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Why Do Teens Turn To Drugs

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Have you ever wondered why teens turn to drugs when they are under a lot of pressure? The number one reason most teens suffer from drug abuse is that they have no support and feel like drugs are the only thing that can numb the pain they’re feeling. Media campaigns aren’t very effective because of the weak approach they have. They tell teens to say no when they aren’t under pressure, but what should you tell teens when they hold heavy burdens, need a shoulder to cry on and they have no one to turn to. What should teens do when they’re up against the odds every day and someone is always criticizing them for everything they do. People on the streets like thugs, drug dealers, and crackheads are the ones who lure teens in and make them feel like they care, but they only care about getting the money …show more content…
Saying no to drugs when you’re going through so many things and you feel depressed, we as teens will turn to anything to get rid of those feelings. Telling a child “Just say no” doesn’t work, actually letting the children see the side effects of drugs and what it has done to people who have done drugs for so a long period and informing them what these drugs contain could also strongly encourage them from doing drugs. Another effective approach that could help is letting teens see what path drugs have paved for certain people, such as those in jails, rehab or in a graveyard. According to Huffpost drug addiction rate is the highest incarceration rate, two point two million Americans are in prison or jail and more than half of federal prisoners are incarcerated for drug crimes in 2010 ( Bureau of Justice Statistics.) The number has only decreased below fifty percent in 2011 which isn't very bad but the money that the government invested in programs for younger kids is worthless because numbers have not changed at

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