...twitterTwitter Share on linkedinLinkedin Share on google_followGoogle * Lesson Store * Courses * Training * News Blog * Search * Newsletter * Contact Us * About Us * Home Core Competences * Lesson * Exercise * Answer Marketing and Core Competences A core competence is the result of a specific unique set of skills or production techniques that deliver value to the customer. Such competences give an organization access to a wide variety of markets. Hamel and Prahalad (1990) refer to a number of organizations and their products to support their concept including NEC, Honda and Canon. Core competences are interesting from a traditional marketing point of view since it could be argued that they take a product or production orientation rather than a market orientation. If you focus on production techniques and skills then aren't you looking at your business from an internal point of view? The answer is yes. However, the core competences give a business a competitive advantage in a number of markets, markets where customers perceive a benefit from the product. So if needs are being met better than the competition, there is an argument that core competences are indeed market-oriented. There are at least three tests of a core competence. Three tests of core competence. * Provides potential access to a wide variety of markets. * Should make a significant contribution to the perceived customer benefits of the end product. * Should be difficult for competitors...
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...Drawing on the Resource Based View literature, evaluate whether and how Zara generates sustainable competitive advantage Based upon the analysis of the ‘ZARA: Fast Fashion’ case study and referring to literature on the resource based view along with other appropriate theory and frameworks, I will draw a conclusion as to whether Zara have been able to create a sustainable competitive advantage, focussing primarily on their core competences developed over time. The resource based view stems from the idea that today’s market environments are so unpredictable and fast moving that it is wiser to form a base for strategy on the internal resources and capabilities of a company, rather than focussing on the external market (Grant, 2008). To gain a competitive advantage a firm must implement a strategy consisting of valuable and rare resources not being employed by current or potential competitors. To create a sustainable competitive advantage a firm must have unique resources that are non-imitable and non-substitutable (Barney, 1991). Competences derive from the integration of resources, assets, routines and values (Prahalad and Hamel, 1990). They become ‘core’ competences when they strategically differentiate themselves from other organizations (Leonard-Barton, 1992), helping them build a sustainable competitive advantage. Prahalad and Hamel (1990) state that a world leading company is unlikely to have more than five or six core competences and it is crucial to note that, while...
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...Applied Economics Letters, 2011, 18, 1121–1124 Management innovation, corporation core competence and corporate culture: the impact of relatedness Chich-Jen Shieh Department of International Business, Chang Jung Christian University, Kway Jen, Sector 1, 396 Chang Jung Road, Tainan, 71101 Taiwan E-mail: charles@mail.cjcu.edu.tw This study reports the results of a study of Management Innovation of Taiwanese businesses in China. Over 800 questionnaires were sent out to the Taiwanese owners/managers in Kun-Shan City, China, with 260 valid responses included in the study. Four relationships were examined in the study: the correlation between management innovation and corporation core competence, between management innovation and the corporate culture, between corporation core competence and the corporate culture and finally the effect of the corporate culture on the relationship between management innovation and corporation core competence. Findings and conclusions are discussed. I. Introduction Management innovations are processes such as new distribution methods or novel applications of technology in the management process, which enable organizations to reach their goals, and include object management, environmental research and judgment, coordination, integration and schedule control (Van de Ven, 2003; Van Ark et al., 2003b). Van Ark et al. (2003a) defined management innovation as a management product or management process that is based on some technology...
