...Dimensions of Technology Belief on Educators’ Readiness at International Islamic College Siti Nur’ain Hamsan Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Universiti Teknologi MARA ABSTRACT Owing to the rapid growth of technology, most of the higher educational institutions are looking for new learning systems that can improve their curriculum. The preliminary study have identified four problems which are lack of understanding on the level of technology acceptance among educators, how mobile phone can be used for learning, the benefits of m-learning to student learning and lack of confidence among educators in integrating technology in the teaching process. This study is an adoption of Parasuraman’s study on Technology Readiness Index (TRI). The objective of this study is to identify the level of technology readiness among educators at International Islamic College (IIC) towards the implementation of mobile phone as pedagogical tools in the teaching and learning process. Besides that, this study also aims to identify the relationship between the dimensions of technology belief and educator’ readiness and which dimensions influenced the most to their readiness level. In order to achieve this objective, quantitative approach and questionnaire instrument are used to gather data from the respondents. The findings show that there is a high level of technology readiness among educators (mean=3.87) with a positive and significant relationship between the dimensions of technology belief and...
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...The role of self-service technology within service retailing Since the beginning of time, commerce and trading has been at the center of society. As a vital part in the societal mechanism, commerce has evolved along with it. If in the beginning commerce involved an exchange between two people acting as the two parties, nowadays, in the era of technology, goods and services can be bought (or exchanged) without the physical existence of the seller. This is how e-commerce has begun, through the aid of self-service technology. According to Gable (1985), technology nowadays is changing rapidly. Retailing today is part of an era where top of the line technology is available for all and is developing fast, where companies make billions of dollars annually. The challenges in the retail section have never been greater. Consumption is increasing, despite the current situation of the economy worldwide. Expectations are rising and new market channels bring around new opportunities for retailers. However, with new opportunities comes a higher completion as well. A self-service technology is an object which allows every customer to interact with a self service software that puts the control into the hands of the customer. And there is no better example for this than the e-commerce mentioned above. The freedom to choose when, where, what, at what price to buy goods or services (think about planning your vacation and using the internet to make airplane, hotel or certain monument reservation)...
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...returned to school. Experience and Readiness to Learn. Experience: As a person matures he accumulates a growing reservoir of experience that becomes an increasing resource for learning. (Matthew Knowles) This is so true. We make mistakes every day, hopefully ones we can recover from, and try to use our experience to make sure we are prepared the next time the situation or problem arises. The experience of not reaching my earning potential because of my lack of degree lead me to Cambridge College. Experiences are the key to life. Without them we would never learn how to survive. Readiness to Learn. As a person matures his readiness to learn becomes oriented increasingly to the developmental tasks of his social roles. Throughout your professional career you learn new software, techniques and policies all the time. To compete in today’s job market you have to be adaptable. Social roles evolve with time. You see that today with technology. It has eliminated numerous jobs that were some family’s single source of income. People who held jobs for twenty plus years were finding themselves unemployed. But on the other hand technology has created numerous opportunities for people to earn more than they ever imagined. Those jobs that were created required new skills. People’s readiness to learn had to take effect. In adult education this is great principle to guide by. A student is continuously learning and any lack of readiness will make it difficult to accomplish...
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...SUMMARY Going forward into the future world of information technology networking. Cisco to introduce CCNP Certification revision focuses on the competencies, verifies and troubleshoots the networks of today and is designed to Be more predictive of job readiness. - Extensive hands-on labs, e-learning lessons and self-paced demos reinforce Maintenance and troubleshooting this certificate will make it easier for employers in their employment selection Process that the basic knowledge needs are met in IT Network engineer. Cisco has a certificate platform that will Lead you to the CCNP CERT. CCNA operation CERT. for the entry- level / student, in the field. A good trouble Shooting networking techn, with these certifications. Will be in very high demand, an opening / evolving market for Networking is medical field. Intergrading the latest technology incorporating voice, video and data entry wired or Wireless etc. doctors can brain storm countries apart in seconds or minutes. Just one example. At the rate of growth 7.5 percent 2010 and yearly per cisco data. One in the field can have a sense of job security. Following the cisco Cert. program. Expansion of certification program meets growing global demand for skilled network professional Steven carter itt-tech Strategies for the technical professional gs1145t Mr Turnbough Abstract Cisco has updated its CCNP certification with a significant amount of new content through a comprehensive...
