...Rheumatic Fever is a rare but can lead to a be a potentially life-threatening disease. Although it is far less common in the U.S., there have been a few outbreaks since the 1980s. Rheumatic fever affects primarily children between the ages of 6-15 and occurs approximately 20 days (usually within 1 to 5 weeks) Rheumatic fever is a complication of untreated strep throat caused by bacteria called group A streptococcus the main symptoms are fever, muscle aches, swollen and painful joints, chest pain and in some cases, a red rash and typically begins two to four weeks after a bout of strep. Variations in signs and symptoms in different age groups and in different environments can make Rheumatic Fever syndrome difficult (Connor, 1946). In some cases,...
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...that you are a paramedic and will walk him to your car where you have your medical equipment. He reports that he has had a headache off and on since he had a tooth extracted four days ago. This evening he is feeling very weak. His blood pressure is normal. When you listen to his heart you note that he has a pronounced murmur. He reports having had rheumatic fever 15 years ago. You examine his fingernails and find one that has tiny petechial hemorrhages under it. 1. Name the most likely causative agent of this man's signs and symptoms. 2. Name the most likely infection this man has. 3. What type of culture would a physician most likely order, and why? 4. What is the treatment? 5. What is rheumatic fever? What causes it. Can it be prevented? 1) Streptococcus viridans transmitted through the wound to the bloodstream as a result of the tooth extraction. 2) subacute bacterial endocarditis (endocarditis- inflammation of the endocardium) 3) a blood culture looking for alpha hemolysis because Streptococcus viridans is alpha hemolytic and this would detect the presence of the bacteria in the blood. 5) Rheumatic fever was the cause of the man's heart murmur because the endocardium (lining of heart muscle that covers heart valve) was damaged. A damaged heart valve makes a person more susceptible to bacterial endocarditis because the bacteria easily lodges onto the heart valve. http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~fpm/bio205/sp-05/cardiovascsyst3=1-8.pdf http://en.wikipedia...
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...Tuberculosis ASO * Anti-Streptolysin O * Antibody specific for Streptolysin O, a toxin produced by groups A, C and G streptococci * Streptolysin O causes beta hemolysis * ASO titer is used to determine a recent streptococcal infection * Measured in Todd units * 6 hour fasting is needed before blood is to be extracted Procedure Significance * To confirm streptococcal infection * Used as diagnosis or confirmatory test for rheumatism or scarlet fever * ASO titer is based on the neutralization of the streptococcal enzyme streptolysin O. * Some antibiotics and corticosteroids may decrease ASO antibody levels. Reference Values * Normal Children: less than 300 Todd units * Normal Adult: less than 200 Todd units Results * Positive result: Agglutination * Negative result: No Agglutination * A positive result occurs in the presence of: * Bacterial endocarditis * Glomerulonephritis * Rheumatic fever * Scarlet fever * Strep throat RHEUMATOID...
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...Sudden infant death syndrome Crib death; SIDS Last reviewed: August 2, 2011. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the unexpected, sudden death of a child under age 1 in which an autopsy does not show an explainable cause of death. Causes, incidence, and risk factors The cause of SIDS is unknown. Many doctors and researchers now believe that SIDS is caused by several different factors, including: Problems with the baby's ability to wake up (sleep arousal) Inability for the baby's body to detect a build-up of carbon dioxide in the blood SIDS rates have dropped dramatically since 1992, when parents were first told to put babies to sleep on their backs or sides to reduce the likelihood of SIDS. Unfortunately, SIDS remains a significant cause of death in infants under one year old. Thousands of babies die of SIDS in the United States each year. SIDS is most likely to occur between 2 and 4 months of age. SIDS affects boys more often than girls. Most SIDS deaths occur in the winter. The following have been linked to a baby's increased risk of SIDS: Sleeping on the stomach Being around cigarette smoke while in the womb or after being born Sleeping in the same bed as their parents (co-sleeping) Soft bedding in the crib Multiple birth babies (being a twin, triplet, etc.) Premature birth Having a brother or sister who had SIDS Mothers who smoke or use illegal drugs Being born to a teen mother Short time period between pregnancies ...
