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Underage Drinking Causes

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Do you know someone who began drinking before age 13 has a 45% of becoming alcohol dependent compared to only 7% change if they wait until they are 21? .Alcohol kill more young people than any drugs, Even if it does not kill them it can cause long term damage to their developing brains this can turn into an addiction. Until their early twenties the brain still growing. There are many causes of underage drinking such as peer pressure, lack of parents guidance and genetic factors.
Some teenagers these days, have already drink at least three or four times before their 14 Birthday. Some of them are very good kids a home, or knows consequences about underage drink. Why they do it? some people asked if they have knowledge about underage drinking. Peer pressure, this phrase is very powerful in this new generation of young kids. Peer pressure will make you do stuff that you do not want to do it at first, but in the end you will be able to do it, but why? because you want to fit in a group and be cool like them in your mind will be fine to take a risk even if you knew you could lose everything around you. …show more content…
This chemical dopamine make people feel happy but in teens case the dopamine chemical are more higher than a adult brain. With this said teens are exposed to a reward, like a compliment from their friends, the reacts center in their brain will be react stronger than an adult or a child

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