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...of Electronic Commerce Technologies by SMEs in Malaysia Sherah Kurnia, Basil Alzougool, Mazen Ali Department of Information Systems, The University of Melbourne, Australia Emails: sherahk@unimelb.edu.au balzougool@pgrad.unimelb.edu.au mali@pgrad.unimelb.edu.au Saadat M. Alhashmi School of Information Technology Monash University Email: saadat.m.alhashmi@infotech.monash.edu.my Abstract Electronic commerce (EC) offers many benefits to organizations of any size including small to medium- sized enterprises (SMEs). At this stage, there is still a need for a better understanding of the potential and relevance of EC in developing countries as well as the behaviour of SMEs towards EC adoption. Moreover, there is still a need for a holistic view of how various widely known factors at the organization, industry and national levels affect EC adoption. Therefore, this study proposes a theoretical model of EC technologies adoption by SMEs in developing countries by incorporating various readiness factors identified in the literature that may determine EC technologies adoption by SMEs in developing countries. It then explores the influence of these factors on the adoption of different EC technologies. The environmental pressure is also considered in this study. Through a survey of SMEs within the grocery industry in Malaysia as an example of a developing country, the study demonstrates how various readiness factors influence the adoption of various EC technologies differently. This study...
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...Organizational Change Plan Part 1 HCS/587 March 24, 2014 Organizational Change Plan Part 1 Information technology (IT) has a great impact on today’s business with the high usage of and accessibility of the internet Borkowski (2002). It has the potential to improve safety and efficiency in the ever changing healthcare system. The administrators of Brokovitz General Hospital are introducing Information technology as an organization wide change process. IT enhance productivity, improve security of patient information and reduce cost, this allows the HS to be more competitive with their counterparts. Information Technology will replace doing things manually, save time, reduces errors, and decrease cost as well as improves safety and quality of care of clients. This paper will explore the need for development, organizational and individual barriers, factors that might influence the proposed development, summarize organizational readiness for change, the theoretical models that relates to the change, and internal and external resources that are available to support the development. The change will be piloted in the emergency room and if successful it will be implemented throughout the institution. Need for Proposed Organizational Change According to Borkowski (2002), there is a great need for information technology in healthcare. The external forces have had a significant impact on the changes within the healthcare industry. For example, clients are knowledgeable consumers...
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...Literature Review of Information Technology Adoption Models at Firm Level Tiago Oliveira and Maria Fraga Martins ISEGI, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal toliveira@isegi.unl.pt mrfom@isegi.unl.pt Abstract: Today, information technology (IT) is universally regarded as an essential tool in enhancing the competitiveness of the economy of a country. There is consensus that IT has significant effects on the productivity of firms. These effects will only be realized if, and when, IT are widely spread and used. It is essential to understand the determinants of IT adoption. Consequently it is necessary to know the theoretical models. There are few reviews in the literature about the comparison of IT adoption models at the individual level, and to the best of our knowledge there are even fewer at the firm level. This review will fill this gap. In this study, we review theories for adoption models at the firm level used in information systems literature and discuss two prominent models: diffusion on innovation (DOI) theory, and the technology, organization, and environment (TOE) framework. The DOI found that individual characteristics, internal characteristics of organizational structure, and external characteristics of the organization are important antecedents to organizational innovativeness. The TOE framework identifies three aspects of an enterprise's context that influence the process by which it adopts and implements a technological innovation: technological...
