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Required Reading Analysis

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Reading, for me, has been both on the positive and negative side. I love reading itself, but that is only when I obtain the chance to decide what I read. Required reading assignments and standardized test readings could go away for all I care. To be honest, it would be much better if all statewide and school reading assignments gave the reader an opportunity to prepare for what he or she is about to take a test on, especially since that test is going to decide if he or she moves on. Although I have a love for reading at home, the ISTEP has ruined reading for me on a school level. Many experiences, whether satisfying or dreadful, have paved the road for me to become the reader that I am today.
In the beginning, ISTEP was the greatest feared test for kids my age. The test caused me to reach my maximum stress level, so much pressure fell on me. Even though I was extremely smart, this test was still deeply feared. Out of all the portions on this test I worried about the random required reading was the worst. Also, the reading was followed by …show more content…
The random readings had made my life so difficult since there is no way to prepare for them, also there is nothing to study for a more clear understanding of the story. At the end of the day, I realized that random reading assignments are not my prerogative. This experience with the ISTEP had changed my perspective of required reading completely. Overall, it was just an awful day, with an abundance of awful experiences that allowed me to express and realize my hatred toward state reading exams. The events that took place paved the way for me to feel how I feel about these assignments now. I still believe the random readings are pointless and do not help with anything. Even with this awful first reading experience, I knew that I would crash heads again with a state reading test sometime

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