...Comparative Analysis Debate has sparked among residents of the East Park area after the ruination of a “freshly painted” wall of an East Park Café. The editorial piece ‘The good, the bad and the ugly’ written by the editor, published in ‘The Daily Tribute’ 16th July 2009, is written in response to this “puerile cultural vandalism”. The editor slams council officials and the local government for “[dragging their] heels for months” and then “[refusing] to offer support” to local businesses and individuals. One day after the publication of this editorial piece, Michaela Whitehouse, a member of the East Park council, writes in response to the article. Whitehouse intends to set the facts straight and to “address [the editors] less enlightened remarks” through her angry yet controlled tone. The editor presents his article with the bold, cliché title ‘The good, the bad and the ugly’ capturing the attention of ‘The Daily Tribute’ readers. Accompanied by a picture dominated by “lurid and tasteless sexual diagrams and obscenities”, the editor is able to establish the demoralising effects of graffiti. The graffiti resembling the “ugly” from the title, demonstrates that these “thugs” are not interested in what their finished product looks like; they will continue to “desecrate” properties at their own accord. The opening paragraph of the editorial embeds strong and attention grabbing language enforcing the difference between hardworking “entrepreneurs” and “dual-mortgage bearers” and “thugs”...
Words: 590 - Pages: 3
...Comparative Analysis Debate has sparked among residents of the East Park area after the ruination of a “freshly painted” wall of an East Park Café. The editorial piece ‘The good, the bad and the ugly’ written by the editor, published in ‘The Daily Tribute’ 16th July 2009, is written in response to this “puerile cultural vandalism”. The editor slams council officials and the local government for “[dragging their] heels for months” and then “[refusing] to offer support” to local businesses and individuals. One day after the publication of this editorial piece, Michaela Whitehouse, a member of the East Park council, writes in response to the article. Whitehouse intends to set the facts straight and to “address [the editors] less enlightened remarks” through her angry yet controlled tone. The editor presents his article with the bold, cliché title ‘The good, the bad and the ugly’ capturing the attention of ‘The Daily Tribute’ readers. Accompanied by a picture dominated by “lurid and tasteless sexual diagrams and obscenities”, the editor is able to establish the demoralising effects of graffiti. The graffiti resembling the “ugly” from the title, demonstrates that these “thugs” are not interested in what their finished product looks like; they will continue to “desecrate” properties at their own accord. The opening paragraph of the editorial embeds strong and attention grabbing language enforcing the difference between hardworking “entrepreneurs” and “dual-mortgage bearers” and “thugs”...
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...connotations (adjectives, adverbs, nouns, verbs) e. Might be written in the past tense f. Use of technical terms g. Use of the appeal form logos (quotes, studies, statistics) to appear credible h. Clear structure and use of cohesive devices to create structure: http://home.ku.edu.tr/~doregan/Writing/Linkers.html i. | informative articles (like Ritzau, Reuters), summaries, news reports, encyclopaedia,news analysis,background article,manualsabtracts | Directive texts (directive text functions)They are instructive, biased and tell the reader what to think (even if implicitly) They try to appeal to and manipulate the reader’s opinions. | Biased | a. Uses persuasive language like * The imperative mood: e.g. do, don’t do, open, chop, set etc. (bydeform) * Modal verbs: must, must not, should, would, could b. Imagery and figurative language: similes, metaphors c. Rhetorical appeal through: word choice/quotes/references/pictures/diagrams etc. d. Uses pronouns to address/to include/to exclude, e.g., you, we, us, them e. Exclamation marks ! f. Rhetorical questions: “why would I want to scrape around…?”, “were these people crazy?” g. Humour h. Word play i. Verbs that appeal to senses: look, sound, smell, feel and, taste j. Clear structure and use of cohesive devices:...
