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Business Regs and Compliance
MKTG 1130
Fall 2014
CRN 20033

Business Regs and Compliance
MKTG 1130
Fall 2014
CRN 20033

Course Information

Meeting Times: Online
Credit Hours: Three (3)
Contact Hours: Online
CRN: 20033
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
Instructor Information

Name: Michael R. Childs
Office: Online
Office Phone: (912) 272-0005 Cellular (I ANSWER MY PHONE)
Office Hours: None
Response Time Generally 24 hours
Department Head Information

Name: Brendan Ferrara
Office: Savannah Campus
Office Phone: (912) 443-5783
E-mail Address:
Office Hours: By Appt.
Course Description

This course introduces the study of contracts and other legal issues and obligations for businesses. Topics include: creation and evolution of laws, court decision processes, legal business structures, sales contracts, commercial papers, Uniform Commercial Code, and risk-bearing devices.
Course Competencies

Upon successful completion of this class, each student should be able to:

Creation and Evolution of Laws
Court Decision Processes
Legal Business Structures
Sales Contracts
Commercial Papers
Risk-Bearing Devices
Uniform Commercial Code

Required Materials

Text: Law for Business, 18th ed. By Ashcroft & Ashcroft - ISBN 978-1-1335-8761-3

Evaluation Process

All assignments must be typed. Assignments are due on the date provided by the instructor no later then 11:55 p.m. Assignments turned in after such time will be considered late and will receive a zero (0).

Homework and all other out of class work must be typed and have the following heading:

Date material turned into Childs

If there is a required heading for legal work, it should come after this heading. Finally, if the heading is not in this form, there will be a letter grade reduction for the work.

Exams MUST be completed on the days set forth by the instructor. There will be no make up exams! You have about forty-eight (48) hours to complete your exam. As such, there is no excuse to miss the exam.

If there is a technical problem with the website, or have documented evidence from your doctor that YOU were sick, then a make-up exam is permitted, but only after said evidence is provided to me.

Excuses that will not work: 1. My internet was down. a. Response: You should have taken the exam at school, library, work, or friend’s house 2. I was sick b. Response: If no doctor’s excuse, 0 3. I have been too busy at work c. Response: you could have taken it before or after work, there is a 48 hour window 4. I did not know we had an exam. d. Response: You should have logged onto Angel or read your syllabus 5. I was out of town e. Response: You knew you had an exam because it was on your syllabus

Grading Procedure for Assessments
Exams 40%*
Quizzes/Class Assignments 20%

Final Exam 40%

*Course assignments and due dates are subject to change.

Proctored Examinations (Online Courses)

Students will be required to complete a proctored final exam for each online course. The midterm exam, or any other exams designated by the instructor, may or may not be proctored at the instructor’s discretion. For midterm exams that are marked as proctored and all final exams there will be a time frame in which students can sign-up for a block of time in a Savannah Technical College computer lab to come in and take their exam in a proctored environment. Exam times will be offered throughout the day and evening on the Savannah main campus, Liberty campus, Effingham, and Crossroads campus on the specified dates. Your instructor will provide you with more details on the registration process. Students located outside of the College’s four county service area should contact their instructor for proctoring information.

For this course the following exams will require proctoring: * Course Final Exam
Grading Scale

The Technical College System of Georgia grading scale is as follows:

Grade | Quality | Grade Points | A (90-100) | Excellent | 4.0 | B (80-89) | Above Average | 3.0 | C (70-79) | Average | 2.0 | D (60-69) | Below Average | 1.0 | F (59 and below) | Failing | 0.0 | WF | Withdrawn Failing | 0.0 | WP | Withdrawn Passing | Not Computed | W | Withdrawn | Not Computed | I | Incomplete | Not Computed | EX | Credit by Exemption | Not Computed | TR | Credit by Transfer | Not Computed | AU or V | Audited | Not Computed |

Graduation Credit Policy

Students must earn a grade of C or better in any course in order for that course to count as credit toward graduation. Courses in which the student earns a D or an F will become part of the student’s transcript and will be included in the student’s GPA, but will not count as credit toward graduation.

Student Identification Policy

All Savannah Technical College students are required to display their official Savannah Technical College ID while on any Savannah Technical College campus location. Students will not be admitted to classes if their Savannah Technical College ID is not easily visible to the instructor.

