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Ancient Culture Research Paper

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Which is the impact of ancient cultures in the current generation?
1. Economy through history According to Merriam Webster dictionary, economy is defined as the process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and bought in a country or region. Humans have always been motivated by the idea that someone is satisfied when he has all he wants. So they have always worked on account of their needs. The economy has always existed on earth as the result of the needs of humans. This cannot be given without the help of others. Economy was the result of the idea of ancient civilizations, in which the best way to achieve the development of society was establishing a system. In this system each person does an economic …show more content…
The earlies barter system presented a primitive economy model in which people meets all their needs, and everybody worked for it. In the current time barter system does exist, but it is not enough to satisfy people needs. Even though, it helps to decrease social classes. There are many barter markets in countries were the economy have been decaying like Venezuela and Argentina. Exchanging thing is something that people will never stop doing. Ancient era also brought the idea of wealth, surplus and division of work. In the current time people economic activity is divided. Nowadays people go to university in order to study the activity they will pursue for a …show more content…
This is due to the different forms of government that have occurred throughout history which has always caused political instability. The most popular forms of government have been aristocracy, democracy, republic and dictatorship . The republic is a form of government in which power is in the hands of rich and educated people. In democracy the power is in the hands of all citizens and they have the same weight in policy decisions. The republic is a form of democracy and is more complete and citizens elect a representative to choose an authorized representative for this is responsible for making decisions in a given period. In a dictatorship rulers are people who came to power by force, and it uses its strength to maintain control, usually militaries form part of military leaders during dictatorship.All these form of governments had been presented in different ancients civilizations. So, nowadays the decision in which form of governments is the best one is in government hands.
Nowadays there are many governmental institutions that help to manage countries. They have been created in the earlies ages by the Greeks. Each governmental institution has their own function in order to help the governor to take decisions.
Other thing taken from the ancient civilizations is the division of power . that means that the power of the country

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