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Underage Drinking Research Paper

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Underage drinking has become a big problem in our society today. Many young teens die daily due to drinking alcohol, because these teens are abusing the age policy of drinking. Underage drinking is a problem today because it is causing teens to act out in a certain way. This is a problem because teens drinking cause not only health problems, but causes rapes and car accidents. More than half of American youths ages 12 to 20 have tried alcohol. Girls are nearly as likely as boys to experiment with drinking. Drinking at a young age greatly increases the risk of developing alcohol problems later in life. Talking to kids early and openly about the risks of drinking can help reduce their chances of becoming problem drinkers. Most teens find it …show more content…
Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; this includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings. Schools in Mississippi should come up with some type of class that educate students on how to say no and avoid peer pressure. I think the school should put together some type of scenario maybe like a car accident or a form of abuse from a drunk individual so the kids can see what alcohol really does to a person when they drunk enough. These classes should educate kids on how much alcohol can damage the liver or how they can retrieve alcohol poisoning. I think it is important to teach the parents and students about the risk factors of drinking, and the percentage of death that it caused each year. According to “Alcohol and Public Health” “Excessive drinking is responsible for more than 4,300 deaths among underage youth each …show more content…
First, we could stop the promoter from posting poster or billboards that is supporting an alcohol brand. I think that company should stop promoting alcohol in certain places where underage children hangout or visit at times. Maybe companies should only promote where adults 21 or older hangout. Next, maybe we can get rid of all the social media posting that pressure these young kids into trying alcohol. All social media like Facebook, Instagram, twitter, etc. should stop promoting alcohol or advertising any type of fun while drinking. I think making fake identification should be a major fine in Mississippi maybe even jail time for those who make them for the

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