Savannah Technical College Attendance Policy

Students are expected to be punctual and attend all classes for which they are registered. Attendance requirements vary by program and will be clearly stated on the course syllabus. Course participation includes completing activities such as submitting assignments, taking exams/quizzes, interactive tutorials or computer-assisted instruction. Students enrolled in online courses are expected to participate in the online class by completing assignments, contributing to online discussions, and initiating contact with a faculty member. Logging into the online class does not establish student enrollment and participation in the course.

Students must establish enrollment and course participation each semester before financial aid funds are disbursed. Student attendance will be monitored for the first seven (7) calendar days of each semester. Monitoring attendance beyond the seventh day is at the instructor’s discretion.

No Show Status: Students are expected to attend all classes for which they are registered. It is the student’s responsibility to drop or withdraw from any course they are not attending. Students who do not establish attendance in at least one class session will be reported as a No Show for the course and if applicable, financial aid will be reduced accordingly.

Unofficial Withdrawal: Students who stop completing assignments, attending class, or participating in online discussions and assignments will be considered unofficially withdrawn. Unofficial withdrawals will be reported to the Registrar by the instructor at the 60% point of the semester. Students are strongly encouraged to follow the Official Withdrawal process below in order to minimize adverse effects to their academic standing.

Official Withdrawal from a Course: Students may withdraw from a course without academic penalty up through the 60% point of the term. After the 60% point, grades of WP or WF will be assigned and may have a negative effect on academic standing, satisfactory academic progress, financial aid, and student account balance. Students who wish to officially withdraw from individual course(s) but remain enrolled in others must initiate the official withdrawal by contacting the instructor directly in writing or by notifying their Academic Advisor. Students are strongly advised to consult with their Academic Advisor and the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing. Withdrawing from a course may have a negative effect on academic standing, satisfactory academic progress, financial aid, and student account balance. The student’s official last date of attendance will be the date the student notified the college official.

Official Withdrawal from the College: Students who wish to officially withdraw from the college during a term must submit a Request to Withdraw form to the Student Affairs Office. The date the form is received by the Student Affairs Office will be considered the student’s official last date of attendance. Withdrawing from all courses may have a negative effect on academic standing, satisfactory academic progress, financial aid, and student account balance. Students are encouraged to consult with their Academic Advisor and Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing from the college.






Excused Absences

Absences for the following reasons will automatically be excused if appropriate documentation is provided to the instructor before the event occurs. Excused absences will not be used as a basis for withdrawing a student from class and will not be considered in determining a student’s work ethics grade.

1. Military duty/training. 2. Jury summons. Attendance at a legal proceeding in which the student has been charged is NOT INCLUDED. 3. Attendance at a school sponsored event (i.e. VICA, GOAL, SIFE competitions)

Employment, child-care issues, child support and custody issues, divorce issues, and juvenile court legal issues not considered to be excused absences.

Financial Aid Considerations

Academic deficiencies or withdrawal from a class may have an adverse effect on financial aid eligibility. It is recommended that every student consult with his/her academic advisor and financial aid representative to determine the effect that a failing grade or withdrawal from class may have on continuing financial aid eligibility.

Drop/Add and Reimbursement Policy

1. Students will be allowed to drop/add within the first three business days of the semester with no penalty. 2. Students will receive 100% refund of out-of-pocket expenses if they withdraw within the first three business days of the semester. After the third business day, there will be no refund given. 3. Students in programs that start at time other than the beginning of the semester will be eligible for 100% refund of out-of-pocket expenses during the first three business days after the start of class.

Work Ethics

To be effective, technical education must include two key elements. First, it must provide training and experiences that approximate, as nearly as possible, the conditions found in the actual work place. Of equal importance, an effective technical education program must identify and develop those personal characteristics often referred to as “good work habits.” These characteristics include regular attendance, punctuality, dependability, initiative, attitude, cooperation, respect, character, appearance, productivity, and teamwork. Studies show that 85 percent of the people who lose their jobs do so because they lack good work habits rather than appropriate job skills. Savannah Technical College has therefore developed a system to promote, teach and evaluate “work ethics” in each occupational program. Work ethics grades are reported each semester and are recorded as a separate grade on the student’s permanent record. Work ethics grades will be placed to the immediate right of the academic letter grades.

