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Three Place Readiness Research Paper

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Out of the twenty one work place readiness skills for the common wealth the three work place readiness skills for the Commonwealth I feel the most important for students to possess in order to be successful upon graduating from Courtland High School are teamwork, critical thinking and problem solving skills, and time, task and resource management. In the next paragraph or paragraphs I will explain why these three work place readiness for the commonwealth are the most important for students to process in order to be successful upon graduating from Courtland High School. Teamwork is important because when you have to work in groups or with a partner and you suck at team work then you would not get much help. Also you won’t be getting help …show more content…
If you are not good at problem solving you will have troubles with your assignments like quizzes, homework, test, essays, projects and other assignments. If you do not have problem solving skills you are not going to be able to be good at math because the whole class is about solving problems. If you are not good at math you can fail math. If you fail math than you have to retake it. Critical thinking is also important because you need it to figure out how to do an assignment. If you write something in English class you need to think about what you’re writing. Also thinking critically will help you when you have problems at work. It will also help with writing essays like this one. Problem solving and critical thinking are both important at work. If a problem arises at your job you need to figure at what to do and think critically. Then maybe you can get a raise. Getting a rise will be good for you because you can get more money. If you have more money than you can do more stuff. An example of critical thinking and problem solving is this essay I am currently writing right now on this computer in class. I am trying to get more words in this essay so I am writing this sentence and trying to get to a 1000 words quicker. If I didn’t use critical

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