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Research Paper in Microeconomics


Submitted By rynegandia
Words 1446
Pages 6
Research Paper in

Submitted by : Ryne James P. Gandia Joyce Ann Arenas Angel Joy Lilac Bartolome Cindy Dela Paz
Behind the Success of
Jollibee Foods Corporation
Submitted to : Sir Bryan Gonzalez

Table of Contents


Body ………………………………………………………………………. a. The Financial Statistics…………………………………………………

b. The Problems and Challenges…………………………………….

Evaluation and Conclusion……………………………………………………..


Introduction When we talk about fast food, what’s the first word that flashes in our minds? Here in the Philippines, when we’re talking about fast food chains, Jollibee itself is the first that comes up to our minds. Jollibee is a very well-known fast food chain and it is the largest fast food chain here in the Philippines. Jollibee is known as registered trademark. We all know that Jollibee is a food chain, but did we know where Jollibee came from? When? Why it becomes so successful? Jollibee started in the poor Caktiong Family from Southeastern China and immigrated to the Philippines for a better work to live their life. So like the other Filipino families who went or migrated to other countries for their living. Jollibee Foods Corporation or JFC was established after the oil crisis hit the ice-cream prices.
“From modest beginnings to the top of the world” are the words that succinctly sum up Tony Tan Caktiong’s story, today president and CEO of Jollibee® Foods Corporation, the biggest fast food restaurant chain in the Philippines. At his age of 22, inspired by a visit to an ice cream plant, he seized a franchising opportunity with Magnolia Daily Ice Cream and so he opened two ice cream parlors, but his customers are requesting for an additional product. So in response to customer requests, he added sandwiches and hot meals to the menu,

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