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...VIEWPOINT Core Competence, Distinctive Competence, and Competitive Advantage: What Is the Difference? ANN MOONEY STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY ABSTRACT. Core competence, distinctive competence, and competitive advantage ABSTRACT. are 3 of the most important business concepts that managers, researchers, and educators rely on for decision making, pedagogy, and research. However, little attention has been paid to defining these concepts. As a result, they have become buzzwords that are used so frequently that their meanings are often taken for granted but are not fully understood. In this article, the author reviews the evolution of these concepts in business literature and provides comprehensive definitions, conceptual models, and examples to help clarify and distinguish the concepts so that failures of communication can be avoided. Keywords: competencies, competitive advantage, strategy Copyright © 2007 Heldref Publications 110 Journal of Education for Business S R ince its genesis in the mid-20th century, the study of business disciplines has become an established academic discipline. The proliferation of business curricula, journals, and academic and professional associations is evidence of a dramatic growth in business education. Although the growth has improved the understanding of business and informed business practices, with growth comes various problems. For example, business practitioners, researchers...
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...Questions 1- Analyse strategic capabillity using an analytical framework |BASIC RESOURCES: |BASIC COMPETENCES: | |Office/facilities as their headquartes in California |Learning from past experiences | |WebPage |Customer Information | |IT server Platform |“Take Rate” – ratio of revenues ti¡o the values of goods per day | |5000 employees | | |UNIQUE RESOURCES: |UNIQUE COMPETENCES | |Ebay Brand |Web Page design | |Ebay Logo |Business Model | |Free Constant feedback |Educational System Class | | |Own security department | 2-What are the capabilities...
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...task of evaluating a company's resources and competitive position? A. What are the company's most profitable geographic market segments? B. How well is the company's present strategy working? C. Are the company's prices and costs competitive? D. Is the company competitively stronger or weaker than key rivals? E. What strategic issues and problems merit front-burner managerial attention? Which of the following is not a component of evaluating a company's resources and competitive position? A. Evaluating how well the present strategy is working B. Scanning the environment to determine a company's best and most profitable customers C. Assessing whether the company's costs and prices are competitive D. Evaluating whether the company is competitively stronger or weaker than key rivals E. Pinpointing what strategic issues and problems merit front-burner managerial attention The spotlight in analyzing a company's resources, internal circumstances, and competitiveness includes such questions/concerns as Awhether the company's present strategy is better than the strategies of its closest rivals based on such . performance measures as earnings per share, ROE, dividend payout ratio, and average annual increase in the common stock price. B. whether the company's key success factors are more dominant than the key success factors of close rivals. C. whether the company has the industry's most efficient and effective value chain. D. what are the company's resource strengths and weaknesses and...
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...Evaluating company resources and competitive capabilities In the previous chapter we descrbed how to use the tools of industry and competitive analysis to assess a company’s external situation. In this chapter we discuss the techniques of evaluating a company’s resource capabilities, relative cost position, and competitive strength versus rivals. Company situation analy’external market circumstances and to its internal resources and competitive capabilities. The sopotlight of company situation analysis in trained on five questions: 1. How well is the company’s present strategy working? 2. What are the company’s resource strengths and weaknesses and its external opportunities and threats? 3. Are the company’s prices and costs compaetitive? 4. How strong is the company’s competitive position relative to its rivals? 5. What strategi issues does the company face? To explore these questions, four new analytical techniques will be introduced: SWOT analysis, value chain analysis, strategic cost analysis , and competitive strength assessment. These techniques are basic stragic management tools be-cause they expose the ccompany’s resource strengths and deficiencies, its best market opportunities, the outside threats to its future profitability, and its compertitive standing relative to rivals. Insightful company situation analysis is a precondition for identifying the strategic issues that management needs to address and for tailoring strategy to company resources and competitive...
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...NETWORK CAPABILITY – EMERGING AS PART OF AN INDUSTRIAL FIRMS COMPETENCE CONFIGURATION Jukka Vesalainen, University of Vaasa, Department of Management jukka.vesalainen@uva.fi Henri Hakala, University of Vaasa, Department of Management henri.hakala@uva.fi Abstract: The network capability refers to the firm’s ability to build, handle and exploit relationships. These capabilities are interwoven in the complex configuration with other capabilities and competencies of the firm and are, in practice, very difficult to separate from them. Rather than assuming that firms inherently possess network capability, our aim is to discover if this actually naturally occurs in the discourse of the top management teams. In order to understand how managers perceive, process and interpret network capability, the management teams of six industrial subcontractors were guided through a five-step process of introducing, identifying, critical screening, challenging and verifying the capabilities of the firm. The paper introduces strategic capability architecture and investigates how network capability emerges within the configuration of other capabilities in these firms. We found that in customer oriented capability sets, network capabilities are central to the formation this kind of capabilities. In other types of capability sets, networking capabilities play an important role as assets in the formation of the capability sets. Furthermore, we identified that the networking capabilities act in unison with...