Words: 533 - Pages: 3
...* * * * Home * Mandy's Book Mart * Authors & Books * Author Spotlight * Book Reviews * Welcome to Mandy's Pages * Letters from Mandy * Site Map * Writer's Corner * Friday's Stars * The Blogging Booth * Reading Room * Literary Lounge * Resources * Terms of Service * Writing Guidelines * Mandy's Market * Contests * Annual Tanka Contest * Tanka Time * Where Tanka Prose Grows Poetry Analysis: Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden Written by Kerry Michael Wood User Rating: / 9 ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form PoorBest Bottom of Form Poetry Analysis: Those Winter Sundays (Poem by Robert Hayden) I met Bob Hayden in the late 1970s when I, a callow high-school teacher, joined him and others in a textbook authorship project. I was in awe of the former poet laureate of Senegal and later America's first black poet laureate. A soft-spoken gentleman behind thick-lensed glasses, he put me at ease with his unassuming camaraderie. He didn't speak much about himself. Other co-authors and editors sketched for me his early life: the fact that he had no birth certificate but was born with the name Asa Bundy Sheffey of parents who then separated; how at 18 months he was given to next-door neighbors who renamed him, though he was never legally adopted; how once he became a...
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...Analysis of «To Kill a Mockingbird» written by Harper Lee The story under consideration is called « To Kill a Mockingbird» written by Harper Lee. Nelle Harper Lee was born on April 28, 1926. Harper Lee grew up in the small southwestern Alabama town of Monroeville. Lee published her first and only novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, in 1960 after a two-year period of revising and rewriting under the guidance of her editor, Tay Hohoff, of the J. B. Lippincott Company. To Kill a Mockingbird won the 1961 Pulitzer Prize despite mixed critical reviews. The novel was highly popular, selling more than fifteen million copies. Though in composing the novel she delved into her own experiences as a child in Monroeville, Lee intended that the book impart the sense of any small town in the Deep South, as well as the universal characteristics of human beings. The book was made into a successful movie in 1962. The text under analysis belongs to the group of fictional texts. The literary trend is realism. The style prevailed in the extract is oratorical. Its main function is persuasion of the audience. The main problem raised by the author is an issue of justice. The message of Hapter Lee is that in the face of court each and every human should be treated honestly, no matter what his social status, education or colour of skin is. In the novel the scene is laid in a small American town in Alabama. The given extract depicts a trial of Tom Robinson, a Negro, who is in the criminal dock on a capital...
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...Annual Report: KPJ HEALTHCARE BERHAD (2011) Vision, Mission and Core Values Vision * The preferred healthcare provider KPJ vision is to become the preferred healthcare provider. The aim for KPJ to set this vision is because they wanted their clients to choose KPJ as their lifelong companion on its healthcare journey. Besides that, they also wanted to help their client, take care of them in every way in their healthcare needs. Mission * Deliver quality healthcare services KPJ’s mission is to deliver quality healthcare services serves to provide coordinated medical services to all customers across a continuum of care. This is way KPJ always strengthen its commitment to provide customers highest standards services and treatment through teamwork and unity between the Medical Consultants and the clinical as well as non-clinical staff. Core Values * Ensuring safety * Delivering service with courtesy * Performing duties with integrity * Exercising professionalism at all times * Striving for continuous improvement Introduction KPJ Healthcare Berhad (KPJ) leading healthcare service provider in Malaysia and operating 20 private specialist hospitals in Malaysia and two hospitals in Jakarta, Indonesia. Since the opening of the first hospital in Johor Bahru in 1981, KPJ has now served the community for three decades. Today, KPJ has its staff strength of 8,992 employees who support the medical services provided by 860 Medical Consultants specializing in...
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...in the 1990s by reframing the problem of the natural environment as one of sustainable development. In the wake of this reframing, a new practice in environmental management emerged - that of green alliances or partnerships between business and ecology groups (Westley & Vredenburg, 1991, pp. 71-72). These alliances, considered one of the ten most significant trends in environmental management and the greening of industry (Gladwin, 1993, p. 46), appeared to signal a sea change in the way business, as well as environmentalists, could respond to the ecological impacts of firms' economic activities. Indeed, environmental partnerships offered both business and ecology groups the potential for a new rhetorical stance. Business communication scholarship has identified a variety of rhetorical strategies adopted by corporations in the face of environmental controversy: defensiveness and apologia (e.g., Ice, 1991; Tyler, 1992), competing information campaigns (e.g., Lange, 1993; Moore, 1993), or retreat (e.g., Seiter, 1995). Green alliances provide business with an alternative to these strategies. Through eco-partnership, a firm can adopt, at both material and symbolic levels, a proactive approach toward the natural environment; its posture vis-a-vis environmentalists, or at least a wing of the environmental movement, can be collaborative rather than conflictual. On the other hand, green alliances offer...
