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Pantheon Research Paper

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I. The photograph of the Pantheons dome highlights the design elements of the structure that have inspired other architects to employ similar design details in their own work, such as the vertical lines of the coffers radiating from the central compression ring (Oculus) all the way down the walls via the pillars to the floor however the pantheon has not always looked as it does today.
II. The pantheon is a stone temple built in the roman style.
a. The oculus
1. The oculus is situated at the top of a perfect sphere dome 142 ft off the temples floor
2. The oculus is encircled by a smooth concrete ring followed by coffered concrete rings
3. Despite the oculus being a structural element, it is also the artistic focal point of the structure as well.
b. …show more content…
The squarer pattern on the floor mimics the square on the upper walls between the rectangular recesses as well as mimicking the coffers on the domed roof.
2. The circular pattern on the floor mimics the Oculus located above, as well as the ringed pattern the coffers are situated in.
3. The space in between the alternating shaped creates a grid like pattern that can also be seen above in the space between the coffers.
IV. the pantheon had gone through a lot of changes through its life.
a. The pantheon has been built 3 times giving them the ability to perfect anything they didn’t like about the previous structures. It has also changed since it was completed last.
1. The first pantheon was built in c.27 BCE and dedicated by Marcus Agrippa but was destroyed by fire in 80 CE
2. The second pantheon was built soon after by Domitian but again destroyed by fire this time when struck by lightning.
3. The third and final was completed in 202 CE and dedicated to the original builder of the first Marcus Agrippa resulting in a inscription on the front porch. Reading (Marcus Agrippa, son of Lucius, three-time consul, made this) despite Marcus Agrippa not being alive when it was built.
b. Changes in what the pantheon originaly looked

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