Work Ethics Scale: * 3 — Exceeds Expectations: work ethics performance was exemplary * 2 — Meets Expectations: all work ethics standards were met * 1 — Needs Improvement: some work ethics standards were not met * 0 — Unacceptable: work ethics performance was below average -------------------------------------------------
Acts of Dishonesty

Any student found to have committed one or more of the following acts of dishonesty is subject to the disciplinary sanctions outlined in the appropriate section of the Student Code of Conduct as defined in the Savannah Technical College Catalog: 1. Cheating, plagiarism, collusion, or other forms of academic dishonesty. 2. Furnishing false information to any Technical College official, faculty member or office. 3. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any Technical College document, record, or instrument of identification. 4. Tampering with the election of any Technical College recognized student organization.

Acts of academic dishonesty will include, but may not be limited to, the following:

Cheating on an examination is defined to include the following:

* Copying from another student’s exam paper. * Using material during an exam that is not authorized by the person giving the exam. * Collaborating without instructor permission with any person during an examination. * Knowingly obtaining, using, buying, selling, transporting, or soliciting in whole or in part the contents of an examination. * Bribing any other person to obtain examinations or information about examinations. * Substituting for another student or permitting any person to substitute for oneself during the administration of an examination.

Plagiarism is defined as the appropriation of any other person’s work offered for credit.

Collusion is defined as unauthorized collaboration with any other person in preparing work submitted for credit.

Disability Services

If a student normally receives accommodations for a disability, the student must contact their disability services coordinator at the beginning of each term.

Section 504/ADA (Disability) | Barbara Beam
5717 White Bluff RoadSavannah, GA 912-443-5717 |


Non-Discrimination Statement

The Technical College System of Georgia and its constituent institutions do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, gender, religion, disability, age, political affiliation or belief, disabled veteran, veteran of the Vietnam Era, or citizenship status (except in those special circumstances permitted or mandated by law). This nondiscrimination policy encompasses the operation of all educational programs and activities including admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other Technical College-administered programs. It also encompasses the employment of personnel and contracting for goods and services.

The Technical College System of Georgia shall promote the realization of equal opportunity through a positive continuing program of specific practices designed to ensure the full realization of equal opportunity. Any Savannah Technical College student with a discrimination complaint or disability issue should contact the appropriate person listed below:

Title VI (Discrimination)Title IX(Equity) | Regina Thomas-Williams
5717 White Bluff Road
Savannah, GA 31405rthomas@savannahtech.edu912-443-5708 |

Please see the Savannah Technical College Website,, to read more about the resolution of grievances.

Warranty Statement

If a Savannah Technical College graduate educated under a standard program or his/her employer finds that the graduate is deficient in one or more competencies as defined in the standards, STC will re-train the employee at no instructional cost to the employee or the employer. This guarantee is in effect for a period of two years after graduation. The employer or graduate should contact the Vice President of Academic Affairs at Savannah Technical College to obtain more information or to file a warranty claim.

Class Conduct

Each student is expected to remember that he/she is now in a college environment. Class behavior should at all times reflect this realization. In particular, students are expected to treat the instructor and every other student in the class with respect and courtesy at all times. In addition, each student is expected to avoid behaviors, such as audible class conversations, obvious sleeping, or leaving and re-entering the classroom, which will detract from other students’ classroom experience. Failure to exhibit appropriate behavior will result in adverse ratings on the Work Ethics Assessment and possible expulsion from the class. Please see the Student Code of Conduct for more information regarding student conduct.

Please note that, for reasons of institutional liability, Savannah Technical College strictly prohibits any student from bringing his/her children to class.

Additional Information

All students are advised to read and become familiar with the following topics found on the Savannah Technical College Website, * Academic Misconduct * Campus Policies * Disciplinary Procedures for Academic Misconduct * Disciplinary Procedures Nonacademic Misconduct * Savannah Technical College Library Information * Grievances

Appendix One
Course Schedule


Unit 1, 8/25-9/4 Introduction to course, discuss student and instructor expectations, review work ethics

9/4 Syllabus Quiz Due

Turn in Work Ethics Form in appropriate Drop Box

Turn in Last Page of Syllabus in appropriate Drop Box

Discussion Question for Week 1 must be completed – Student MUST respond to question and respond to 2 classmates for full credit. (50% answer, 25% response)

ONCE A WEEK CLOSES, IT MAY NOT BE REOPENED Objective: Creation and Evolution of Laws/Court Decision Processes Unit 2, 8/27-9/4 Chapter 1 – Introduction to Law Chapter 2 – Courts and Court Procedure Chapter 3 – Business Torts and Crimes