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...to employability. Design/methodology/approach – The world of work is characterised by new and rapidly changing demands. Talent management has recently been the target of increasing interest and is considered to be a method by which organisations can meet the demands that are associated with increased complexity. Previous studies have often focused on the management of talent, but the issue of what exactly should be managed has generally been neglected. In this paper, the authors focus on discussing the substance of talent and the problems associated with identifying talent by using the following closely related concepts: employability, knowledge, and competence. Findings – Employability is central to employee performance and organisational success. Individual employability includes general meta-competence and context-bound competence that is related to a specific profession and organisation. The concept of employability is wider than that of talent, but the possession of...
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...in broad terms where and how the firm will seek to add value, the opportunities it will pursue, the breadth and attributes of the firm’s product lines, its pricing policies, distribution channels, technologies, R & D efforts, and so on.’ (Amar V., 2000 pg 265). ‘Broadly, strategies encompass the set of approaches that the company will use to achieve its objectives’ (Jobber and Lancaster, 2006 pg 49) A well defined strategy should therefore integrate decisions about; scope of the business, objectives, resource allocation, developing sustainable differential advantage and synergy. The importance of strategy in the achievement of business goals cannot therefore be over emphasized judging from the above features. Split into corporate and competitive strategies, the former determines the scale and scope of the business while the later determines the sustainability of the company in the ever dynamic and competitive business environment. Whether inward out (resource based) or outward in (market based), competitive strategy is cardinal to the continued existence if the firm. Since successful strategies are those which adapt firms to the opportunities and threats in their markets/environments and which develop their internal capabilities, it means that in order to remain relevant, firms must adopt strategies suitable and consistent with the market changes, its development and the environment at large, either responsively or proactively. The business environment has...
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...HPSE-CT-2002-50026 (Thematic Network) 1st workshop : April 3rd –4th, 2003 (Strasbourg) RESOURCES AND COMPETENCES PERSPECTIVES ON STRATEGY OF THE FIRM: A discussion of the central arguments F. Amesse, A. Avadikyan, P. Cohendet Introduction: In 1994, Wernerfelt received an award for the best paper of the decade in Strategic Management Review (A resource-based view of the firm, 1984). Considering the fortune of the article among practicing managers (Wernerfelt, 1995), he admitted that such a fortune had been leveraged by the 1990 article of Prahalad and Hamel in Harvard Business Review (“The Core Competence of the Corporation”). Directly addressed to people in management and strategy, this article was clearly prescriptive as to the best way to set winning strategies for the firm, especially as to diversification and the abusive use of SBUs (Strategic Business Units) in highly decentralized profit centres. “In the 1990s, top executives will be judged on their ability to identify, cultivate, and exploit the core competencies that make growth possible”. Since the 1990s, the resource based view (RBV) and the core competence approach (CCA) became very attractive for many researchers and consultants. Such interest was well supported by what seemed to be a clear and superior way of setting strategies by large Japanese groups which frequently served as a benchmark case of core competence management. The strong and pervasive trends for continuous technological innovation and...
