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The Human Heart Analysis

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Throughout this short story unit, all of the stories express the most important concerns of the human heart, by utilizing concepts of love, loss and fear. All feelings in which the heart experiences on a daily basis, and are usually recognized using characterization. Without these key emotions, no reader can enjoy a novel or story to the fullest, as they can’t completely identify or relate to the stories contents. Any author’s use of these feelings creates a better experience for the reader. One of the most important emotions felt in the human heart is love. Each of the stories read throughout the unit in some way demonstrate this use of love. Love is important because it allows the author to introduce a topic that the reader can connect with. A prime example of this was read in the short story The Scarlet Ibis written by James hurst, when Doodles brother states “There is within me (and with sadness I have watched it in others) a knot of cruelty borne by the stream of love, much as our blood sometimes bears the seed of our destruction” (Hurst 259) Doodle’s brother really does adore …show more content…
Loss is mainly associated and felt within the heart, and is most impactful when one develops a strong bond with someone or something. This can mainly be seen at play within Louise Edrich’s The Leap. Anna Avalon is a former trapeze artist, who has not only lost two husbands, but a daughter and her own sight. Anna’s loss is clearly emphasized when Edrich writes “My mother is the surviving half of a blindfold trapeze act, not a fact I think about much even now that she is sightless” (Edrich 57). This use of characterization shows abundant and unfortunate loss of Anna’s sight and husband allows the readers to further bond with the characters through relativity. As loss is one of the most extreme emotions felt in the human heart, The Leap has the ability to communicate the importance of engaging readers with the

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