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...Insight Text Guide Sue Tweg King Lear William Shakespeare contents Character map Overview About the author Synopsis Character summaries iv 1 1 2 4 Background & context Genre, structure & language Scene-by-scene analysis Characters & relationships Themes, ideas & values Different interpretations Questions & answers Sample answer References & reading 6 10 14 24 39 55 59 64 66 iv I ns i g h t T e x t G u i d e ChARACTeR mAp Edgar Legitimate son of Gloucester, disguises himself as ‘Poor Tom’. Leads Gloucester to Dover, fights and kills Edmond, becomes king. Wise fools Companions in storm Kent Truth-teller. Disguises himself as ‘Caius’. Loyal, noble servant to Lear. Offends via discourtesy to Lear Match wits Defends, speaks boldly Defends and helps Teaches patience and saves father’s life Fool Truth-teller; endures the storm. Is possibly hanged. Teaches Lear compassion Cordelia Truth-teller. Youngest daughter, loves Lear and heals him. Loses battle and is hanged in prison. Loves Loves Offers kingdom to Edgar – accepted Gloucester Believes Edmond’s lies about Edgar. Saved from suicide by Edgar after Edmond has cause his blinding by betraying him to Cornwall. Needs Foolish old fathers meet in storm Blinds King Lear Divides his kingdom, rejects Cordelia, rejected by Gonerill and Regan. Goes mad, healed after storm by Cordelia. Dies after Cordelia is hanged. Fails to show Lear how to value Cordelia King of France...
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...Copyright © 2013 by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. ISBN: 978-0-07-180360-1 MHID: 0-07-180360-2 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: ISBN: 978-0-07-180359-5, MHID: 0-07180359-9. E-book conversion by Codemantra Version 1.0 All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have been printed with initial caps. McGraw-Hill Education eBooks are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions or for use in corporate training programs. To contact a representative please visit the Contact Us page at www.mhprofessional.com. Trademarks: McGraw-Hill Education, the McGraw-Hill Education logo, 5 Steps to a 5 and related trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of McGraw-Hill Education and/or its affiliates in the United States and other countries and may not be used without written permission. All other trademarks are the property...
Words: 76988 - Pages: 308
...INTRODUCTION This thesis developed from an understanding that 1 Cor. 14:34-35 is an interpolation. Based on this affirmation, chapter one investigates both the meaning of vv. 34-35 within the context of Paul’s first extant letter to the Corinthians, and the original message of chapter fourteen without vv. 34-35. Chapter one also offers the most compelling reasons why a scribe would choose chapter fourteen as the place to insert an interpolation against women’s speech in the church. Finally, I examine the parallels between 1 Cor. 14:34-35 and 1 Tim. 2:9-15. Chapter two summarizes the argument that 1 Cor. 14:34-35 is an interpolation. In this chapter, first I investigate the issue of interpolation in ancient literature. Then, I present the arguments based on internal evidences that are both for and against the interpolation of 1 Cor. 14:34-35. Next, I provide a section on external evidences supporting a case of interpolation of vv. 34-35. In this final section we will investigate scribal awareness of multiple readings in Codex Vaticanus, Fuldensis and Ms. 88, which can be observed in some sigla left by the copyists of these texts. Chapter three examines the identity of the author(s) and the date of composition for both the interpolation in Corinthians and the Pastoral Epistles. Chapter three provides a survey on the role of women in the churches under Paul’s personal supervision. It also examines the ancient view of the role of women in the Greco-Roman society...
Words: 42363 - Pages: 170
...Last week I experienced a chilling illustration of the phrase “No publicity is bad publicity”. I was reading about how David Nicholls, author of One Day, which, back in 2010, peppered many a British-holidaymaker-strewn poolside (making those poolsides deliciously seasoned with accessible fiction – it’s fine, I’m on top of this), and was subsequently made into a successful film starring that thin actress, you know the one. OK, I realise that hardly narrows down the options – they’re narrowed down by the demands and constraints of a body-image-obsessed patriarchy, which insists they have no dinner. But yes, there are lots of thin actresses. But this one’s really thin. Come on, you remember – she had that award-winning haircut in the miserable musical, same name as Shakespeare’s wife. Something to do with a cottage. I’d Google her if I had time. Anyway, she’s in it. I feel I’ve left a sentence open somewhere there – a dangling demi-clause (as when the Christmas float sped under the low bridge). Yes! That’s it: David Nicholls was explaining to the Cheltenham literature festival why there was such a long gap between One Day and his latest novel, Us. Which wasn’t that he refused to rush his new novel – it was that he didn’t. Refuse to, that is. He did rush it, is what I’m saying. What he specifically did was download a piece of software called Write or Die that requires you to bang the words out at a certain rate or it starts deleting them. Nicholls described it as like “writing...