9/4 Homework Quiz for chapters 1, 2 and 3 Due
Discussion Question for Week 2 must be completed – Student MUST respond to question and respond to 2 classmates for full credit. (50% answer, 25% response)


Objective: Contracts

Unit 3, 9/5-9/11 Chapter 5 - Nature and Classes of Contracts Chapter 6 – Offer and Acceptance

9/11 Homework Quiz for Chapter 5 and 6 Due
Discussion Question for Week 3 must be completed – Student MUST respond to question and respond to 2 classmates for full credit. (50% answer, 25% response)


Unit 4, 9/12-9/18 Chapter 7 – Capacity to Contract Chapter 8 – Consideration

9/18 Homework Quiz for Chapter 7 and 8 Due
Discussion Question for Week 4 must be completed – Student MUST respond to question and respond to 2 classmates for full credit. (50% answer, 25% response)


Unit 5, 9/19-9/25 Chapter 9 – Defective Agreements Chapter 10 – Illegal Agreements

9/25 Homework Quiz for Chapter 9 and 10 Due
Discussion Question for Week 5 must be completed – Student MUST respond to question and respond to 2 classmates for full credit. (50% answer, 25% response)


Unit 6, 9/26-10/2 Chapter 11 – Written Contracts Chapter 12 – Third Parties and Contracts Chapter 13 – Termination of Contracts

10/2 Homework Quiz for Chapter 11, 12 and 13 Due
Discussion Question for Week 6 must be completed – Student MUST respond to question and respond to 2 classmates for full credit. (50% answer, 25% response)


Objective: Sales

Unit 7, 10/3-10/9 Chapter 18 – Transfer of Title and Risk in Sales Contracts
Chapter 19 - Warranties, Product Liability, and Consumer Protection

10/9 Homework Quiz for Chapter 18 and 19 Due
Discussion Question for Week 7 must be completed – Student MUST respond to question and respond to 2 classmates for full credit. (50% answer, 25% response)



Objective: Commercial Paper/Negotiable Instruments

Unit 8, 10/10-10/16 Chapter 20 – Nature of Negotiable Instruments Chapter 21 – Essentials of Negotiability


10/16 Homework Quiz for Chapter 20 and 21 Due
Discussion Question for Week 8 must be completed – Student MUST respond to question and respond to 2 classmates for full credit. (50% answer, 25% response)


Unit 9, 10/17-10/23 Chapter 22 – Promissory notes and Drafts Chapter 23 - Negotiation and Discharge

10/23 Homework Quiz for Chapter 22 and 23 Due
Discussion Question for Week 9 must be completed – Student MUST respond to question and respond to 2 classmates for full credit. (50% answer, 25% response)


Objective: Risk-Bearing Devices

Unit 10, 10/24-10/30 Chapter 37 – Principles of Insurance
Chapter 38 – Types of Insurance

10/30 Homework Quiz for Chapters 37 and 38 Due Discussion Question for Week 10 must be completed – Student MUST respond to question and respond to 2 classmates for full credit. (50% answer, 25% response)

Objective: Legal Business Structures
Unit 11, 10/31-11/6 Chapter 31 – Introduction to Business Organization
11/6 Homework Quiz for Chapter 31 Due Discussion Question for Week 11 must be completed – Student MUST respond to question and respond to 2 classmates for full credit. (50% answer, 25% response)


Unit 12, 11/7-11/13 Chapter 32 – Creation and Operation of a Partnership
11/13 Homework Quiz for Chapter 32 Due Discussion Question for Week 12 must be completed – Student MUST respond to question and respond to 2 classmates for full credit. (50% answer, 25% response)

Unit 13, 11/14-11/20 Chapter 33 – Dissolution of a Partnership
11/20 Homework Quiz for Chapter 33 Due Discussion Question for Week 13 must be completed – Student MUST respond to question and respond to 2 classmates for full credit. (50% answer, 25% response)


Unit 14, 11/21-12/5 Chapter 34 – Nature of a Corporation Chapter 35 – Ownership of a Corporation
12/5 Homework Quiz for Chapters 34 and 35 Due Discussion Question for Week 14 must be completed – Student MUST respond to question and respond to 2 classmates for full credit. (50% answer, 25% response)

Week 15, 11/21-12/5 Chapter 36 – Management and Dissolution of a Corporation Homework Quiz for Chapter 36 Due Discussion Question for Week 15 must be completed – Student MUST respond to question and respond to 2 classmates for full credit. (50% answer, 25% response)

FINAL EXAM Chapters 18-23, 31-38 On campus and closed book

Appendix Two
Student Certification

I have received, read, and understand the syllabus provided for this course, and I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions therein. In addition, I have received, read, and understand the distributed explanation of Work Ethics, and I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions therein.

