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Retake Is Bad

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Retakes: Good or bad?
Arrowhead Park Early College High School

Retakes: Good or Bad?
Testing has been a way to determine if the student has mastered the subject and is ready to move on to the next step, if possible. For such reason, taking quizzes, midterms, and exams can be really stressful for students, as it is well known that the future practically depends on such assessment. Over the past of the years there has been some controversy towards retakes in the sense of is it really beneficial for students or does it have the totally opposite result. Julie Scagell, a mother of a 12 year old, in her article ?More schools are offering test retakes. But does that …show more content…
But does that make kids resilient ? written by Julie Scagell she agrees with retakes in school. Scagell (2017) points out and quotes from different teachers in terms of what they believe of retakes. Including information that agrees with retakes as she mentions the stress reduction, chance to master the material and to get a better overall understanding. In addition, she considers that the idea of retakes can be more as a way to fully ensure students are learning and not something that is not beneficial for them. Scagell (2017) also quotes from a teacher she talked to who is against retakes because she believes that the are no good in preparing students for the future, because life does not work like …show more content…
My stand is that the actions of some should not affect the opportunities of others. Although some may not take advantage of retakes in a good way it will reflect their overall grade eventually which is why retakes is an option not an obligation. In addition, there are ways for teachers to ensure that students are not taking advantage and that is by the policies for retakes. Teachers can control the limit of retakes or can include a set of questions in which students explain what happened the first time and how they felt with the retake. Now, for those thinking that it does not help prepare students for the future it really does since it allows students to understand that it is ok to fail but the important thing is to stand back up and retry. During lives journey many times doors will close but the important thing is to look for other ways in or search for another door, retakes prepares them to see such

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