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Rent To Own Home Case Study

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A rent-to-own home helps a renter become a homeowner.
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If your credit isn't stellar or you're finding it impossible to save a nice down payment, buying a house can feel completely out of reach. In this case, a rent-to-own (RTO) property will look like manna from heaven - and it may be. RTO agreements are complex, however, and the devil is definitely in the details. Get them wrong, and your little slice of heaven can quickly become your own personal hell. RTO contracts are legally binding, so you need to know what to ask for when negotiating and then take the agreement to an attorney for review before signing it.
Purchase Price

When entering into an RTO agreement, you and your landlord must agree on a purchase price for the home. In some arrangements, both parties simply choose a fair price and make it part of the contract. Real estate markets change, however, and locking in a price now is potentially risky. If the market tanks while you're still renting, you could end up paying too much for the house. If the market soars, your landlord could get less than fair market value when you do buy. Some RTO contracts avoid this risk by stating that the home will undergo an assessment when the tenant is ready to buy. The …show more content…
When you first move into the home, your landlord will usually require an option consideration. This is a fee you pay to essentially buy the right to purchase the home later. It's similar to earnest money, which is required of home buyers in California. There is no set amount for option money, but landlords typically ask for somewhere between 2.5 and 7 percent of the home's agreed upon purchase price. In some cases, part or all of this money is applied to your closing costs when you buy the home. If you choose not to buy the house, the landlord typically gets to keep this

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