In addition, I understand that: * I must make a C or better in this course for the course to count towards graduation. * If I am on campus I must wear my student ID at all times. * If I am taking an online class I am responsible for meeting all requirements for the proctored exam(s).

Course: ________________________________________

Term: _________________________________________

Name (Please Print): _______________________________________________________________

Signature: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________

Please remove this section and return to instructor.

NOTE: If this is an online course you will have an electronic version of the syllabus certification in the Getting Started folder under the Lessons tab.

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...রাত ১২ টা ২২ মিনিটে মনে হল Job Interview নিয়ে কিছু কথা বলি । আমি একজন International MBA Student. আমি আমার কিছু Experience বাংলাদেশের বন্ধু, শুভাকাঙ্ক্ষী তথা সবার সাথে Share করতে চাই যারা পড়াশুনা শেষ করে চাকরীর সন্ধানে বের হবেন । যার জন্য Post টি বাংলায় লেখা । এই Post-টি তাদের জন্য উৎসাহ যোগাতে পারে নিজে কিছু করার, যারা মনে করেন শুধু মামা-চাচা-খালুরাই পারে Job দিতে । Post-টি ৩-টি পর্বে ভাগ করে প্রকাশ করা হবে । পর্ব-০১ ১। আগে নিজে মনে মনে চিন্তা করুন আপনি কোন Sector এর জন্য উপজুক্ত, সেই অনুযায়ী চাকরী খোঁজার চেষ্টা করুন । ২। চাকরী খোঁজার আগে আপনার CV/Resume টি খুব Unique ভাবে তৈরি করুন । এজন্য Google / youtube অথবা আপনার পরিচিত কোনো ওয়েবসাইট ব্যাবহার করতে পারেন। এই কথাটি বলার কারন হচ্ছে, CV/Resume format প্রতিনিয়ত change হতে থাকে । HR officer রা সবসময় Updated থাকেন এসব ব্যপারে । সুতরাং তাদেরকে বোকা বানানোর কোনো অবকাশ নেই । ৩। যেকোনো Companyতে CV ছাড়ার সময় অবশ্যই Cover Letter সংযুক্ত করতে ভুলবেন না । ৪। একটি Formal mail id ব্যাবহার করুন। / এ জাতীয় মেইল আইডি ব্যাবহার না করাই ভালো । ৫। Job agencyর সাথে নিজেকে সম্পৃক্ত রাখুন । Company website গুলতে প্রতিদিন চোখ রাখুন, বিশেষ করে তাদের Career Section । এক্ষেত্রে আপনাকে সাহায্য করতে পারে । ৬। উন্নত বিশ্বে Job খোঁজার অন্যতম একটি কৌশল Door to door knock । তার মানে হচ্ছে আপনি রাস্তা দিয়ে চলার পথে কোনো Company দেখলে ভয় এবং লাজ-শরমের মাথা খেয়ে ভেতরে প্রবেশ করবেন । ২-১ পেইজের CV টি কোনো Officer / Receptionist / Manager এর হাতে দিবেন এবং তাকে অনুরোধ করবেন আগামিতে...

Words: 314 - Pages: 2

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Life Sucks

...How to Write the Perfect Resume By Vivian Giang and Melissa Stanger | Business Insider – Fri, Nov 30, 2012 10:30 AM EST * Email0 * * * Share27 * * Print It takes recruiters an average of "six seconds before they make the initial 'fit or no fit' decision" on candidates based on resumes, according to research conducted by TheLadders. With this kind of competition, you need to have a flawless resume to get through the screening process. We write a lot about resumes — what to do, what not to do — so now we're introducing a guide to crafting a curriculum vitae that will get you into the interview room. However, these rules are general advice we compiled from career experts. Everyone should tailor their own resume depending on the industry they're in and the position they're applying for. Tailor your resume to the specific position you're applying for. elizabethdaniellephotos / statigr.amYou're basically selling yourself on that piece of paper, so mold the information to reflect what your potential employer is looking for in an ideal job candidate. This is different depending on your industry. Miriam Salpeter advises in U.S.News & World Report that candidates should study the company's web site and "look for repeated words and phrases, taglines, and hints about their philosophical approaches." Then, "mirror some of their language and values in your resume." Put your name and contact info at the top. Business InsiderThis sounds simple...