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...undifferentiated mass, quantity and thus countability may be achieved by means of partitive nouns. They may be: general partitives, which are not restricted to specific lexical items: piece, bit, item typical partitives, which are words restricted to certain lexical items and which form expressions with specific uncountable nouns: bar, lump, fit, grain, etc. measure partitives, which denote exact measurement: inch, gramme, mile, metre, yard, pound, etc. II. THE CATEGORY OF NUMBER A. Classification of nouns: variable and invariable VARIABLE NOUNS: one singular form and one plural form 1. Regular plurals: singular + the inflection –s a) Spelling problems nouns ending in a sibilant consonant nouns ending in –y nouns ending in –o letters, abbreviations and numerals b) Pronunciation of the inflection –s c) The plural of compound nouns the inflection –s is generally added to the final element (e.g. washing-machines, handfuls, forget-me-nots) the inflection –s is added to the first...
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...1-1. In order to generate interest about the company's publications, the Media Manager of Gordon Books started a personal blog where she posed as an avid reader and amateur literary critic and reviewed the company's books favorably. She also invited readers to buy the books, discuss them online, and send in their reviews. Which of the following is the best criticism of the manager's action? A) She engaged in plagiarism. B) She selectively misquoted information. C) She failed to protect information entrusted to him. D) She failed to ensure transparency. E) She failed to respect the privacy of others. 1-2. Which the following decisions-making scenarios presents an ethical dilemma? A) A disgruntled employee of one of your competitors has offered to reveal details of his company's new strategy if you were to hire him. This competitor has in the past poached key executives from your company and engaged in industrial espionage in other ways. B) You are manager of a large facility in a country where paying bribes to public officials is a way of life. Your company has a zero-tolerance policy toward bribing, but the officials are threatening to close down the factory, rendering several thousand workers jobless, if you don't comply. C) It has been brought to your notice that the company competing with you for a major contract is trying to bribe and influence decision-makers in a bid to get the contract. Some of your executives feel that your company should also do the same because getting...
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...Excerpted from Critical Companion to the Bible a Literary Reference Reading the Bible as Literature The Bible was written by many human authors, some of whom are known with certainty and some of whom are disputed. What is more, if you were to ask believing Jews or Christians, they would name a different author of the Bible: God is said to have “inspired” the writing of the Scriptures. The Bible is a religious book, not just for one community of faith, but for several: Jews and Christians of different denominations, including both Catholic and Protestant traditions. These groups disagree as to which books actually belong in the Bible. In addition, over time, several different approaches to interpreting the Bible have been developed by these groups. In this volume, the Bible is examined mainly from a literary point of view. A literary approach to this unique book, however, will only be successful if we are conscious of the fact that it is not to be judged according to the rules of modern literature but rather as a document of the ancient Near Eastern and Jewish-Hellenistic cultures. One Book, Many Books: Which Texts Belong to the Bible The Bible is not a single, unified work but a compilation of individual texts commonly called books. Which books belong to the Bible? This question is answered differently by different religious communities. The Hebrew Bible is the Holy Scripture of the Jews. It contains books originally written in the ancient Hebrew and partly in...
Words: 4457 - Pages: 18
...HOW TO Prepare Your Curriculum Vitae Revised Edition Acy L. Jackson and C. Kathleen Geckeis Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 0-07-142626-4 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: 0-07-139044-8 All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have been printed with initial caps. McGraw-Hill eBooks are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions, or for use in corporate training programs. For more information, please contact George Hoare, Special Sales, at george_hoare@mcgraw-hill.com or (212) 904-4069. TERMS OF USE This is a copyrighted work and The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (“McGraw-Hill”) and its licensors reserve all rights in and to the work. Use of this work is subject to these terms. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act of 1976 and the right to store and retrieve...
Words: 31831 - Pages: 128