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...Streptococcal Pharyngitis, Cold or Killer? For such a common illness strep throat, also known as Streptococcal Pharyngitis, can cause some serious problems that can lead to some major things later on. Some of these problems can include the infections spreading to other parts of the body and causing scarlet fever and other problems that can lead to other problems. Could Streptococcal Pharyngitis just be a little sickness everyone can get over on there own with no medicine like antibiotics and help from doctors or could it lead to something more serious? Streptococcal Pharyngitis is caused by a bacterial infection and can cause the throat to feel sore and scratchy. Streptococcal Pharyngitis is a somewhat common illness but having a sore throat doesn't mean you have strep having a sore throat is a very common thing so it could just be a sore throat so no need to worry if that is the only symptom you are experiencing. The bacteria that makes up Streptococcal Pharyngitis are in the shape of spheres. Streptococcal Pharyngitis then strands together into long string like formations. Streptococcal Pharyngitis is also a gram-positive bacteria. Because Streptococcal Pharyngitis is gram-positive it has a thick cell wall made from the protein named...
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...Job, Career, Calling 职业、事业、命业 李志文 工作与生活的三个层次 职业: 为活着而工作 事业: 为工作而活着 命业: 为生命而活着 蛮荒社会的制度设计 为了性欲而生育 为了择食而群居 跟禽兽一样的活着 农业社会的制度的设计, 1500BC-1700AD 土地是生产力的基础 家庭是最优经济组织规模 土地继承是最佳的道德风险的控制 养儿防老,失节事大 知天任命的活着 工业社会的制度设计 最优生产规模远大于家庭 分工与专业化 社会制度取代家庭制度 萝卜与棍子的普及化 寻找工作成为人生目的 如同机器地活着 Knowledge Worker Peter Drucker Motivated by personal pride as much as by fear and paycheck 知识工作者的兴起让人们 从职业寻觅走向事业的追求 人类精英的恒古追求: 为生命而活着 亿万年的演化产生一个你 生命是什么? 金钱? 地位? 权势? 二奶?二爷?(古代的妻妾成群) 生命的意义只能在宗教中找寻? 什么是事业?名利? 名利的矛盾 役人者,役于人 役物者,役于物 边际效用递减 物极必反:无限追求的自然淘汰 单纯的名利追求不是均衡策略 单元直线的名利追求 当国家主席做世界首富 人人做,天下乱,无人成 单元直线的名利追求是痛苦的泉源 单元直线的名利追求不是均衡策略 曾国藩的沉隐内敛 多元曲线的事业 Mother Teresa 我的学生 Robin Yeh Warren Buffett 施振荣 一些案例 Schramm,哈佛出身,贫民窟的中学老师 多元曲线的事业规划是追求独创性、 发挥自我的人生:命业 Jonathan Kozol •Harvard, summa cum laude, •Oxford, Rhodes Scholar •Guggenheim Fellow • Death at Early Age, Savage Inequality •Fired by Boston Public School Mother Teresa; 1910-1997 founded the Missionaries of Charity in Kolkata (Calcutta), India in 1950 won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 My Student Robin Yeh 一个出身寒微,找到自我的人 一个明白人:Warren Buffett 不当老板,当伯乐 George Soros 只是一个走运的商人 一个有思想的职业经理人:施振荣 •Smiling Cure •不当老板,宁 做职业经理人 •跳出了农业社 会家族企业的 悲惨漩涡 如何追求事业 兴趣!兴趣!兴趣! 专注与全心投入 世上没有完美的伴侣,天下没有至善的 事业 先奉上你的心 当你奉上你的心,你已经有了命业 命业 的追求 命业在每个人自己心中,不用追,不可 求 每个人都能发挥自己的极限而不会天下 乱、无人成 如何开发你的命业 认清你自己的个性、能力、兴趣...