Words: 916 - Pages: 4

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Afgh Ghga

...Letters While your resume is a summary of your credentials, your cover letter should essentially be a sales pitch. Your aim is to demonstrate why your skills and your background make a perfect match for the position you're applying for. The cover letter is not the place to summarize your background--you have already done this in your resume. Remember, employers typically receive hundreds of resumes for each job opening. You must stand out from other job seekers in a positive way. The best way to distinguish yourself is to highlight one or two of your accomplishments or abilities that show you are an above-average candidate for this position. Stressing only one or two unique attributes will increase your chances of being remembered by the recruiter and getting to the interview stage, where you can elaborate on the rest of your accomplishments. You can also gain an extra edge by showing that you have some specific knowledge about the company and industry. This shows that your are genuinely interested in the job you are applying for--and that you are not blindly sending out hundreds of resumes. More importantly, the employer will view your interest as an indication that you are likely to stay with the company for a substantial period of time if you are hired. 10 Key Details to Remember When to send a cover letter: always mail a cover letter with your resume. Even if you are following up an advertisement that reads simply "send resume," be sure to include a...

Words: 1976 - Pages: 8

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...December 14, 2011 St. Michael’s Hospital – Report St. Michael’s hospital has one of the largest patient amount in Toronto. They have also received many awards, such as the 3M Health Care Quality Team Award, which shows that this hospital cares for all patients and treats everyone with the utmost respect. This hospital is also affiliated with the University of Toronto, which allows most of their graduates to begin working or enhance their working experience inside St. Michael’s hospital. Most of their recruitment happens internally, meaning they have job postings inside their facility and keep it there for a minimum of one week. This gives opportunity for everyone to join and enough time to send in resumes and cover letters, making it a great hospital to apply to. When reviewing resumes, the first item that Human Resources looks for is the individual’s qualifications (schooling, certain degrees). This is the minimum they look for, and if they do not meet these qualifications, they will be rejected. When looking for outstanding employees, they look for the individuals missions and values, which are in par with what the hospital looks for in their current employees. Work experience, as well as being a good team worker will also increase your chances of being hired in St. Michael’s hospital. The HR representatives of the hospital also do a technique...

Words: 1185 - Pages: 5

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Case Study

...Samuel Smoot 02/16/2016 HR Case Study #1 Overview The three most appropriate selection methods in the hiring process I think would be best would be the Resume/ Curriculum vitae review, Application form and formal interview. Since I have been in the working field, these three methods have been used each and every time for my hiring process. I believe that these three methods are more so traditional used and very effective in selecting the right candidate for a company. I will give an overview on each selection method I have listed and how it would be effective in the hiring process. Resume/ Curriculum Vitae Review The Resume or Curriculum vitae review (as known as the CV) is a summary of a potential candidate’s work experience, education, skills and references. There are different kinds of CV’s that can be used, A Chronological CV, A functional CV and a combined CV. A Chronological CV focusses on presenting the candidate’s experience on an employer by employer basis, with the posts being listed in reverse chronological order. It also contains detail of education and qualifications, together with hobbies. Some chronological CVs also contain a brief personal statement at the front which sets out the key skills and strengths of the candidate. This is the most common type of CV. (Adenle, 2016). A functional CV highlights and shows off a candidate’s skills and abilities rather than work history. It more so used when a candidate doesn’t...

Words: 804 - Pages: 4

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...Dear Mr. Samuel I am writing to apply for the manager position advertised in the As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my resume and references. The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include: ● With a bachelor degree in Finance BBA (Bachelor Business Administration) at Azerbaijan University, I have a full understanding of the human development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new business techniques as needed. ● I have experience building large, sustainable, customer-based collaboration with famous companies. I understand the social value of the non-profit sector and hope that my business experience will be an asset to your organization. I am confident that my skills and past experience could make great contributions to your organization. Therefore I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications for this position in greater detail with you in person at your earliest convenience. At last I am honored to working under you and join to your team. Please see my resume for additional information on my experience. I can be reached anytime via email at or my cell phone, (+99450) 7245456 Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about...

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