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Summary: A Career As A Chiropractor

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While many assume chiropractors are “fake” doctors, the truth is that these individuals attend school for many years and must retain the techniques they have already learned plus the newer techniques that are discovered annually. Their jobs are more rigorous since they may endure faults such as accidentally injuring the patient or being accused of sexual harassment. Through all the troubles, the benefits of becoming a chiropractor outweighs the detriments through many valued opinions. Chiropractors have been in the United States for a while. According to Nesci(2016) in Salem Press “Chiropractic History dates back to ancient medical writings dating from 2700 BCE(Nesci,2016,para 13)." They must know what they are doing. Chiropractors learn many new techniques and must retain the techniques from previous years by continuing their schooling. Enrolling into a career as difficult as this one will lead to an extravagant life, but it has its faults. The techniques you learn for this career are difficult but manageable. Doctors of chiropractic may examine, diagnose, analyze, and use x-rays for …show more content…
Many can prescribe healthier, different medicines instead of regular narcotics or pills.In doing this, they help many that may be allergic to the standard medicines or may prefer the herbal types due to their religion or state of mind.The alternative medicines are usually physical medicines such as exercise or yoga or actual medicine like healing herbs that are all organic. Nowadays there's so many side effects with all these newer types of medicines that cause more problems than it helps. Many people even grow to become dependent on them or even addicted even though the side effects may be slowly ruining their lives. A fault to the alternative techniques, such as exercising and organic herbals, is that they may not work as fast or may not be strong enough, but surely they will help

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