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...societies Globalism: ideology World market vs national politics and market Ideology belief in superiority of global structures Globality: consequences of globalization: open societies, destruction of closed societies, awareness of other nations, cultures, and values. Underlying forcesfor globality Increase expansion of international trade Rapid expansion of information technology Expansion of global communication and entertaintment Expansion of multinational, trans-national corporations and industries. Expansion of world organization and world politics. Issues of world poverty. Universal demand for human right and democracy. Environmental issues crossing national boundaries. Cultural conflicts. What was local is now global Economic crisis, financial fluctuations, disasters, inventions, politic events, entertainment, sports. Level of globalization impacts National states, organizations, individuals, facilitated by IT What is information technology is? Blurring of boundaries in IT Computer and phone. Computer and digital media Combination of hardware and software. The roles of IT Reduce costs, sources of innovation, improving quality of life, improving services, increasing access to services, increasing access to markets. Effects of IT Usage Individual usage – cohesive society, business usage – business innovation , government usage – effective government Global impacts. Increase in productivity, scalability, security, availability, increased...
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...International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Nov. 2013. ©IJAET ISSN: 22311963 THE MCKINSEY 7S MODEL FRAMEWORK FOR E-LEARNING SYSTEM READINESS ASSESSMENT Ali Abdul-Fattah Alshaher Lecture, Department of Management Information System, College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul, Iraq. ABSTRACT These study it is necessary to can be used as a theoretical foundation upon which to base decision-making and strategic thinking about e-learning system. This paper proposes a new framework for assessing readiness of an organization to implement the e-learning system project on the basis of McKinsey 7S model using fuzzy logic analysis. The study considers 7 dimensions as approach to assessing the current situation of the organization prior to system implementation to identify weakness areas which may encounter the project with failure. Adopted was focus on Questionnaires and group interviews to specific data collection from three colleges in Mosul University in Iraq. This can be achieved success in building an e-learning system at the University of Mosul by readiness assessment according to the model of multidimensional based on the framework of 7S is selected by 23 factors, and thus can avoid failures or weaknesses facing the implementation process before the start of the project and a step towards enabling the administration to make decisions that achieve success in this area, as well as to avoid the high cost associated with the...
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...HUMAN PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGY Case studies Summary/Application Briefing Sheet Case Reference Citation [APA, 6th Edition]: Gerson, R.F, (2006). The Missing Link in HPT. International Society for Performance Improvement, 10-17, Retrieved from http://www.ispi.org Summary Richard F, Gerson, CPT, PhD, understood the various theoretical models to help us understand how things worked. He described the HPT model as an ‘elegant in its simplistic and comprehensive in it application” [10]. After conducting research with professionals that had experience in and out of the field he determined that there may be gaps that were identifiable. He describes the seven step process for performance improvement; however, he more importantly recognized that there was a missing piece in the entire process that would play a significant role in the overall improvement process. Gerson recognized that the people who play integral roles in this process were the missing link in the overall process. “The people side of HPT and performance improvement...focused on what a performer brings to the performance situation, his or her motivational levels, and how emotions affect the performance. [11] There are various analysis that help determine how an organization and process is working in the current environmental conditions, but it is the performance of individuals that determines if the deficits can be met and goals be reached. A performer analysis will determine the motivation, attributions...
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...Introduction This is the first chapter it deals with the background with the study, research problem, objective of the study in addition to the sample, data collection methods and organization of the chapter finally limitation of the study will be presented. In 21st century, the role of information technology is very important in every sector, whether it is agriculture industry and services. The information system’s functions in an organization have expanded significantly over the years. Information system’s of the 1950’s forecast on reducing the cost of routine paper processing, transaction data processing, record keeping, accounting and other electronic data processing. By the 1960’s organizations started viewing information system differently recognizing that information system could be used for general management support, such system was called as Management Information System (MIS) that collected, stored and processed were seen as providing special purpose, customized management control over the organization, such system were called Decision Support System (DSS) and Executive Support System (ESS). Their purpose was to improve and speed up the decision making process. Now information technology has become very important all activities of the organization. On the other hand, service sector more contributes to the economy of the country under the service of the banking sector is very important one. In our country, there are two forms of banks namely, State banks and private...