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...Through time, people learned some uses of the Averrhoa bilimbi trees or simply the “Kamias” trees as what the tree is commonly called in the Philippines, such as treatment for rheumatism and using its fruits as food and in making sweets and pickles. The fruit can also be used for removing stains from clothes according to elders. “Kamias” fruit indeed has a lot of uses, but man should not overlook the Bilimbi trees’ leaves’ usefulness. Antibacterial agents are much needed in terminating and preventing bacterial growth especially during rainy season wherein the atmosphere is moist and humid which makes bacteria more active. Streptococcus pyogene, a Gram-positive type of bacteria that causes streptococcal pharyngitis, skin infections, scarlet fever and many other kinds of diseases, should be taken seriously. Many people carry the bacteria without incident and have already claimed a lot of lives. Past studies state that the aqueous extract of the leaves and fruits showed antibacterial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. According to earlier researches, the antibacterial activity could be associated with the presence of bioactive compounds of the flavonoids type, like luteolin and apigenin. Thus, using extracts from Bilimbi leaves and fruits as antibacterial agents against Streptococcus pyogene will help lessen the cases of some skin problems in the...
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...Pulmonary / Respiratory Diseases Acute Respiratory Tract Infection J22 Acute Tonsillopharyngitis J06.8 Allergic Rhinitis J30.4 ARDS J80 Aspiration Pneumonia J69.0 Asthma Severe J46 Asthma in Acute Exacerbation J44.1 Asthma, Unspecified J45.9 Atelectasis J98.1 Atypical Pneumonia J15.7 Bronchitis J20.9 Bronchiolitis J21.9 Bronchopneumonia J18.0 Bronchoscopy Z41.8 (1-620) BPD P27.1 (Newborn) Croup J05.0 Empyema Thoracis J86.9 Hyperactive Airway Disease J68.3 Laryngitis J04.0 Laryngomalacia J38.7 Laryngoscopy Z41.8 Pharyngitis J02.9 Post Intubation Subglottic Stenosis J34.2 Pneumonectomy Z41.8 Pneumonia, nonspecific J18.9 Pneumopyothorax, unspec J39.9 Pneumothorax J93.8 Primary Respiratory Tuberculosis (PKI) A16.7 PTB A16.2 Rhinitis J00 Sinusitis J32.9 Thoracotomy Z41.8 Tracheostomy Z93.0 Malfunction J95.0 URTI J06.9 Viral Pneumonia J12.9 Metabolic/Nutrition/Endocrine Dehydration E86.9 / Mild E86.0 / Mod E86.1 / Severe E 86.3 DKA E14.1 DM, unspecified E14.9 type1 E10.9 type2 E11.9 G6PD with anemia D55.0 G6PD – E740 Hypocalcemia E83.5, Dietary E58 Hypokalemia E87.6 Hyponatremia E87.1 Hypothyroidism,unspecified E03.9 Kwashior E40 / Marasmus E42 Lactose Intolerance E73.9 Malnutrition E46 Marasmus E42 Severe Stunting E45 Severe Wasting E43 Vit A Def E50.9 Skin Hypersensitivity/Allergy Nonspecific T78.4 Atopic Dermatitis L20.9 Cellulitis >Unspecified L03.9 >Ear H60.1 >Head L03.8 >Neck L03.8 >Hip/Knee/Leg/Thigh/Hand...
Words: 695 - Pages: 3
...Clinical guidelines Diagnosis and treatment manual for curative programmes in hospitals and dispensaries guidance for prescribing 2010 EDITION © Médecins Sans Frontières – January 2010 All rights reserved for all countries. No reproduction, translation and adaptation may be done without the prior permission of the Copyright owner. ISBN 2-906498-81-5 Clinical guidelines Diagnosis and treatment manual Editorial Committee: I. Broek (MD), N. Harris (MD), M. Henkens (MD), H. Mekaoui (MD), P.P. Palma (MD), E. Szumilin (MD) and V. Grouzard (N, general editor) Contributors: P. Albajar (MD), S. Balkan (MD), P. Barel (MD), E. Baron (MD), M. Biot (MD), F. Boillot (S), L. Bonte (L), M.C. Bottineau (MD), M.E. Burny (N), M. Cereceda (MD), F. Charles (MD), M.J de Chazelles (MD), D. Chédorge (N), A.S. Coutin (MD), C. Danet (MD), B. Dehaye (S), K. Dilworth (MD), F. Fermon (N), B. Graz (MD), B. Guyard-Boileau (MD), G. Hanquet (MD), G. Harczi (N), M. van Herp (MD), C. Hook (MD), K. de Jong (P), S. Lagrange (MD), X. Lassalle (AA), D. Laureillard (MD), M. Lekkerkerker (MD), J. Maritoux (Ph), J. Menschik (MD), D. Mesia (MD), A. Minetti (MD), R. Murphy (MD), J. Pinel (Ph), J. Rigal (MD), M. de Smet (MD), S. Seyfert (MD), F. Varaine (MD), B. Vasset (MD) (S) Surgeon, (L) Laboratory technician, (MD) Medical Doctor, (N) Nurse, (AA) Anaesthetist-assistant, (Ph) Pharmacist, (P) Psychologist We would like to thank the following doctors for their invaluable help:...
