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Why Did The Great Depression Really Work?

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The Great Depression was time of work, work that was needed for everyone to survive. During that time, 5 dollars would apparently equal up to around 70 dollars today. The Great Depression affected everyone at the time, man people were unemployed and many people did not have money. Why I chose to start out like this is because, like I said everyone was affected, farmers had it especially tough, with their crops being less valuable and the mass production of crops during the time of the depression. “ “ Why does he pay you like that?” I asked. “Because that's the only way he can pay me. He has no money.” “Are we poor Atticus?” Atticus nodded “we are indeed.” Jem’s nose wrinkled. “Are we as poor as the Cunninghams?” “Not exactly. The Cunninghams are country folks, farmers, and the crash hit them the hardest.” ” (To Kill a Mockingbird, Page 21) The Depression affected everyone some harder then others, like the Cunninghams they had no money so they had to do what they could to make work. …show more content…
The Great Depression made times so hard for everyone, most of the children at the time had to leave school very early, most of the time at the beginning of the year, just to help their parents out with farm work just so they could make money. Chapter 22, right after we learn that Tom has been called Guilty by the jury, “ Atticus’s eyes filled with tears. He did not speak for a moment. “Tell them I;m very grateful,” he

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