...Melvin’s Bartleby the Scrivener tells the story of a new employee of a Law Firm on Wall Street. Everything in this story embodies my fear of my future profession. A scrivener is someone who serves as a scribe. Bartleby is a new scribe to this law firm and works day and night handwriting copies of legal documents. The lawyer describes Bartleby as an excellent worker whose work output is tremendous. Along with Bartleby are 3 other employees. Turkey is another scrivener who is described by the lawyer as being excellent in the morning; however, as the day goes on he becomes less efficient and more prone to making mistakes. Nipper is a second scrivener who is simply described as a young ambitious man and a steady worker. Ginger Nut is a young errand boy whose primary role is going to pick up ginger nut cakes. Bartleby continues to work day and night to producing perfect copies of legal documents pleasing the lawyer greatly. One day, the lawyer comes in asking Bartleby to examine a document and Bartleby responds to his plea with “I’d prefer not to.” The lawyer is baffled with this response and delegates the work to Nipper. Bartleby continues to repeat this phrase when delegated task to the point he is not getting any work done. The lawyer realizes Bartleby has been living in his office for weeks. He discovers that Bartleby has no family, friends, nor a life outside of his employment. The lawyer is forced to terminate Bartleby’s employment and asks him to leave, yet Bartleby again says...
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