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...Review of Related Literature and Studies 1. Antipyretic An antipyretic is a type of medication that will prevent or reduce fever by lowering body temperature from a raised state. They will not affect normal body temperature if the patient does not have a fever. Generally, most non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) work by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesize within the hypothalamus. Fever, or pyrexia, occurs when the body reaches a temperature above what is considered "average". Bear in mind, however, that this "average" temperature can vary from person to person within certain parameters. It is generally accepted fever exists at a temperature above 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit) when the thermometer is placed under the armpit, or over 37.5 degrees Celsius (99.5 degrees Fahrenheit) when measured orally or rectally. Fever usually results from microbes such as bacteria or viruses triggering the body's defense mechanisms. This activates certain types of cells, some of which release the substance interleukin. Prostaglandin is another chemical released by the body that plays a part in this process. Prostaglandin is induced by bacterial pyrogens and is produced in the Central Nervous System (CNS). Interleukin affects the hypothalamus, which is the part of the brain that regulates body temperature, signaling it to raise the temperature by a few degrees. The hypothalamus works like a thermostat while the interleukin that is released serves to raise its preset...
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...| ANTHRAX | IONIZING RADIATION | SARIN GAS | Pathophysiologicactions | Caused by Bacillus Centhracis bacteria. 3 ways of contact, cutaneous, ingesting, inhalation. Inhalation is the most deadly. Inhaled spores produce toxins within the lungs and lymph system. | Causes | Inhibits the breakdown of the enzyme acetylcholinesterace. It over stimulates the parasympathetic nerves in smooth muscle | | | | | Signs and Symptoms | Cutaneous- bumps, blisters with black centersGI- nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fever, bloody diarrheaInhalation- sore throat, mild fever, fatigue, muscle aches, high fever, trouble breathing, shock, meningitis, coma, death.Resembles flu like symptoms. | Radiation sickness- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, skin erythema, necrosis, sterility, damage to DNA, low birth weight babies, mental retardation, developmental delays, cataracts, cancers. | Runny nose, blurred vision, sweating, muscle twitching, tightness of the chest, headache, cramps, nausea, vomiting, involuntary defecation and urination, convulsions, coma, respitory arrest. | | | | | Treatments | Treat skin lesions, Oral antibiotics like PCN, Tetracycline, Ethromycin, and Cirpo. | Treat symptoms as they appear. Many symptoms will not appear for days, weeks even years.Blood transfusions stem cell transplant, and cytokine therapy. | Treat symptoms as they appear. Give Atropine and Pralidozine (PAM) | Bioterrorism is a constant concern today. As seen in the news, bioterrorism...
