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Repair Car Dents Research Paper

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It is always not a pleasing site to have dents in your precious car. I have come across car dents too, because car dents are inevitable to happen. No matter how much we try to keep our cars from having dents, there will come a time that it will have dents, usually from our own doings, or from external factors we have no control of.
We can deal with car dent repair in these 5 ways. It is up to you which way best work for you.

The first way is to do it yourself. Instinct will dictate you to repair it yourself. After all what are dent repair kits for? This is also a cheap, if not the cheapest way to repair car dents. Dent repair kits often come in cheaper price, and you do not have to pay service charges anymore. But of course, if you do it yourself, there is always the possibility of doing more damage to your car than actually trying to repair it. Unless you are a skilled repairman, it is not recommended to do so. …show more content…
They usually have the right machinery to repair extensively damaged cars that needs to be repainted as well. This will surely take longer days and you will have to leave your car in their shops. Also, this is very expensive but the result will surely be satisfying.

The third way, especially for minor repairs, is to hire a mobile paintless dent repair company such as Dentmaster Whales. It�s a mobile company so you do not have to worry about leaving your car in repair shops. They will come to you and repair your car dent in no time. This is not the cheapest option but it is a very practical option.

The fourth way, also concerning minor repairs, is to hire a SMART technician (small to medium area repair technique). These technicians specialize in minor repairs and they usually charge smaller than repair

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