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Career Definition, Analysis, And Argument Research Paper Outline

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Career Definition, Analysis, and Argument Research Paper Outline
After reviewing the essay assignment sheet, respond thoroughly to the following questions. This exercise will help you clarify your focus for the assignment, set the stage for drafting, & inform me of your needs.

1. Which career or career field would you like to explore for this research essay? If you are concerned about your topic, you may need to discuss your topic with me.
List the career or career field topic of your paper: Funeral director / mortician

2. List (be specific with documentation- author, title, date) and describe 3 of your 5 sources that you plan to incorporate in your paper. 1. Caitlin Doughty anything she has the most information out there about the funeral industry and is …show more content…
Another reason it sounds like a good job working with the deceased. I can’t work with the older corpse as an archeologist..

4. Look at the suggested outline on the assignment sheet. Which areas do you think you will cover in your paper? How will you organize these areas?

what a mortician does, there importance, and I’m not sure on the last part.

5. What general information will you put in each section? If you don’t know yet, make a list of research areas you need to search and your research plan.

burial traditions
6) For the argument section of your paper, do you have at least three points in your paper to support your thesis statement? Do you have sources as evidence to “prove” your points? Your points need to be balanced with both points of view represented. Paragraphs may be ordered in several ways, depending upon the topic and purpose of your argument (general to specific information, most important point to least important point, weakest claim to strongest claim). What type of organization of points will you use? _____________________________________________ Also, you should mention opposing view or other argument for disadvantages or reasons not to choose this

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