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...Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 2011, 3(2), 411-423 www.iojes.net Pedagogical Competences – The Key to Efficient Education Andreia Irina SUCIU1 and Liliana MÂŢĂ21 Abstract The aim of our study is to provide a holistic representation of pedagogical skills closely related with current approaches in the field of professional competence for the teaching career. The paper covers three dimensions from the perspective of pedagogical competences. The first dimension is on the definition of pedagogical competence. The concept of pedagogical competence tends to be used with the meaning of minimum professional standard, often specified by law, which should raise a person in fulfilling a particular role of the teaching profession. The second dimension is based on representative taxonomies and highlights current pedagogical competences. The taxonomic classification, which we provide below only refers to the basic competences involved in the based role of a teacher to lead one of the educational activities with students. The third dimension is represented by a proposal in a narrow framework of a holistic representation of pedagogical competences for the teaching career. In the holistic view, we delineate two broad categories of pedagogical competences in accord with current approaches: general pedagogical competence and special pedagogical competence. After analyzing the pedagogical competences taxonomies, we obtained a comprehensive and actual representation. This representation...
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...Managers ability to identify and exploit the organization core competencies spells excellence. Organizations have different types of core competencies that could be classified into three main categories, ‘‘market-access competencies’’, ‘‘integrity-related competencies’’ and ‘‘functionality-related competencies’’ (Shaabani, et al., 2012). 2. 4. 4. Sustainability of a competitive advantage Hoskisson, et al. (2013), argue that competitive advantage sustainability is a function of: • The rate of adaptation of core-competence as a response to environmental changes, and learning to change rapidly, for example the technological shifts as a result of uncertainty regarding current/future characteristics of the general and industry environments. • Availability of substitutes and resource reallocation decisions for the core competence creates intraorganizational...
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...Cultural Competency Assessment Cultural Competency Assessment Cultural competency is a combination of attitudes, behaviors, and policies that creates a system within an organization or among groups. It allows people to work together effectively in cross-cultural, diverse situations. Culture is the pattern of behaviors that includes a person’s actions, thoughts, communications, beliefs, values, language, and institutions of social, ethnic, racial, and religious groups. Competence determines whether a person can function effectively as an individual, group, or organization within the context of the cultural behaviors, beliefs, and needs of clients and the communities in which he or she resides (Sutton, 2000). America is considered the “the melting pot” because of the culturally diverse communities we live, work, and play in. Importance of Cultural Competence America is a combination of diverse race and cultures, such as White, Asian, Native American, African American, Hispanic, and many others. Although every culture has created a new way of life in the 21st Century, each group has preserved values and beliefs from his or her original culture. Human service professionals need to provide services with objective, nonjudgmental, knowledgeable, open-mindedness, and the williness to understand the needs of each client. For example, a human service professional not aware of the Native American Child Welfare Policies may remove a child from his or her tribal family, and place that...
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...ECS8_C03.qxd 10/15/07 14:23 Page 93 The Strategic Position 3 Strategic Capability LEARNING OUTCOMES After reading this chapter you should be able to: ➔ Distinguish elements of strategic capability in organisations: resources, competences, core competences and dynamic capabilities. ➔ Recognise the role of continual improvement in cost efficiency as a strategic ➔ Analyse how strategic capabilities might provide sustainable competitive advantage on the basis of their value, rarity, inimitability and nonsubstitutability. ➔ Diagnose strategic capability by means of value chain analysis, activity mapping, benchmarking and SWOT analysis. ➔ Consider how managers can develop strategic capabilities of organisations. Photo: Glyn Kirk/Action Plus Sports Images capability. ECS8_C03.qxd 94 10/15/07 CHAPTER 3 3.1 14:23 Page 94 STRATEGIC CAPABILITY INTRODUCTION Chapter 2 outlined how the external environment of an organisation can create both strategic opportunities and threats. However, Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Asda all compete in the same environment, yet Tesco is a superior performer. It is not the environment that distinguishes between them but their internal strategic capabilities. The importance of strategic capability is the focus of this chapter. There are three key concepts that underpin the discussion. The first is that organisations are not identical, but have different capabilities; they are ‘heterogeneous’...
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