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Personal Narrative: My Middle School Journey

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Well we have finally done it. As we sit here today our middle school careers are coming to a close right before us. The next journey of our life is starting.looking back on the past three years, I feel confident that we are definitely prepared for facing whatever challenges or absences we may face during our time in high school.
Middle school was no doubt a tough journey. In 6th grade, iIt was scary talking to people you have never seen before,. walking halls you have never been, or going to new classes on taking risks. And, knowing that youu were going to be in 8th grade one day. 7th grade was the year of learning, and growing and . Llearning that homework is harder. Learning how to find yourself amongst your friends . Learning how to be more confident to not be scared. Finally , how to be a leader. Our 8th grade year began with the subtle realization that we were now the upperclassmen, the leaders, of [this school] and concluded with the development of new goals and ambitions for our first year of high school. …show more content…
I was scared cause there was a new hallway of many faces of kids i have never seen. I was scared cause i did not know everyone.I was terrified of the 8th graders they were tall and older. It was scary being with older kids. I was faced with challenges and risks. I met some awesome people. I met Hhannah in sixth grade she came up to me and said hi. My favorite part of sith grade is when we went to the movie theater and saw “The Big Dinosaur” half of the grade cried because it was sad. I was sad to but i was with my friends.I learned in sixth that setting goal and facing challenges were good cause you learn from your

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