, 19) God is The Way, The Truth, and The Light. He does not lie. Therefore His Word, The Bible, is the truth. ...
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...of controversy about the reliability of the scriptures in the Bible. The two arguments that I found quite compelling is THE EXTRAORDINARY CLAIMS THAT THE BIBLE IS FROM GOD and THE UNITY OF THE MESSAGE FROM DIFFERENT HUMAN SOURCES. The 1st argument “THE EXTRAORDINARY CLAIMS THAT THE BIBLE IS FROM GOD.” In the book Theology for Today (chap 5 pg. 4) it states, “Old Testament prophets used expressions like “thus saith the LORD or “The word of the LORD came unto . . . .” These expressions are themselves among the strongest arguments for accepting the Bible. Concerning the expressions “Word of the Lord” (debhar Yahweh), B. B. Warfield writes that it “is at once the simplest and the most colorless designation of a Divine communication.” He then goes on to note, “Both phrases [‘Word of the Lord’ and ‘Law of the Lord’] are used for any Divine communication of whatever extent; and both came to be employed to express the entire body of Divine revelation, conceived as a unitary whole . . . and both passed into the NT with these implications.” The way that God gave us the Bible is a confirmation and delineation of His affection for us. The expression "disclosure" or “revelation” essentially implies that God imparted to humankind what He is similar to and how we can have a right association with Him. These are things that we couldn't have known had God not perfectly uncovered them to us in the Bible. Despite the fact that God's disclosure of Himself in the Bible was given logically over around...
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...Name: Warren Brooks Writing Style Used: MLA Course and Section Number: THEO 201 D27 Short Essay on Inspiration and Inerrancy It was a routine morning; I woke up to the buzz of my alarm, had breakfast, and was on my way to the park where I have my daily Bible study. However, on this day, my time at the park did not go according to routine as normal. A jogger that regularly runs through the park suddenly approached me. He told me his name, but the next words that came out of his mouth were: “How do you sit there morning after morning and read that Bible. What drives you to do it, and what do Christians find so authoritative about it?” I didn’t respond right away, but after taking a few seconds, I concluded: The term ‘authority,’ when applied to the Bible, also has an application to words spoken or written whose accuracy has been established and whose information can consequently be trusted (McDonald). To say the Bible has authority means that these words have the power and right to command. This authority comes from God and we are meant to give our lives over to this supreme authority. Hence, we worship the God of these words, and not the words themselves. John 5:23 states, “He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him.” This evidences that Jesus and God are equal. Since Jesus and God are one, this means that Jesus has this authority as well. Biblical inspiration is a super-natural influence of the Holy Spirit upon divinely chosen agents in consequence...
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... Moreover, it must be understood that many people claim to be Christians, but trust in their own understanding rather than Scripture, which is a direct contradiction of the Word of God (Prov. 3:5-6). People have become wise in their own eyes after consuming knowledge based on human wisdom. Society often influences and dictates the actions of most people and one finds it difficult to see a difference in the behavior of many professing Christians and the rest of society. One does not need to study literature to understand the problems with society. The Bible is sufficient for all of our needs (2 Tim. 3:16). The debate of evolution vs. creation or the age of the Earth are good examples how knowledge and science can manipulate our minds to question the reliability of the Bible. The teachings found in the public school system often contradict the teachings of God and yet most people send their children there to learn. The Bible commands parents to raise Godly offspring and to teach their children the truths of God at all times (Mal. 2:15, Deut. 6:7). How can this be accomplished if children are being...
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...Mormonism and Christianity are practically the same thing, right? Mormonism is just a rectified version. Both religions worship the same God and believe in the Bible. Wrong. Mormonism was founded in the 1820’s by a man named Joseph Smith, in the United States. Smith claimed to have a revelation from God, calling him to become a prophet of God and start a new religion. He also claimed he was visited by an angel called Moroni, who presented him with a set of golden plates which he translated into the Book of Mormon, which acts as a key to the Scriptures. The Church of Latter-day Saints does indeed study the Bible but only in accordance with the other three fundamental works of faith including The Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and...
