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Rice Owl Analysis

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First and foremost, I’d like to thank you for granting me the opportunity to petition for readmission to Rice University. Although I was extremely saddened to have spent this past semester away from Rice, I am grateful that the University will consider readmitting me as a Rice Owl. My time away taught me volumes about how fortunate I was to be an active member of the Rice community, and I quickly came to realize how wrong I was to take that privilege for granted. I am extremely ashamed of my behavior on the night of January 12, and I sincerely apologize to you, the members of the Rice community, and anyone else who was offended by my wrongdoings. I am embarrassed to have acted out in such an inappropriate and vulgar way, and I accept complete …show more content…
It was awful of me to vandalize and tarnish artwork that has sentimental value to many. It’s a terrible feeling knowing that I hurt so many people with my actions, as they were disrespectful and offensive to the community of which I was a part of. It was a really hard topic for me to discuss for some time, because it made me sick to think about what I had been a part of every time it came up in conversation. Some of the conversations I had in my final days at Rice before the suspension went into effect were the hardest I have ever had. Having to personally inform my parents, friends and masters of my inappropriate behavior was difficult beyond belief. It was hard to tell my friends that I would be departing from Rice, and even harder to inform them of the reason why. I went into each confession knowing there would be great disappointment in me coming from the other end, but I just prayed they wouldn’t view me differently going forward. I am fortunate enough to have parents and masters who forgave me for my mistakes, but my lack of discipline on that night cost me some friendships that I may never get back. I cannot blame those whose image of me has changed because of that night; rather, I must accept it as a consequence of my own …show more content…
I thought that as long as I maintained a good grade point average, it was within reason for me to go out any party when I pleased. What I didn’t realize was that there is so much more to one’s academic intelligence than grades, and that alcohol in combination with careless partying behavior can result in detrimental effects, as noted earlier in this letter. Thinking long and hard about my academic career going forward, I realized that I needed to do more to reach my personal goal of receiving a PhD after graduation and becoming a successful chemist. This meant putting other motives aside, and doing my best to display the hard working, passionate, and respectful individual that I truly

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...Praise for The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down “Fadiman describes with extraordinary skill the colliding worlds of Western medicine and Hmong culture.” —The New Yorker “This fine book recounts a poignant tragedy…It has no heroes or villains, but it has an abundance of innocent suffering, and it most certainly does have a moral…[A] sad, excellent book.” —Melvin Konner, The New York Times Book Review “An intriguing, spirit-lifting, extraordinary exploration of two cultures in uneasy coexistence…A wonderful aspect of Fadiman’s book is her even-handed, detailed presentation of these disparate cultures and divergent views—not with cool, dispassionate fairness but rather with a warm, involved interest that sees and embraces both sides of each issue…Superb, informal cultural anthropology—eye-opening, readable, utterly engaging.” —Carole Horn, The Washington Post Book World “This is a book that should be deeply disturbing to anyone who has given so much as a moment’s thought to the state of American medicine. But it is much more…People are presented as [Fadiman] saw them, in their humility and their frailty—and their nobility.” —Sherwin B. Nuland, The New Republic 3/462 “Anne Fadiman’s phenomenal first book, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, brings to life the enduring power of parental love in an impoverished refugee family struggling to protect their seriously ill infant daughter and ancient spiritual traditions from the tyranny of welfare bureaucrats and intolerant...

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