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...Human Capital country leaders 147 | 148 Global Human Capital Trends 2014: Engaging the 21st-century workforce Introduction Engaging the 21st-century workforce S we begin 2014, global organizations have left the recession in the rear-view mirror and are positioning themselves aggressively for growth. Sluggishness has given way to expansion. Retrenchment has been replaced by investment. The need for caution has been superseded by the need to take action. Yet as the economic recovery takes hold, businesses realize that the workforce today has changed. Skills are scarce, workers have high expectations, and Millennials are now in charge. Enter the 21st-century workforce. The 21st-century workforce is global, highly connected, technology-savvy, and demanding. Its employees are youthful, ambitious, and filled with passion and purpose. Millennials are a major force—but so are older workers, who remain engaged and valuable contributors. Critical new skills are scarce—and their uneven distribution around the world is forcing companies to develop innovative new ways to find people, develop capabilities, and...
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...The Armed Forces have been in need of structural change for over a decade. Our predecessors grappled with the brutal certainties of the Cold War – with an existential danger that was clear and present, with Soviet armies arrayed across half of Europe and the constant threat of nuclear confrontation between the superpowers. Today, Britain faces a different and more complex range of threats from a myriad of sources While the threats to the UK have changed significantly the Armed Forces have not optimally adjusted to these threats. Furthermore the MoD is ‘completely unaffordable’. On coming into power in May 2010, the Government identified a 10 year funding gap of £74 billion. Consequently the Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) announced significant cuts to Defence. The MoD identified the Total Force Support (TSF) approach as the means to tackle the risks to national security despite a significantly smaller budget and much reduced manpower pool. This paper is intended to explore TSF and identify how it can be supported. i. The Armed Forces have been directed to embrace the TSF concept as the means to provide the capability required of it in spite falling manning and budgets. Full Operating Capability is to be achieved by 1 April 15. TSF is ii. TSF is a key enabler of operational capability as it allows for • Increased overall numbers on operations • Potential monetary savings • Greater...
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...Readiness for Change With an ever-increasing population and the rising cost of medical care, the healthcare industry is in need of innovated ways to provide quality health care while containing cost. Technological advances offer one-such solution to cost containment, though, adoption of Information Technology (IT) in the health care industry remains low despite overwhelming evidence that the use of electronic medical records (EMR) has improved staff efficiency, increased preventative care measures, and decreased medical errors thus lowering healthcare cost (Childs, 2009). Even in an environment that is rich with evidence-based innovations, diffusion of successful electronic medical records remains a problem in the healthcare industry. This paper will explore the implementation of transitioning to an EMR in a specific facility. Implementation of an Electronic Medical Record The change initiative in this scenario is implementation of an EMR. In 2004, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology was developed as a part of the Department of Health and Human Services. In 2009, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was signed into law, the goal of this act was to create new jobs and spur economic activity and invest in long-term growth (U.S. Government, 2012). The Act had a plan to achieve goals by providing $787 billion that would offer tax cuts and benefits for many working families, fund entitlement programs, such as unemployment benefits, and...
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...Elmira Chan, M.Ed.,2 Ryan Payne, B.A.,2 Kerenza Plohman, LLM,2 and Kendall Ho, M.D., FRCPSC2,3 cost and remuneration issues, development of organizational protocols for system use, and strategies to promote interprofessional collaboration). 1 Department of Surgery, 2Division of Continuing Professional Development and Knowledge Translation, 3Division of Emergency Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Key words: clinical telehealth, videoconferencing, literature review, quality of service Introduction Abstract Videoconferencing technologies can vastly expand the reach of healthcare practitioners by providing patients (particularly those in rural/remote areas) with unprecedented access to services. While this represents a fundamental shift in the way that healthcare professionals care for their patients, very little is known about the impact of these technologies on clinical workflow practices and interprofessional collaboration. In order to better understand this, we have conducted a focused literature review, with the aim of providing policymakers, administrators, and healthcare professionals with an evidence-based foundation for decision-making. A total of 397 articles focused on videoconferencing in clinical contexts were retrieved, with 225 used to produce this literature review. Literature in the fields of medicine (including general and family practitioners and specialists in neurology, dermatology, radiology, orthopedics...
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