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...of the Bible The purpose of this paper is to share some thoughts of what we learned over this semester. Many thoughts will come from what I have written during the class and from the Core of Christianity, Elmer Towns. The topics I chosen to discuss is Does the Bible have authority, Did Jesus claim to be God and How can we be confident that Jesus is returning. Let us first look at the word authority. Authority means “the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command, or determine.” ("authority.") This authority can come from a teacher, pastor, principle or anyone else that has the ability to control or command someone or something. The Biblical definition, states that authority is “the legal and/or moral right to exercise power, or power that is rightly possessed. We recognize the Bible is the most significant book in the history of civilization. In the context of Jewish history, the Bible’s impact on politics, history, and religion is without comparison. Along with establishing the covenant-based legitimacy of the Jewish people and their history, the Bible’s political impact is exemplified through prophetic politics, the power of kings, and the effects of political authority. Biblical archeology has discovered biblical structures which supports the historical validity of the Bible. The Bible’s effect on history, politics, and religion has shaped the world we live in today. The fact that the Bible has stood...
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...PROGRESS AT THE SITE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF DISCOVERIES TO BIBLICAL STUDY-------------------------------5 2 Introduction/Report This report will identify the historical background of the Temple Mount located in Jerusalem. Any currently known excavations at the Temple Mount will be addressed. The objective of the current excavation will be noted. The progress of the excavation will be reported. The significance of discoveries to biblical studies will be clarified. Historical Background The Bible and the science of archaeology have identified the Temple Mount in Jerusalem as being the location of the historical Jewish Temples; with the exact location being established by God on a high hill in the Moriah mountain range north of the City of David. According to Randall J. Price there were actually three Temples, “in historical succession” located at the present location of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem; between 960 B.C. and 70 A.D. The First Temple was built by King...
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...Gospel of John I.) Thesis statement; This report will outline the Gospel John from a synoptic point of view, but yet it will capture the information about the main focus of the gospel of John. Introduction II.) The introduction will give a brief intro into the most interesting book in the bible “The Gospel according to John”: Theological Features: III.) This paper will summarize here the theological format, while also discussing the eschatological and the christocentric concept of Who Jesus is. Eschatological IV.) I this section I will capture the eschatological tone of the Gospel with a new order perspective. Soteriological V.) In this section I will cover the Soteriology study of salvation. John's Purpose VII.) This section will focus on the purpose of John. And believing in Jesus you will everlasting life. Literary Characteristics VIII.) This section will focus on who wrote the Gospel of John and explain it from a believer point of view. Narrative Style IX.) In this section I will discuss the literary structure from a Narrative position. Biblical Theology X.) This section will give the biblical context of the Gospel and point out the Theological view of the bible according to John. Bibliography Bauckham, Richard. Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,...
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...Personal values are referred to the principles which define a person as an individual. Trust, reliability and honesty are the personal values which establish the way a person would confront the world and associate with the people. Our personal values give us the confidence; about what we deem as desirable and important. For living a successful, contended and happy life, an individual should establish their personal set of ethical values and standards. Establishing personal values would help one enhance their relationships, personality and self-esteem, and endorse productive decision making Ethical values may vary from the humdrum, like the belief in punctuality and hard work to more of psychological, like harmony of purpose, concern for others and self-reliance. Every individual has distinct ethical values and standards. My personal ethical standards and values have contributed to what my life is today. Values are the personal standards of what one believes as wrong or right. While, ethics refer to a structured set of fundamentals which impart the composition of what is taken as suitable in a group of people. My Personal Values, Ground Rules and Ethics I started acquiring ethical values since my childhood, observing the ones who were most close to me like my mother and my father. With the passage of time, and as I grew older, I acquired values from the external resources like church or school or even from my neighbors who I met and associated with in my everyday life...
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...Across the world and in the charming town of St. Petersburg, children in Sunday Schools and churches are customarily pressure into memorizing Bible verses through parental force and materialistic rewards. In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, its classic Sunday School scene portrays such memorization’s futility because of its often failure to penetrate the heart and of its vain deceptiveness. Tom Sawyer, in that scene, fraudulated this esteemed memorization by lying, and despite knowing the lie, the teacher, attempting to impress a judge, disregards Tom’s dishonesty. Another boy, having memorized 3000 Bible verses, was regarded as an idiot. Nonetheless, Bible verse memorization is not Christianity’s depravity, but the true evil its reasons and ultimate...
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