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Research Paper On God Is Dead Nietzsche

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Nietzsche declared that God was dead and believed that people would be completely lost after this realization. He also proposed the two major aspects of human nature, the Apollonian and the Dionysian. Jung proposed that the collective unconscious, information reflective of human experience as a whole, was the most important component of personality. Kierkegaard stressed faith and having a personal relationship with God. Batson formed the three-dimensional model of religion, which characterized how people view and use their own religion. Nihilism is the belief that any search for the truth will fail because what is considered true will always vary.

Nietzsche made the statement that “God is dead”. This was not meant to be taken literally, and …show more content…
Kierkegaard, much like Nietzsche, rejected commonly accepted things such as organized religion and science. Though Kierkegaard himself believed in God and stressed that people should have a personal relationship with God or a love affair as he called it. Anyone else who valued their faith such as he did would never be affected by Nietzsche’s statement that God is dead. Kierkegaard stressed blind faith, so no amount of science or philosophy would shake his belief in religion. He could be the poster boy for intrinsic religion and the concept of religion as an …show more content…
This model was built off of Allport and Ross’ bipolar extrinsic and intrinsic model with religion as a means being extrinsic and religion as an end being intrinsic. Those who are extrinsic (religion as a means) are those who are religious for personal gain or public acceptance. Those who are intrinsic (religion as an end) consider religion as a personal and all important. Those who fit religion as a quest value their doubts and recognize that they don’t know some things. Extrinsic religion is the thing Kierkegaard was against; he would strongly favor intrinsic religion or possibly religion as a quest.
According to Nietzsche the two major aspects of human nature are the Apollonian and the Dionysian. The Apollonian aspect represents a person’s logical side and their need for things such as order, while the Dionysian aspect represents a person’s irrational side and their need for things such as passion. He often emphasized the importance of the Dionysian aspect since it was often suppressed by science and organized religion. He thought life was only worth living if passion was involved. Kierkegaard also seemed to favor the Dionysian aspect since he heavily valued faith over

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