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...SCIENCE A N D HUMAN WELFARE’ I BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE M Y SUBJECT this afternoon is “Biology and Medicine,” but I think a more accurate wording would be “Medi- cine and Other Phases of Biology,” for to my mind Medicine is a branch of Biology. Webster’s Dictionary defines medicine as the science and art dealing with the prevention, cure, or alleviation of disease. Biology is the science of life, Disease might well be defined as life out of balance, and is in a strict sense a biological process. Whether it be an attack by microorganisms, or improper functioning of glands, or congenital misformation or maladjustment, or injury by poison or bullets, disease processes are in the last analysis nothing more than cells, tissues, or organs that have suffered injury and so not only fail to perform their normal functions but in most cases interfere with the normal functions of other parts, more often than not of the entire body. Of the two great divisions of medicine dealing respectively with treatment and with prevention, the former is much the older. It is far easier to observe the effects of treatment on a person suffering from a malady than it is t o understand why someone else escaped it. Some knowledge of curative or alleviative medicine was possessed by our cave-dwelling ancestors; in fact, it is instinctive in many lower animals. It gradually grew up as a sort of folklore from a slow process ‘Public lectures delivered a t the Rice Institute on Sunday afternoons in the spring...
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...FOOD-BORNE OUTBREAK Fresno County has recently experienced a major outbreak in food-borne illnesses. Most of the county residents have been hospitalized with severe flu like symptoms. These residents have been complaining about severe stomach pains, vomiting, diarrhea, confusion, blurred vision, difficulty swallowing, and muscle weakness. Some had a very high fever that caused them to become hospitalized. The hospital is advising everyone to take the proper food safety, handling, and purchasing steps to prevent any more cases from arising. These steps would include keeping up on the latest safety recalls, washing hands before and after handling any meats, and washing all utensils right away after they have been used. Residents can check for local recalls by going online or checking the local newspapers daily. Sometimes a recall only impacts a small amount of food. Inspecting your meat for the proper coloring and looking for visible signs of dirt are another way of prevention, as well as washing all fresh vegetables and cooking them thoroughly before consumption. Avoid sharing utensils, knives, and cutting boards when you are cooking with meats and vegetables. You must thoroughly wash each item before using it on something different or use a different utensil all together. According to the California Department of Health 48 million people get sick, 128,000 people end up hospitalized, and 3,000 people die from food-borne diseases in the United States every year. They say that...
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...Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion University of Phoenix Susie Hughes HCS 245 August 29, 2011 Mr. Carmon Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion In Dallas of this year, a football coach with a heart condition from a heat stroke. He was practicing with his team in heat that was more than 100 degrees. Two days later, two South Georgia football players, died from heat exhaustion, both were 16 years of age. For the past two months, the country has been under the threat of hot and humid temperatures. Heat advisors in most countries across the United States, are broadcast publicly to ensure that people are taking serious precautions during the months of extreme humid temperatures. In this essay, the writer will discuss: (1) definition and short history of heat strokes and heat exhaustion conditions, (2) the symptoms and the signs of each illness, (3) how is heat strokes/heat exhaustion acquired, (4) the diagnosis and treatments, (5) alternative treatments, and (6) the statistics. Definition and Short History of Heat Strokes and heat exhaustion Heat stokes and heat exhaustion are heat-related illnesses. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention (2011) states that, “historically from 1979-2003, excessive heat exposure caused 8,015 deaths in the United Stated, which 300 deaths were accounted for during 2001.” Heat exhaustion, is an insignificant nature of heat-related illnesses, and occurs when a person is working, children are...
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...systems also increased congestion and created new safety hazards for pedestrians (Armitage, Buhle, Czitrom, & Faragher, 2009). Elevated trains were created, but still left the population under the shadow of noisy, rickety wooden platforms, and air pollution increased by unrestricted burning of coal to fuel railroads. Modern water and sewer systems which brought indoor plumbing to most homes were created but they did not eliminate serious environmental or health issues. Cities would continue to dump sewage into nearby bodies of water even after governments established separate clean-water systems. Rivers and streams would still be polluted. Overcrowded conditions and inadequate sanitary facilities bred tuberculosis, smallpox, and scarlet fever, among other contagious diseases. Children’s diseases like whooping cough and measles spread rapidly through poor neighborhoods (Armitage et al., 2009). Many people including immigrants and African Americans would flood major cities looking for a better life. Without much choice of place of residence because of racial or ethnic lines these groups would be compelled to live in the dingiest, most crime ridden, and dangerous sections of town. The more inequality and social lines drawn in the rapid growth of the major cities in the 19th century the more problems they would later be faced with. Despite many technological advances, the quality of life in the nation’s cities did not necessarily...
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