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Religion Vs Dharmic Beliefs

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Dharmic traditions differ completely from this. In Islam God is the prime being, whereas in Dharmic traditions god is simple just a way to the self or Brahman (Koller). In the Rig Veda worship and prayer are both emphasized as important parts of Dharma (Easwaran). But by the time of the Upanishads there was a slight shift. The Upanishads state “One who meditates upon and realizes the self discovers everything in the cosmos… all come from the Self” (Easwaran, 190). This ideology is completely different from the one presented in Islam. In Dharmic traditions God is no longer the answer to the equation but rather a part of the equation.
Islamic ideology and Dharmic tradition can be seen as quite different from each other from a surface level. Where Hinduism is a henotheistic religion with many Gods, and Islam …show more content…
However, since both religions were formed in a region close enough for trade, there are many overlapping ideologies. The religions both portray the self as an important part of the human experience, however they contest on what the self truly is. Hinduism argues that the self is the ultimate reality or Brahman (Koller). Whereas Islam sees the self as the first step to finding God (The Quran). Both philosophies rely on ideas like prayer, renunciation, and community. Islam focuses on a regiment of prayer, and renunciation of worldly possessions but also emphasizes being a part of the community. In Islam the community is a reflection of each individual within it. Hinduism emphasizes the same but through meditation, and renunciation of the self (Easwaran). Here however the individual is a reflection of the greater community (Easwaran). The idea of God is seen differently through both of these philosophies. Islam sees God in

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