Premium Essay

The New Deal


Submitted By korkybabe
Words 1549
Pages 7
Amy Hall
31 March 2006
President Roosevelt and the New Deal The Great Depression was one of the greatest collapses in American social and cultural life. The complacency of the flourishing “Roaring Twenties” led to the Stock Market Crash, and the American Dream was rudely shattered. Those who had previously prided themselves on the ability to provide security for their families were now faced with the harsh reality of poverty. As faith in capitalism soon evaporated, Americans began to look to the government for salvation. Hoover was blamed for his lack of intervention after the collapse of the economy, but just when things were looking their worst, things changed. A new man was elected President. His name was Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and he is recognized as the President who saved the country from ultimate atrophy. True, it was World War I that really ended the Depression, but had it not been for Roosevelt and the adoption of the New Deal, the economic slump of the depression may never have ended. Roosevelt entered office with no plan to deal with the depression. He was willing to try anything and the New Deal became the likely path. It was very experimental and very risky. President Roosevelt promised immediate action to end the Depression, and he kept his promises. The day after his inauguration, he called a special session for Congress. It was here that he declared a national Bank Holiday, where all banks in the U.S. were forced to shut down for a day so that the Treasury Department could go through and investigate them one by one. Afterwards, only the secure banks were allowed to reopen. Amazingly, Congress, as well as the American people, was cooperative. The country was desperate, and even an extreme idea such as shutting down all bank transactions, seemed plausible. But Roosevelt went a step further. His first

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