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Research Paper About Figurative Language


Submitted By Reynan
Words 286
Pages 2
The Analysis of the Problems in Understanding Figurative Language in Poetry
Chapter 1
The Problem and its Background
Language is a vital part of our everyday life and communication that are spoken by the human today and its natural human necessity. The word “language” has two meanings, language as general concept and language as a linguistic system. It is also traditionally signs, ideas and meanings of our heart and minds. But then, language cannot be fully expressed without even using figurative language
Whenever someone used figurative language, he describes something by comparing it to another. In order to be successful in literary studies at any level, and for that matter, to be considered a good writer himself, at least a basic understanding of figurative language is absolutely essential. This series will explore the basic types of figurative language that you are likely to encounter in high school and early university settings; without knowledge of these, getting good grades is not a likely outcome, and succeeding in upper level literature courses will simply not happen. Although many teachers and professors do underline the importance of various kinds of figurative language, not many take the time to define it and explain its importance as a whole. Figurative language can most efficiently and simply be seen as a way of writing and speaking that goes beyond or even against the denotation of given words, and begins to explore their connotations. Denotation refers to the literal, dictionary meaning attributed to words or phrases, whereas connotation refers to the various associations that have been added to the words and phrases through their use in a given context. Figurative language therefore gains its power through use and common social

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